Thank god, now we finally won't have to hear more about these "bioweapon" and "le china numbers fake" conspiracy theories
Youtube censoring anything which isn't in line with the W.H.O
Does it even matter at this point? They have won. Everything else is just them doing a victory lap.
probably time to kill these fuckers
So corporations protect an international organization that nobody voted
>Anything that goes against the CCP is a violation of Youtube policies
In Minecraft totally
>They have won
we still have guns don't we? Tyranny is tyranny, it doesn't matter whether it's a private organization or a government doing the oppressing.
In Minecraft, of course
even after they fucked up leading to thousands dead lol fucking clownworld.
do you have a link, faggot?
see this
Who the fuck uses youtube anyways?
>we still have guns don't we
Do you? They haven't been used for their constitutional purpose for more than 150 years.
>ceo of youtube, without evidence, claimed the WHO is trustworthy
I guess DRUMPF! stripping their funding tells their tiny TDS brains they need to go whole hog in support of WHO.
They have names and addresses.
Young white mam at His local garden center what he tryna make
I hope there's just a constant stream of this picture being posted to this stupid cunt's twatter, mail printouts of it to her.
I fucking hate this kike cunt.
She killed off all the somewhat conservative content while trannyfa are shilled rabidly.
It's okay, in the long run they can't maintain this model.
Youtube is now an official mouthpiece of the CCP and WHO. Good job, tards.
The whole meme of international organizations and NGOs only looking out for the good of the planet needs to go away. They are ruthless, self-interested and self-serving organizations with their own agendas.
>Gates Foundation spreading birth control with immunizations in Kenya
>WHO sucking Chinese cock for months when the open literature indicated other actions
>UN sex for peanut butter scandals
>anything to do with Bilderburg/Davos/Trilateral/CFR/Bohemian Grove
>UN sex for peanut butter scandals
Quick rundown?
>Youtube is now an official mouthpiece of the CCP
Infowars predicted this 5yr ago
Jews are the enemy
So basically China decides how YouTube is run. Might as well call it ChinkTube.
Fuck you cunt and fuck your sinking ship. No one uses jewtoob.
Peacekeeping troops traded humanitarian supplies for sex with women in the Congo.
>do you have a link, faggot?
Love us or else!
Daily reminder:
Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google was married (2007-2015) to Anne Wojcicki, the CEO of 23 and Me, who also happens to be the sister of the CEO of You Tube, Susan Wojcicki.
Do regular Chinese people even use youtube? Not sure I’ve ever seen a Chinese hold my beer video...
Etiophia red cross is telling silicon valley what to do???
Some people will defend this.
YouTube is a privately owned business and they are free to decide what videos they keep or remove from their servers.
Funny how right wingers claim they're intelligent yet they failed to come up with any meaningful internet platform.
youtube is gonna burn pretty soon
But the WHO said there was no evidence the virus is contagious. So youtube needs to delete all content mentioning human to human spread.
That's on the troops and the superiors that train and discipline them, not on the organization or country that sent them.
Wait didnt google apologize to Trump? Google owns youtube...oh Susan is still in charge. Trump use your executive powers and destroy YouTube. I'll pay money to see it go under
Jewtube amirite
We gona use the english version of chinatube.
>privately owned business
Agreed. Now remove liability protection they enjoy and face law suits like any other privately owned business
I don't use youtube for censored topics, what is Streisand effect. You are trolling yourselves.
Is she a tranny?
shut up glowie
They have tried. You seem to be forgetting that at every stage these services have been attacked and shut down. But you don't care about that. Because you're a retarded dunce of a fuckwit.
Any time UN Blue Helmet scum go on a 'peacekeeping' mission, there is a scandal of 'peacekeepers' trading sex from teenage girls for peanut butter or nuttybutter. It happens everywhere they get deployed and gets swept under the rug by international media every time.
It's really sick because it's usually teen girls that get sent to collect food for their families in refugee camps as the mom is tending the younger kids and dad is either dead or a combatant. So, the Nigerian or Pakistani quartermaster distributing food picks the cutest girl out of the line that day and refuses to distribute her family's food ration unless he gets some pussy. It spreads disease, mistrust, imbalances of power and unwanted pregnancies. It's a disgusting abuse of power and it happens every time Blue Helmets get deployed.
>tl;dr no food rations for your family unless you let me fuck every hole
Not surprising.
Only reason gov aren’t locking up protesters right now. Unarmed surfer yes. Unarmed dad yes. Armed protesters no
we're gonna kill you too
Bitch is going to find a nuke in her office yet
if they had this wouldn't be necessary
if anything it just shows how scared shitless they are
Way past time
These people have name and addresses
What liability protection? They are subject to the same rules as everything else, that's why they invested so much in the development of software that auto-detects copyright infringements and removes them.
Also their recent policy of demonetizing videos aimed at children is a result of some US law.
Shut down by private businesses too, not governments. Again, if you're so clever why don't you make your own hosting service, server hardware etc?
>privately owned business
they are a government entity
all corporations are
they have special rules that only benefit them that keep their competitors from existing
the regulators grant them a monopoly
the banks grant them a monopoly and they in turn were granted a monopoly by the government
you are a braindead animal
I believe it, but I insist that it's a problem that is caused by the specific soldier or unit in question, and not something the UN intends for them to do.
Infowars also said to stock up on supplies in January as Q was saying trust the plan
Well then YouTube is against the USA's government which is cutting WHO funding.
It's treason, then!
Everyone at youtube just needs to fucking die. Seriously. All of them.
It's a sick chain of command all the way up to the Secretary General. Hoping that Trump defunds the UN next.
Once it becomes so apparent to even the dumbest of us, a full on purge in the streets will not be stopped
Athens, Tennessee shootout retard
someone nuke yt servers
Thank God they won, but they actually won 70 years ago
Trust the plan.
Trust Trump.
Hillary will be arrested any minute now.
Private corporation housed on American territory. Those private corporations also control a medium that effects consciousness. In our 3 letter government agencies to maintain an entertainment medium hosted on American territory you are to abide by OUR laws. Dont believe me? You'll find out. Google is under our heel now.
Youtube would be run by some stupid fucking cunt.
(((American))) company
Forces you to fall in line with the W.H.O.
Not the CDC?
Think about that...
Who is that NFL linebacker?
this bitch needs to be hung for treason
Who still watches Youtube?
>I believe it, but I insist that it's a problem that is caused by the specific soldier or unit in question, and not something the UN intends for them to do.
You can insist all you want, my internationalist fren. If it's specific to just an individual or unit, why does it happen in nearly every UN deployment?
literally WHO
>What liability protection? They are subject to the same rules as everything else,
One can be a utility and let everyone use it or be a publisher and edit content Publisher can be sued for content. Utility can NOT.
eg. you can’t sue a phone company because two criminals conspired over the phone.
Youtube is mainstream now, why are you surprised?
damn right we will
holy fuck that is one ugly creature
What an ugly cunt. I guess her dad thought so, too which is probably why he beat her face with a shovel.
Trump is monitoring the situation closely.
definitely time to kill these fuckers
Yep, funny how that works huh? You good goys need to learn your place.
Is there a site somewhere that is used to create these blatantly phony headlines?
KEK nice i should have seen that coming.
But a baker has to bake a gay wedding cake, right?
Because these UN deployments are done with poorly disciplined soldiers, like I said.
>Calling me internationalist
I hate the UN as much as you do, but put blame where it should be.
Gotta turn that around on them and loudly parrot the propaganda
and masturbating furiously to it and while bending over to suck out his own loads
That was stupid.. Any time prior one had the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
UN uses crisis to traffic children and harvest adrenochrome under the guise of helping “separated families”
If 5 billion people use the services of your business, that business is not "yours" anymore.
As always, anyone who says 'muh' is a complete idiot.
>anything against the WHO is a violation of YouTube policies
National emergency. Seize and liquidate YouTube.
Stupid Gweilo
You could at least post the pic your goddamn stupid nigger
>Stop redpilling people you guize
She's a Jew, so she should be well aware of the history of Sicarios
No they don't.
Not when they try to monopolize public space.
Prepare your ass to treat monetized YouTubers as employees.
And what are those YouTube Policies exact?
Is there a site somewhere that is used to create these blatantly phony people?
oh yeah,
If they are forced to act and ban they have not won. They are afraid.