It’s over

It’s over

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Vaccine was never going to happen. Good news is weaker symptoms are an evolutionary advantage for a virus. This means itll weaken over time but never go away. Its just something in addition to the flu and common cold.

you mean like a normal flu virus?

Its just going to mean we will be a little more miserable from now on.

Also I think this means it cant be a weapon. What kind of wepon never ends. And that would guarantee you would get it from the enemy eventually. If it came out of that lab then it was being studied not made there.

I already had it, it'll kill me in another 20 years, not today tho, fuck this chink flu

That doesnt mean that's what will come first.
Sure it is evolutionary advantageous, but that doesnt mean it happens first, it means it is the final form. So we could/will see a version that instant kills in some areas before it burns out

It is a common cold

That's not how mutation and evolution work.
It could take up more virulent traits at any time.

it's literally a common cold on steroids, unlucky, because as a virus the last thing you want is to be lethal

heck, when antivirals come about you don't want to be symptomatic either

Worth mentioning that this is from a non peer reviewed study from China.

Yes, obviously. China's priority is making money, they were trying to make a AIDS vaccine using a restructured coronavirus as a base, but it got out.

Maybe it was China's way of shutting down and fucking the US without being to direct about it. Honestly I think we've had a one world government for a long time and the virus was released so billionaires could cash out on their gains and pick up things on the cheap


Next round starts in 300 seconds.


You think that evolutionarily getting milder is in a virus' interest lol
Coronachan wants a host who can handle all her crazy moods and kill swings
I love you coronachan, my life is yours to play with.

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You're both correct, in broad strokes.

Strains that are too virulent and strike down their hosts (especially without a reasonably long incubation period) are at a disadvantage in terms of natural selection relative to weaker strains that allow the virus to be actively spread by not totally incapacitating the host.

However, mutation is so frequent in microorganisms that the risk of an extremely virulent strain popping up on occasion would remain high for quite a long time (such as happened with the black plague periodically in Europe during the last millennium).

Finding 30 different strains doesn't mean they came from the same strain.

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Don't they realize that this wrecks their "vaccine" narrative?

A virulent strain could be selected for if it has a sufficiently long incubation period. If the host goes on to infect new hosts before they get sick and die then that strain is successfully passed on.

Similar to how some dumb violent nigger can still pass on his genes if he knocks up 3 baby mammas before he dies in a gang shootout at 21 years old. He still passed on his genes.

>The Jerusalem Post

Yes but if it kills more then its harder to spread. In fact some areas like Italy and China probably have/had this. But in the end that version burns out and the weaker ones eat up the territory.

It's not even real. Falsified death certificates and bogus tests that look for shit that's already been in our bodies for years. Kys

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don't worry, the vaccine will magically work against all strains present and future
we just need to get absolutely everybody vaccinated as soon as we get our hands on it

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Fuck off chink

Then Why wont you go around riding public transport and licking all the buttons?

why doesn't HIV mutate into a weaker strain?

30 different weed strains?! NICE

Actualyl china only got worse over time, there was never a mutation that we could conclude to being milder or less problematic,we dont know how the virus works neither its impact on the long-term we cant call any strain to actually be "less" worse

more virulent usually means less lethal

Why would they worry about getting it when they have the cure?

yeah but if baby Jirome pops out with glocks out , he'll get put down faster than his balls would drop.

If evolution wasn't real HIV wouldn't become AIDS.

I do ride public transport. Almost got into a fight with some stupid nig*er bitch. "Ayoo, how come you ain't wearin' yo mask and gloves?". I just ignored her. Fucking idiots

>You're gonna die of ADE

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Every time the virus spreads its a copy of the original and with every copy comes new mistakes being made during replication. that is mutation. sorry your happening is cancelled but please get the fuck over yourself and move on.


Its mostly contained doesnt spread enough and already pretty weak with how long it takes to kill. Also it could still happen. If asymptomatic HIV pops up itll spread faster because its hosts wont be as afraid of it.

The coronavirus is under no pressure to evolve. It is extremely effective and quite stable.

Go film the inside of your hospital then. specifically the ICU because you wont find covid patients just lying in the fucking halls or outside the hospital. #filmyourhospital fags were retards to just film the exteriors of the hospitals.

I know what you're trying to say, but the black plague (all three types) were caused by Yersinia pestis, a bacterium.

I’d PISS Coors if I could. How d’ya like that, Happy Crappy?

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Of course its under pressure. If it kills hosts faster it has less chance to spread. If it debilitates the host it has less chance to spread. If its more symptomatic we fight against it actively with soap masks gloves etc.


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based and Kid pilled

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It spreads for weeks. Everything has a end of reproduction period.

What happens if you send mild cases home to isolate but mix severe cases up in hospitals with healthcare workers who lack PPE, to on to get infected themselves? Rinse and repeat. What kind of traits might be selected for?

Thousands of RNA sequences of various strains of this particular coronavirus - SARS-COV-2 have been published and are available for download. Hundreds of papers published on in vitro lab experiments and animal model infections too. Your move and your funeral.

You should have listened

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If it spreads in the hospital the death rate will jump and it will stop spreading. The exposure is too much there. It spreads outside and the people self isolating just make the virus more likely for weaker symptoms.

there really is something to that but then again maybe it's really just nature's wrath..what if there is secret vaccines maybe even getting administered secretly to the populous of some countries? chinas numbers are impressive, what if they actually got it under control and don't make up numbers

Nice source, anyways the research is focused on anti-virals more than vaccines.

Virus and man have a relationship. Get over it. Its supossed to be this way. Its part of evolution. Its not supposed to be scarey.

so, one vaccine variant a day, injections over in a month.
simple as.

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