opinion on serbia?
Opinion on serbia?
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It's a pretty cool place except for
for what?
serbia stronk
have you seen the meme with the sunflower?
The Kingdom of Servia murdered the Inspector-General Franz Ferdinand and his wife, thereby starting a series of events that killed millions of people. Country should have been banned and absorbed by its neighbors.
great job for ww1
Most Serbs are based and red pilled up to a point, but the problem is that most Serbs are old as fuck and most young ones are either to busy larping as radical nationalists, larping as western intellectuals, or working in Western Europe.
too small
I should be there right now visiting my best friend in Novi Sad, I'm very disappointed. Your country is on the up for sure, it just has many issues to overcome and a lot of years until they are overcome. Serbia has a lot of potential.
Did people prefer speaking serbo-croatian in the yugoslav days? Or were they against it/indifferent? Also at what point did the government in Belgrade stop considering itself Yugoslavia and solely represent Serbia?
To sto se javljam odavde, tvista pedeset metava ispod vazine Tevazija, svedoci da je ugvožen ne samo moj fizicki integvitet, nego i vasceli svpski navod!
Govovili su mi da sam kveten, gadali su me joguvtom i sapunom, kao da se ne pevem i da zaudavam...
A ja im povucujem; možete da me nevvivate, možete da me živcivate... Sve je to vezultat belosvetske, amevicko-bevlinsko-vatikasnke uljuduvme koja nastoji da svpski navod uguva pved svvšen cin!
Pvozivali su me i nazivali vaznim pogvdim imenima kao; vojvodo pedevu, pa onda, Cvvena vojvodkinjo, kava te Ðovde, tvoj vektum je naša obecana zemlja, tako su uvlali... Vetvibutno im povucujem da svpski navod ima isovijska pvava na: Belu Palanku (Island), Južnu Palanku (Antavtika), sevevno move (Avtik) i vekovnu pvadedovinu, SAO Paolo koji je glavni gvad Velike Svbije.
Bvaco, nemojte se obazivati na Opevaciju Oluja, koja je divigivana od stvane amevike i gde je u 74 casa vazjebana SAO Kvajna, nego se okvenite osvajanju vekovnih svpskih svemivskih prostvanstava!
Sledeci pvojekat je Mavs koji pvestavlja vekovni svpski planet na kojem je pvedvidena Mavs-Svbija bez tvaktova Zetova i slicnih Hvvatskih šacovanja. Planivamo kolonizovati i Satuvn ciji pvstenovi govove o istoviji svpskog navoda u svemivu.
Svpski navod je pokvenuo u južnoj amevici i Cpcki kavtel sa kojim pvodajom dvoge želi pomoci Kapetanu Dvaganu kupnjom pilula pvotiv tvudoce jev hvvatska policija planiva valikalno i bvutalno pokušati od njega da napvavi tvudnu ženu.
people during the time of yugoslavia were pretty much indifferent on serbo croatian, generally they would state that they spoke serbo croatian proffesionally, but in their private and unproffesional lives they generally said that they spoke serbian, bosnian or croatian. as for the government in belgrade, it stopped considering itself as yugoslavian in 2006 when montenegro devided itself from serbia
Absolute bros.
Fuck alborats
Fuck turkroaches
sucking each other dick does not change the reality. useless niggers who are interested in just and only in the chaos because that is good for the business.
>and ...
dont comw with muhh greece civilization because YOU already have nothing to do with the ancient greeks.
Lazy niggers, all of them, should be re-settled.in Africa to enjoy their own kind on their very own lvl.
ok amerimutt
Hot women. They Love white guys
They are vlach gypsies and genetically inferior
I thought it was the Black hand and gavrilo princeps
Interesting. Thanks for the info. Serbia seems like a nice place. I hope they and the rest of europe can overcome the trend of globalization and return to a healthy culture.
Belgrade is a shitthole. Nothing to see there. Poor people. Really run down. I even saw bullet holes and destruction on the side of buildings while walking there a couple years ago
started two world wars
couldnt agree more
Samo u tvojim snovima Smrdine bilo bi bolje da se se prekvalificiraš za doktora ili bolje kao medicinska sestra i spašavaj "svoj" narod dok ne pomrete svi tamo hahahahahahahaha
Stop speaking Slavick
Make me do it
The Soviet union already did... For 45+ years...
Did what you mutt?