Beauty should be prostituted to even the playing field

People with beauty have no incentive to improve their brains - there should be a price levied on beautiful people for this.

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you sound like a fat sad sack of shit

There is. You poorfag just cant afford it.

>t. roast beef sammich

What about people that are born smart? It's not like they have to try very hard in life either.

>t. beta orbiter

>This coming from the meme flag
Checks out

>It's not like they have to try very hard in life either.
There more beautiful people in the world than those with an IQ above 150.
>Let's just stick to beautiful people for now

Absolutely. Pimp your daughters out.
The path to hell is filled with SOULESS NPCS.

Beauty is subjective though. You can't put a number on it like you can with IQ.

This user gets it. A slut like in the OP is good for only one thing; and that value needs to be extrapolated to the maximum.

anyone else dissapointed she doesnt have a bulge

>coping this hard
actually no, i just dont need to pay for someone to touch me bc im not a fat sad sack of shit. you are just as sad and pathetic as those who prostitute their body

>You can't put a number on it like you can with IQ.
Girl in pic a 7 or a 9?

Born smart doesn't mean you'll have it easier in life
In school? Sure
In getting a different kind of career? Sure
In being content, happy and successful? No

>t. volcel

Parents are dispicable control freaks.


It's partly subjective. Most people will agree that a 10 is a 10 and a 5 as a 5.

If you cant use your intelligence to make yourself happy youre not really smart

You're complaining about sluts; not beautiful people. Sluts are cunts, whores, manipulative, and untrustworthy CUNTS. Never trust a woman that easily gives you pussy.

is that the only thing that helps you feel better just remember you cant get anyone to touch you unless you pay. kek

>If you cant use your intelligence to make yourself happy youre not really smart
Unfortunately, neuroscience doesn't agree with you here. Happiness is fundamentally dependent on a person BELIEVING there are a set of actions available where the person will receive good rewards. Intelligent people see through the game of life quickly - making them indifferent to all cons of people. Thus they are demotivated and unhappy because their brains LITERALLY don't see the benefit of taking actions to receive rewards - because the cost of the action is far greater the reward.

You'll just get an arbitrary number depending on who you ask.

Being intelligent in this day and age is a huge advantage. Does it guarantee success and happiness? No but it definitely improves your odds.

Lol no they won't. Your idea of a 10 or 5 is going to be completely different from the next guy's.

a natural society without internet whoredom and perks would even this out partly at least, if you have to get married and have kids and home, like everyone else

unless you're a woman, where a 10 is a 10 and a 5 is a 1

Beta orbiter cope is so pathetic to watch. Yet, very educational.

>You'll just get an arbitrary number depending on who you ask.
Yeah, but the number will be above 5. Just like how intelligent people usually have an IQ above 120.

What a waste

why would they, they're beautiful? their big concern is agin well. if i were brad pitt handsome i'd do that too (and I still eat well/work out, don't be lazy)

Are you jewish, OP?