1) If you are a responsible person you will have enough money to weather any temporary financial interruption, certainly one that has lasted less than a month. If you're surviving paycheck to paycheck then you are probably low IQ.

2) If you are even reasonably above average intelligence you will have a job that allows you to work from home.

3) If you want to go out, go out. Drive around, go for a walk, live your fucking life while being a responsible human being. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you that you can't be content to just enjoy the fresh air without being right in someone's fucking face? You can also go to the store to get your groceries, if you want to be around people, as long as you stay the fuck away from them and don't be a rude son of a bitch.

4) You don't need to go out all the fucking time anyway, you pathetic fuck. We live in the best generation, with all the best distractions that you can do FROM HOME. You can talk to anyone you know remotely, in HD video. You can have group chats, you can play games together. What the fuck are you complaining about? Are you so brainless that you can't exist in a quiet space with your own thoughts for a day? Jesus Christ.

5) You can have food delivered RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR. They're all doing it for free right now, even.

WE LIVE IN THE BEST COUNTRY IN THE BEST TIME IN HISTORY. STOP FUCKING WHINING AND ENJOY IT. This virus shouldn't be affecting your daily routine hardly AT ALL. If it is, you are some shit-tier minimum wage lazy fuck with no aspirations, and deserve what you get.

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Other urls found in this thread:

imagine not caring about what it says in the constitution

sage and deport

Imagine being such a snowflake that you cry about the constitution even when it has no bearing on a situation.

KYS you fucking crybaby

>"Give me liberty or give me death" he said, as he drank the cholera water in protest

I never went outside until they told me I couldn’t nigger.

A commie says what

>right to assemble and protest

read and weep, fucking larpboy

Weird how you boomer faggots only care about the constitution now that you can't go to Wendys.

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>social distancing = communism
What did she mean by this?

Lol holy shit that is not how those glasses work. You guys try so fucking hard but can never make picture that makes sense

Multiple states are using this stay home “order” as a means to punish thoughts who like to be outdoors. Multiple states are also using this pandemic to hinder gun owners and our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Go fuck yourself commie or die staring down the barrel of my gun.

>says boomers only care about the constitution since coronachan
>posts image mocking boomers for caring about the constitution from before coronachan
what did you mean by this user?

lmao im 19 wtf is this post

>Weird how you boomer faggots only care about the constitution now that you can't go to Wendys.

You have the right to assemble, you fucking nitwit, but public health dictates the responsible way to do it is SIX FEET APART. Why is that so hard? Why are some people naturally dense and defiant?

I'll tell you why. Low intelligence.

you'll care when i cave your oldfag skull in

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lol TOUGH GUY HERE. Look at the tough guy, everybody.

Aren't you late to a protest?

You clearly have no fucking clue how the real-world works.

nah nigga, ima go work on my 1985 dodge d150 royal SE that i worked and paid for. its got a 360 5.9l v8 that would crush this b8 like the sardine noodle you are.

>pic related, you don't got it

Attached: mein dodge.jpg (640x432, 66.78K)

I do, I also know how lazy pot-smoking faggots and lazy low IQ shits live their lives.
Also, to all you stupid MUH FREEDOM faggots, if your freedom were at risk, we would be like China or Iran, where they CUT OFF YOUR FUCKING INTERNET. You can talk to anyone, including spreading your stupid conspiracy theories on Facebook, and go to your stupid rallies where you yell memes and look like aspergers.

Your freedom is intact. Your intellect is all that's missing.

Holy shit what a piece of garbage. They call them Dodges because you should avoid them at all costs.

You worked and paid for it? My paycheck would buy that rustbucket in a week. Do you work at Wendy's?

lmao where do you work user, JDIF?

based op
the truth triggers them

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I want to vomit at all you fucking newfags who 3 months ago swore up and down that you hated society and wanted it be burned down but now are liberal crybabies who want big brother to do anything it takes to save a few fat boomers from dying early. I won't forget how spineless you were when this thing is over, either.

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Hey look, another tough guy. Are you going to show me your pickup truck too?


based, mine too

I honestly forget that people could consider this "acting tough", wanting people to die was part and parcel to posting on Yas Forums years ago. I sincerely expected everyone else here to have the same view as me when this pandemic started, I am thoroughly disappointed.

>Best time in history
>No miscegenation laws
Pick one

I have a bullet with your name on it you fucking communist .

You aren't even old enough to own a weapon you insipid little shit. Suck on my dick for a while, too, faggot.

No state is stopping you from being outside. LITERALLY NO STATE. No state is taking your guns either, you fucking crybaby snowflake. If you didn't already have a gun, and needed to run out to buy one because of a virus, then that's your own fucking fault. I don't give a fuck if gun stores are essential or non-essential. Are you too much of an anti-social fuckface to buy a fun from a private seller?

Fuck you. Shut the fuck up and get out of my thread.

it means she's a typical burger with a burger education

>i wish everybody was as misanthropic and edgy as me, thought i finally found a place to fit in :(

“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.” -Rene Descartes.

All happeningfags on here deep down think the virus is a nothingburger and are trying to cause maximum chaos by memeing it as real
All nothingburgerfags on here deep down think the virus is real and are trying to cause maximum chaos by getting people to relax before being hit.

holy shit you fucking newfag, i cant believe you would think that owning a gun is actually a rare thing



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............are you illiterate?

>have a job that allows you to work from home.
Ok faggot eventually the effect this has on lower income people does work its way up the chain and your retard tier desk job will eventually be eliminated as well as consumer spending slows and slows and slows. Only those with government jobs are safe at the moment. You're very much a homosexual

Literally all of this can be true without government over-reach you fucking boot licker.

Digits have spoken

Don't worry, it's all the boomer plebbit refugees flooding this board.
There are many sane people here who wish to starve Clown World to death. If some disruption means we can end the madness, that's an incredibly small price to pay.

go back to r/atheism, faggot
You might be right but the cringe this faggot said ^ pretty much explains how that can't be true on any significant level, I have faith that a few of these guys are 'playing an angle' to kick the hornet's nest but at least 90% of both sides are sincere retards.

Uhh no, fuckhead. Essential workers are still working.

The FACTS are that Jews are dying and that is a reason to celebrate

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>someone mentions having a gun
>tell them that's an absurd larp
wow really activated my almonds

What a waste of digits on a degenerate like you.

I have a job that allows me to work from home (I worked from home before the virus). My job, however, is dependent on consumer spending. My company already said no raises and bonuses this year, and I'm expecting another child in august, so my expenses are going to go up. If the economy doesn't reopen soon, I could very well lose my job. You'll find there are many more like me; initially safe, but if the downturn becomes a depression no longer safer. This lockdown needs to end immediately.

What is an economy