Pajeet Australia

Hey Anons,

The Pajeet population in Australia is exploding, it will be the most common country of birth in Australia in the next few years, overtaking China and England.

What are your thoughts on this? Is this better or worse than mass Chinese immigration? What will the long term effects of these people be?

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Expect your military to become Indian. Indian invasion is worse than Chinese invasion because once you get Indians in your entire culture changes and becomes Indian at which you can't tell if it's Indian or your own country. Case in point, British unironically believe Chicken Tikka Masala and Priti Patel are quintessentially British things.

Have fun trying to get a job in STEM, user.

What are your thoughts on India cultural takeover/domination in countries they move to?

When Bruce met Poo

What sort of things can we expect?

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Loads of Pajeets asking to see Sheela's vagene I expect...


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This. Curry nigger nepotism is absurd. Once they get into management positions they will not hire anyone that isn't a curry nigger.

do they tend to be nice or mean? A lot of the one's I've interacted have been really nice, but I've heard that a lot of Indians are really mean, rude and inconsiderate, and apparently some are soulless.

Not much either way, some are decent some are not. They rarely make trouble and are pretty well law abiding. Some of their wahmen are hot once the stop wearing pairs of curtains and dress normally. All Indians also travel in packs of about 50 at all times, but don't worry they are harmless.

The smell is real though. Prepare yourself.

Checked, the digits don't lie.

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would you prefer to have mass chinese, indian, sub-saharan african or pakistani immigration?

Please list from least to most desirable.

They are harmless and nice. But they are ugly and have such an unpleasant accent. It crushes your soul slowly.


why indians more than chinese?

They're not sociopathic bugmen

have indians who've lived in the UK for generations integrated well? Do Indian and White British student get along well, or is there some anamosity between the two? Which ethnic group do you think has assimilated best into the UK?

Depends do you prefer poojeet women or chinks?

Personally I prefer dusky poo women, have hott legs.

chinese, user

They don't intergrate in the way you would think. They tend to maintain their own culture almost entirely but are generally very loyal to the country they reside in.

Never been a student so I can't answer point 2.

Ironicly blacks born before the 60's are mostly indushtingushable from their white peers, however it all went downhill from there. Pajeets are the most stable and functional group by far.

well than clearly u wud prefer chinese mass immigration.

Or u better get used to that curry pussy.

Throw them out or you'll pay the price

do indians in the UK take all of your STEM jobs (specifically IT) like they do in the USA and Australia?

I would assume they were mostly outsourced to india anyway?

I thought indians were notorious for taking IT jobs in the USA?

They are also massive job creators tho so goes both ways. I think 30% of indians in SV created a startup eventually.

yeah, but they are extremely nepotistic, like I've heard that they practically exclusively hire other indians.

If I leave this here, a mutt may come to answer that question.

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It's their culture difference. I've noticed Indians, Chinese, and Arabs have no concept of common courtesy, which makes them come off as rude and soulless. For that reason alone they shouldn't be in Western countries.

Atleast 2 hot girls I know thru mutual friends have posted shit like "fuck indian guys" on their instagram/snapchat stories before because pajeets harass them so much at clubs, parties ect. Australian women might become more and more redpilled on the pajeet question

were they indian themselves as well? Many poo women are self haters.


they are cheaper and nepotistic, between gas stations and IT its pretty bad

Wow! A burger! Was scrolling through /pol and this glorious pic of a BigMac caught my attention.

Yes, well... more so the international Pajeets. Most of the 2nd and 3rd gen go into software development, not IT. It's either that, engineering, or medicine.

Yeah I heard about the gas station thing in US.

Here our gas stations are almost all white. The pajeets run every small shop mind you, along with pakis.

>in the next few years, overtaking China and England.
You have small population.