I've been treated like shit my entire life by white people. Like a meek little worm, like a dog. Looked down upon, laughed at, joked about. I guess I wasn't attractive or charming or funny or normal enough to pass as truly white despite being 100% northwest European (I even have blond hair and blue eyes). Every white person I've met has been an absolutely evil, manipulative, twofaced piece of shit just looking to control me, and as soon as they realized they couldn't control me they instead seek to destroy me or humiliate and emasculate me. I'm fucking glad about what's happening to you. I'm genuinely fucking ecstatic and I take part in it too. I spread propaganda and blacked porn. I vote leftwing parties and promote feminism and social justice and open borders. I can't wait to see it all come crashing down. I literally only ever wanted to be treated with respect, or left alone. It's literally all I asked for I had no expectations and no sense of entitlement with regards to women and procreating such.
You treat your underwhites like shit, like playthings to toy with for amusement. Then act befuddled and aghast when they participate in your destruction, lmao. It's amazing, truly.
I've also convinced 3 white girls to abort 3 white babies.
Ryder Perez
Sounds like the feeling is mutual, subhuman. Sounds like you’re too dysgenic and degenerate to have allies no matter what side you choose. Have fun being even less relevant than Wignats or SJWs.
This. Imagine cannibalizing your own kind, ignoring your own extinction, and participating in degenerate drugs and sex, and then wondering why God is punishing you. Most whites are evil white trash and deserve hell.
Christian Richardson
Camden Allen
>I don't care about white exctinction because I am not white wow groundbreaking
go cry in a corner instead of shitting up this board faggot
Jordan Perry
>I dont give a fuck about "white extinction" In fact, I welcome it.
I've been treated like shit my entire life by white people. Like a meek little worm, like a dog. Looked down upon, laughed at, joked about. I guess I wasn't attractive or charming or funny or normal enough to pass as truly white despite being 100% northwest European (I even have blond hair and blue eyes). Every white person I've met has been an absolutely evil, manipulative, twofaced piece of shit just looking to control me, and as soon as they realized they couldn't control me they instead seek to destroy me or humiliate and emasculate me. I'm fucking glad about what's happening to you. I'm genuinely fucking ecstatic and I take part in it too. I spread propaganda and blacked porn. I vote leftwing parties and promote feminism and social justice and open borders. I can't wait to see it all come crashing down. I literally only ever wanted to be treated with respect, or left alone. It's literally all I asked for I had no expectations and no sense of entitlement with regards to women and procreating such.
You treat your underwhites like shit, like playthings to toy with for amusement. Then act befuddled and aghast when they participate in your destruction, lmao. It's amazing, truly.
I dont support white nationalist movement since we basically dont need it. Most races are segregated by their own taste. Sure some people mix. I have a lot of Native American but look primarily white. Freedom and capitalism work and localized colonialism also known as white flight is segratation. To each their own. I grew up in a business district so I'm not scared or I intimidates by other races I can blend well.
Colton Butler
he is kinda right two, white people grow in societies that enforce them to treat each other like shit, this corporative shill is actually telling us a true in a very fucked up way so we can reject it
Gavin Barnes
Whites don't love one another, yet love their enemies. HOW CAN NO ONE ELSE SEE HOW FUCKED UP THAT IS?
Henry Fisher
Seth somewhere else chang
Luis Edwards
I agree with you. In my teens I starved and got beaten at home. So I got even more beaten in school because I was skinny. A few years later I look like a god and everyone wants to hang around... Amazing.
Ayden Morris
you are vile! go to hell!
Ian Martinez
Wait until nigger overlord justice takes over. Or maybe you prefer mexican justice? No one will here your screams when the chinese take over. You are a fucking dog. Dont bite the hand that feeds you.
Adam Collins
And Germans are, yeah? Lmao. This is what I'm fucking talking about. You spend half your history enslaving and torturing and raping each other and then try and trumpet some pan-whiteness and urge those downtrodden whites to protect your rotten fucking worthless carcasses of countries from being raped to death by black and brown hordes.
Enjoy your funeral, Hans. I won't shed a single tear over what's happening in Germany and what's going to come.
I'm not white but I feel the same way about society in general. We are simply outcasts. I still haven't found my place in the world, and I doubt I ever will, but maybe for you it can be different. Don't lose hope in people completely, maybe there is someone out there, who'll see and accept you for who you are, keep on searching. And just don't listen to these braindead racists. If they're not outcasts, they'll never understand what that feels like. Tbh, I only come here to troll anyways
John Powell
If that's really you in the pic you look like my ex. He was grade A great in bed
Jeremiah Sanchez
>They treat me like shit >kill 'em all! You're a coward. Plain and simple. Why would anyone respect someone as deranged as you, OP?
James Martin
Same story. I went from being scrawny as a kid to a gigachad as an adult and suddenly dudes went from mocking me to terrified of me. Honestly, I have more freedom to say whatever the fuck I want in real life because people get scared and shut up instead of triggered and screechy on the internet.
Alexander Perez
I'll just kill myself, I don't care anyway as my line will die with me and watching you all get what you fucking deserve will be far more satisfying than living under your tyranny until I die a lonely old death ever would be.
Burn in Hell. Your evil reign is coming to a close. And it will be beautiful.
Brandon Long
That's not OP you stupid faggot.
Nicholas Martin
Alright don't cry when all the armed whites which make up the majority of firearm owners completely gun you down
Jack Cox
You fucking retard, are you circumcised? White people often bully people who aren't cut because it's normal to be cut. That may be a factor of it, fag.
Ian Butler
Why is it that you fags always want to see the world burn because you can't adjust your expectations?
And by the way, this whole white extinction you are jacking off to, is a fantasy.
Tyler Ortiz
I've also been treated like shit by "white" people. I've realized, though, that they were envious of my racial superiority. An Aryan among half-italian half-spanish mutts. I've reclained my power since and people look up to me. user, people will look up to us alone as we stand upright among the ruins of western civilization.
Jaxon Flores
My only escape was ever video games, stuff like Oblivion. I was truly so happy just playing those games, but even they're gone now. Normies had to ruin video games, infest it with their always online cancer and forced socialization. The hand has been forced, we do not strike first we strike back. I just wanted to live in peace and safety.