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fpbp this is definitely based

okay this is based.


At least some places still have morality

If God is for us, who can be against us

Yes, hello? I have a call for the based department.

I’m glad Poland exists.

teachers cant turn kids gay, ridiculous

>nazis btfo
>commies btfo
>niggers btfo
>immigrants btfo
>faggots btfo
no one is safe from the power of poland

When I was young everyone thought Poland was stupid
Guess that was a psyop

Look up Poland in the dictionary...very definition of based


>4,000% increase in cases of trangenderism
yes they can and often do

So wait, sex-ed will be outlawed? Say hello to skyrocketing STD and teenager pregnancy rates.


Without good sex ed, children will be more groomable.

This is not good at all. Pedophilia is winning in Poland.

Holy fuck that's based

oy vey

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Good for kurwe

>immigrants btfo
Not really true. We welcomed ukrainebros they're good people mostly

Pretty sure he's referring to mudshits and north african niggers.

>teenager pregnancy rates
So... more white babies? Good.

wait, if this is what im thinking it is, there is nothing to be excited about.
there was some femcel politician who means nothing in the party, she came out with a law project saying that abortion should be totally banned, lgbt people should get prisoned for kissing, handholding in public AND there should be 5 years of prison for teachers who teach sexual education. now a bit of the context - people were talking that sexual education in school turns children gay, just look at the usa, its visible there, blah, blah. i mean it could be kind of true since it makes them more aware of all this shit...
no chance this will be introduced anyway

It should be Life.


Isn't 5 years kind of low for molesting a child?

Do you all really think pedophilia wins in sunlight? Right wing community leaders get caught for pedophilia, hiding in the bastions of pedophilia's "opponents".

They're drawn to such positions because those communities offer them stringently righteous clout that "disproves" allegations against them even as it provides an impenetrable masquerade to utilize. It makes victims seem to have no recourse. Victims trial balloon their problems in their communities - and get ostracized pre-emptively!

Sex education brings sexual issues into the open, helping students form healthy sexual attitudes so they DON'T get groomed.

Groomers rely on the ability to tell lies to their victims - they present sex as inevitable and themselves as gentle friends. Such friendships are improper manipulations when they broach into the sexual. Schools can teach this!

The opaque societies with their righteousness can't fight false righteousness effectively.


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Lmao, they are niggers

Well I guess it's better to get just five year instead of get stabbed by kid's father to death or thrown into the coal mine.

>muh based poland

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Hello, based Department ?

Molested gays talk about being molested. That actually gets child molesters caught. But go on, keep spreading the meme that gays reproduce through molestation. A period of successfully uncaught sexual abusers is totally the thing humanity needs on the eve of immortality. -_-

Poland the last bastion of whiteness
>inb4 jewish kvetching

No, more abortions. And this being Poland, more teenagers going over the border to get abortions.

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Why is Poland the best country?

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