Nova Scotia Shooting was a Jewish terrorist attack

This shooting was a Jewish Terrorist attack carried out by a Mossad agent (Israel intelligence agency who did 9/11)

Let the families of the deceased know, email the representatives in the community affected.

The shooter was Jewish

(((Gabriel Wortman)))

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It is the most obvious false flag attack, I bet that Canadians are furious

meme flagging discord trannies get saged

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What did they mean by that?

(((Rebel news))) Gatekeeper Jews

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit CSIS clown. Your deflect and appeal to Yas Forums tactics glow like your alcoholic parents noses. Your time is coming CSIS. Fucking watch yourself.

The shooter was a fucking RCMP and there was cover up involving Gabe's corpse (one of the first bodies produced). They just blamed the whole thing on a civy corpse to save face for a psycho officer's rampage.

Hello rabbi, go back to Israel

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I’ve been wondering why this attack hasn’t got any big traction in the MSM. Thanks, leaf fren.

It was not a planned "false flag" you fucking glow kike. It was an adaptive cover up to save face for the RCMP when one of their own went nuts.
RCMP had it out for Gabe for a little while.

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show your flag you fucking trashbag.

Shills mad

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CSIS piece of shit. I know it was RCMP who was the shooter. You are the shill. There is more to live than the jewpiracies you fucking retarded CSIS clowns think this place is all about. You can't just yell jew and have everyone believe your braindead shill cover up point and silience people. I KNOW it was awol RCMP who did the shooting. Fucking watch yourself Pennywise.

Haha, judging by your anger it was most definitely Mossad.

Everyone already knows anyways.

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Literally every time there is a mass shooting Yas Forums accuses it of being a Mossad false flag. So much that the actual false flags are diluted in the sludge.
I don't think this was a false flag. From what I heard the guy wrestled the gun off of a female cop, morbidly hilarious if true, but this would show total incompetence by the police so Canada will of course cover it up. The implications for what they would have to do with female police everywhere would be put under scrutiny

This is just the stupidest logic ever lmao
>the sky is green
>no the sky is blue retard
>checkmate bluey

Why doesn't he show his flag.

The sky is blue/green though

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This is the second time some crazy leaf went on a shooting rampage and smoked a bunch of police. What the fuck is wrong with your LEOs?

This is a weak take, slow day shill?

You're a weak take, retard.

Go fuck your dog leaf

Go fuck yourself, CSIS

That sounds less degenerate then fucking a dog

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Hey now, he looks totes white, like Molyneux or Gwyneth Paltrow, or a very very young George Soros ;^)

Damn 'whites', always shooting shit up.
Especially those with those naturally occurring afros ;^)

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>Const. Heidi Stevenson, a 23-year member of the RCMP and mother of two was also killed. A male officer suffered non-life threatening injuries.
how was Heidi shot multiple times and finished off execution style but the other officer came out with non life threatning injuries

Funny how this was covered up by the media. Gun restrictive Canada has a Jewish mass shooter. No story here goy. Trudeau implement more gun restrictions even if their is nothing to implement.

proof he was Jewish?
there's no proof and OP is pic-related

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>From what I heard


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recap image from last night

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Your media (((journalists))) were so quick to call in and ask about gun-control, 4 times in a row each caller was asking about gun control instead of the actual case.

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Fuck the CSIS, if you're reading this, eat fucking shit you glow niggers.

It means Trudeau pees sitting down and nobody has the balls to stop him from being an actual nigger.

and what makes you think thats the gospel truth. Looks like a bunch of canadian bullshit to me

leave the families alone you ghouls