"meds are subhumans" he types, using the roman alphabet

"meds are subhumans" he types, using the roman alphabet

Attached: 1511693145298.png (739x839, 589.48K)

>Meds are white
They have lots of moor/nigger blood
Dark germanic =/= dark med
>Roman alphabet
English language however

OP is a faggot that keeps posting this non existent article
Besides blonde hair is gay.

it is gay. I have brown hair but was blonde until i was around 5.

> dark germanic

hahahahahhaha shut the fuck up mutt

>They have lots of moor/nigger blood
you wish, nigger.

Meanwhile white people are 9% of the world population. Do the math, here

Umm hmm. Lived in Europe for 15 years. Southn European women are 1000% times better.

The Nordic ones crack and look like grandmas at 30 years of age. Blonde hair is overrated.

You do realize that darker features includes brown hair?
Pic: Dark featured germanic

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-e1467578847248.jpg (848x517, 73.44K)

>Meds dont look like nigs
Prove me wrong

Attached: f11.jpg (771x937, 95.42K)

In other words, be a mediterranean.

No need to be so rude.

Attached: 1482019087786.jpg (1280x2890, 1.6M)

ignore him. Germanics hate meds and always will. Germans literally sunk an italian ship during ww2 for no reason.

Top athletes =/= the average Italian

Light brown hair, green eyes and white skin. I am superior and get any woman I want.

>Germans literally sunk an italian ship during ww2 for no reason.

Attached: 14c.jpg (600x733, 29.17K)

>get any woman I want.
Nobody can


It’s Phoenician alphabets

reminder that (((they))) are the ones shilling against blond men
blond men were considered the height of good taste in your grandparents' days

Details, it's not nordic/germanic. But who cares?

Try the guy on the right BUT WITH A SUNTAN
You just have to face facts ... I am better than (You). Also OP is pic related and about as ‘med’ as my dogs last fart.

Attached: AA6EFE80-F0DB-407A-82B8-6F127686F1CB.jpg (1200x675, 91.69K)

>On that same day, the fleet had been scheduled to sail towards Salerno in order to attack the Allied ships sailing to invade Italy as part of Operation Avalanche; the proclamation of the armistice on 8 September, however, had led to the cancellation of this operation. As German forces in Italy launched Operation Achse, Admiral Bergamini was ordered to leave La Spezia, in order to prevent the fleet from falling in German hands, and reach Allied-controlled ports. Due to Bergamini's initial reluctance to bring his ships to Malta (not knowing the details of the armistice and what would be the fate of the fleet once in Allied controlled ports) and to initial plans for the transfer of Victor Emmanuel III, his court and the government from Rome to La Maddalena (the destroyers Vivaldi and Da Noli sailed from Genoa and La Spezia, heading for Civitavecchia, for this purpose), the initial destination was La Maddalena, a naval base in Sardinia. Once at La Maddalena, Bergamini would receive further orders (to proceed to Malta) from Admiral Bruno Brivonesi, naval commander of Sardinia, as well as some documents regarding the conditions of the armistice for the Navy. The transfer of the king to La Maddalena was cancelled, however (he instead fled towards Pescara), and when the fleet arrived off La Maddalena, German troops had occupied that base to transfer their troops from Sardinia to Corsica, therefore the stop at La Maddalena was also cancelled and Supermarina ordered Bergamini to head for Allied-controlled Bône. The fleet then changed course, but when Germany learned that the Italian fleet was sailing towards an Allied base, the Luftwaffe sent Dornier Do 217s armed with Fritz X radio-controlled bombs to attack the ships. These aircraft caught up with the force when it was in the Strait of Bonifacio.[12][17][18][19]

>blond men were considered the height of good taste in your grandparents' days
According to?
Personally I think brown haired men are better looking than blond men. Blond men look more feminime imo. What are the reasons people used to/ or still do think blonde men are of better taste?
Are they more healthy?

>makes thread about an article that came out years ago and has been posted on here a million times
Awesome good job OP.

also just to add, if you look at the non-globohomo countries (e.g. China's sphere of influence) blond men are still considered attractive

Dark germanic? What the fuck have you been smoking, swamp nigger?


if you ask older people, they usually give reasons like 'he looks young and healthy'

Burzum is a massive faggot

It's natural to want a man, not a basement roach

Ad hominem.

The only important question is: do they have more testosteron/better genetics?