Coronavirus Redpill PDF Compilation - GET THE FUCK IN HERE


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Pastebin: (as requested in previous threads)

all of the coronavirus red pills that have been posted have been compiled into a PDF
Use this as a reference or use it to redpill normies

As stated - if the length of the document is "scary" to you, you may be suffering from a learning disability. We dont want to be insensitive to that - but you can feel free to cut from the document yourself and make whatever you like out of it whether that be a shorter guide etc.

Pastebin added for you guys to make memes if you want for ease of copying and pasting text over images.

Get the word out - Coronavirus created by USA/China. USA has no reason to not know about this virus and suggest idiotic things like not wearing masks. China has no reason to say "there is no evidence of human to human transmission". We expect orwellian lies from China - but from our own government there needs to be answers. Why do we have patents on SARS-COV which is 80% identical to Covid19? How did our intelligence agencies not know ANYTHING about whats going on in china? There is clear evidence of foul play here from all people. Senators used positions of power and confidential briefings to sell their positions in the stock market pre-collapse. Vaccines are being pushed like crazy. Who is profiting from all this? How did the jews work on the vaccine before the pandemic??

All Shills on suicide watch (pic related). Redpilled anons - God bless every one of you.

You must fucking spread this shit everywhere, send it to all normies, send it to the news i really don't give a fuck just get the word out. We have definitive documented archive that this isn't fucking organic in nature. Yes the original shit came from bats - but China/USA did GAIN OF FUNCTION STUDIES which is artificial. This was to give the virus abilities it doesn't naturally have.

Attached: 2020-04-21_14-02-48.webm (1058x594, 1.44M)

Bump w/ teaser

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bump w/ another preview

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third preview

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Good effort with this post man, just read a shit load

op is a fag, take a look at this image, its me getting pissed off

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-21 pol - Coronavirus Redpill PDF Compilation - GET THE FUCK IN HERE - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (399x543, 24.61K)

they have ovbiously gotten their grip on the balls of this site

>being this new
break up the hyperlink idiot

What a fucking madhouse. I'm off to bed, later cunts.

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thank you user, and please if you have red pills related to this post here.

im not that new, ive been lurking around since before 2016, but never had this happen to me so it was kinda strange

dont commit suicide shill, its never too late to abandon satanist zionist bullshit. their paper money is just a control tactic

it happens. just try reposting again. jannies literally do nothing, so they have these arbitrary AI systems to try to do their job for them. But the reality is its just a computer algorithm and it gets it wrong sometimes..

nommeraadio. ee/

Schizo disinformation thread

Attached: political-discussion.jpg (736x736, 66.31K)

and stop wasting digits

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its easy to write some dumb shill shit like that and collect your paycheck at the end of the week. but i actually invite you -

please prove that this is disinformation. I'll wait, but i know you will never post again.

1 post by this ID. faggot. begone!

thanks dudes

u just mad cus you cant get em

just noticed - this guy has a picture on his computer titled "political-discussion.jpg" and its a picture of a sage plant. implying hes gonna sage. his comment said "schizo disinformation thread " but why would he have a file literally for a political discussion thread ? so he sages political threads???


WTF, I am starting to get a little mad now.

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He's not allowed to announce sage.
I'm ok now.

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clearly. but why would he sage an actual political discussion? paid shilling

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my hero terrius webm

Attached: 2018koreaPredictsCorona.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Coronavirus "33" news headlines

Attached: Coronavirus 33 news.jpg (1480x2979, 1.59M)

mask guide

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I get it, I just think he's a regular dude that sage'd the thread - if he sage'd it he wouldn't stick around now, would he?

regular dudes dont sage lol

I thought you said you were going to post some chick to draw our attention.

Posted this last time didn't get much of a response. I don't keep porno shit cuz I have a wife that's respectable and she satisfies me. Plus im not into Jewish subversion so

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