We tricked them into stealing it. There was no agreement or trade like history tells us so, the people didn't even speak the same damn language, they didn't give up their whole land and way of living for blankets and spoons.
It was fucked up, and if you agree with what happened then you can never complain about immigration again.
It was conquest, not immigration. All you see before you is built on their bones. It was worth it.
Isaac Hernandez
WE didn't do shit, asshat. Fuck off with this.
Leo Evans
No They sold it
Mason Hall
It wasn't just a peaceful little trick, it was asymmetrical war.
Kayden Powell
Imagine believing life is fair
Jason Diaz
What the British Empire did was truly reprehensible. Their puppet state, canada, is abomination because leafs couldnt throw off the yoke of british tyranny, instead basked in it. That's why all leads must die in minecraft.
They mostly died from old world diseases and the rest were bred into obscurity. Save for a few isolated incidents there was never a concerted effort to remove all natives
No it wasn't. The aboriginals never claimed land ownership. The concept didn't even exists before settlers shown up. Tribes would mark territories, but there was never a unifying governing body that decided who could own land. I am also half native.
Owen Clark
>snowchink land
They got karma for stealing from abbos. Fair is fair.
>(a) Killing members of the group; >(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; >(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; >(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; >(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide#International_law
Our Jewish occupation regimes are quite transparently implementing (c) and (d), and more surreptitiously and indirectly implementing (a) and (b).
>What we did was unfair, it was their land. sure >We tricked them into stealing it. no >There was no agreement or trade like history tells us so, the people didn't even speak the same damn language, wrong >they didn't give up their whole land and way of living for blankets and spoons. just their land, and there was other stuff too >It was fucked up yup >and if you agree with what happened then you can never complain about immigration again. wrong
Christian Sanchez
My ancestors never had problems with European saddlers, they did their own thing and they were left alone