Why, and when, did it become acceptable to feed babies formula milk from nipple bottles? How bad is it for the kids?
Why, and when, did it become acceptable to feed babies formula milk from nipple bottles? How bad is it for the kids?
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It does immeasurable harm to the child and it should be a criminal offence to use formula or bottles.
How dare you! Mothers need to work!
So no surprise, then, that just like circumcision, it was pushed by Jews. Look up early baby food and formula companies and see who they are tied to. Hint: Kellogg is the tip of the ice(((berg)))
I was born in 97 and my mom never breastfed me. I know that breastfeeding leaks the mother's antibodies into the child's immune system, which is very important since it's still developing at that time. Breastfeeding extends the passive immune system given at birth from the mother, and this makes sense, since I was a very sickly child. All the way up to about 16 or so, I got some sort of sickness at least 4 times a year, mainly ear infections, strep throat, sinus infections, etc, and I still blame my mother for this.
My mom told me she tried to feed me this shit once when I was a baby but spat it out and refused to drink any more of that crap.
Even as a baby I was redpilled af.
Formula should only be used if the mother cannot breastfeed on rare (rare) occasion. It should not be used daily. Both my kids are breast fed, and we avoid formula at all costs. Sometimes it is necessary however. For you virgins out there, nipples can chap, crack, bleed and become infected from over zealous feeding, and pumping can exhaserbate those issues. In those times, formula is a necessity so that the mother doesn't form a deadly absese or pass infection to the infant, or thrush. So stop treating this issue like its all or nothing. Once you (if) have kids and your wife breastfeeds or attempts to, you'll see its not quite as easy as it appears. Milk supply can shut off inexplicably, or other medical complications can cause a disruption. New mothers typically have those problems early on, and formula helps bridge the gap at times. Not everything is black and white "you're [right] [wrong] because [x] [y]" ALso formula really started in mid 1900s, was home made mostly out of a few separate products. Much healthier now in comparison, but should be avoided in place of breast milk at all costs short of injury / death.
>All the way up to about 16 or so, I got some sort of sickness at least 4 times a year, mainly ear infections, strep throat, sinus infections, etc, and I still blame my mother for this.
My exact experience. The plural of anecdote is data, therefore this is now globally true.
Unfortunately some women have no choice but to feed formula. My mom had some complications after she gave birth to me (stupid doctor forgot part of the placenta) so she had to stay in hospital for a bit, and without stimulation (baby sucking milk) the milk production stopped. There definitely seems to be a push to equate formula to real breast milk. Not only is breast milk superior in terms of immunity, but also IQ. Definitely breast feed as long as possible - like 2 years.
I have a suspicion that lack of breastfeeding may partially explain the rise of wussy men and homosexuals. Breast milk has a lot of important nutritional components not found in formula. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it turned out gays or people with severe depression were breastfed less often. We'll never know though because studies showing this link would be problematic.
I was breastfed as a kid and I had the same problems, regular ear infections, sinus infections, and strep throat until about age 13 or 14 when I finally grew out of it. It's fairly normal for kids to get minor illnesses as their immune systems are still developing.
Thanks for great post. And I agree about it shouldn't be all or nothing. What about using cow milk, or goat, instead of formula when the mother is incapacitated?
it's all corn syrup and onions. First two ingredients. you might as well be sustaining your child off of soda.
not to mention you missed out on like 20 iq points.
How else are men supposed to feed them when they wives are at work?
mine was born preemie, 1st percentile weight. we needed formula for gains for 4 months now we're off it.
Most of it is made in China, fyi
crack niggers don't produce milk. finna be starven dem chirrens witout dey powda racis ass honky cracka muhfugga bix nood
There are other options if you know what I mean hehe
You pump and freeze the milk.
I was entirely bottle fed, and wound up a bit of a manic depressive, while also having a boob fetish, but I don't think the nutrition is much different.
Source on 20? I knew it was a few points but DAMN I MISSED 20!!??? Could have been Einstein level
Like most things, this is a problem that was already solved thousands of years ago. It’s called wet nursing and involved your three wives being pregnant around the same time so that, rather than two nipples to go around, you have six. Or you could even call on the neighbor if you weren’t enough if a chad to be polygamous.
I use tommie tippie bottles for my son. They’re very close to the real deal. He’s 7months old and is measuring in the 95th percentile for 9month olds.
That said my wife breastfeeds as well she’s just 5’3” and 99lbs and can’t realistically feed a baby full time even when she pumped for the first few weeks.
titty milk is free. better find a way to monetize it.
You're a retard
When I was a baby, I was either allergic or had some kind of rejection issue with milk, so formula had to do.
Which is strange, because I have no problems with it as an adult, and am about the furthest thing from lactose-intolerant there is.
Nature is a strange lady, even without mankind messing with her.
According to pediatricians, cow or goat milk typically isn't supposed to be consumed by newborn infants, and I agree with that. Kids have some strange gut reactions to animal milk early on, and it seems not very agreeable with newborns until they're a little older. I honestly don't know why that is. There have been studies that claim fattier milk consumed by mother during pregnancy increase intelligence, direct correlation between vitamin D and intelligence as well. But who the fuck knows. There is so much conflicting info on animal milk consumption for infants its crazy.
We are actually okay with this, problem is no one is willing to do it. Like legitimately we have been trying to find a babysitter who would be willing to wet nurse. It is the healthiest alternative.
Actually, it's bad for the mum. She gets distanced from his kid. Kiddos are dumb as shit and do not recognise it's the plastic jew and not mommy.
Based baby.
I'm not saying that Breast Fed is the end all be all, but if the wife is very healthy and the milk will be good, I think some breast milk is probably a good thing. At least psychologically.
You'd have to convince one woman to have sex with you incel before getting multiple wives
You would be amazed at how repulsed the general public is at the idea of breast feeding another persons kid. It's really bizzar. It's biologically and instinctually healthy. Diseases do not pass through breast milk (although they can pass from sores on wet nurses breast, etc, so you do have to be careful of that - has to be someone you trust.)
I'm so fucking glad I grew up in the 80s
My cousin still breastfeeds her 4 years old daughter.
based and nipple pilled
I was on the tit at 3 and now I am 6'3" despite my dad being 5'10"
First two ingredients on almost all baby formula is nonfat milk and lactose, followed by whey protein concentrate. Never even seen corn syrup or sugar on the ingredients list for baby formula. I'm in favor of breastfeeding over formula, but stop being a lying nigger.
Dude, what? Google baby formula and look at the ingredients list. Can't tell if you're trolling or not but either way you got me i guess.
Yup agreed.
Whores, whores that never told their friends they are pozz so they see them doing and dumb women follow without ever questioning why they never breast feed naturally.
>what is natural selection?
are that type of faggot, who supports artificially enhanced life at the suspense of adaptation. If a female isnt capable of breastfeeding her child, she shouldnt have kids/the kids would starve or become weak and lower their chance to reproduce. Only fertile and healthy women with superior tits and nipples would have healthy offspring.
>virgin dry nipples vs chad succulent giga milkers
should only happen if the mother is medically incapable of producing sufficient milk