Offensive and degrading': UK nurses' COVID-19 haka slammed as cultural appropriation

I used to hate Nazis. Used to.

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Seriously, are there no directors of nursing anymore? How can they not realize that inundating social media with dumbass dance routines during a literal pandemic is not going to piss off the majority. They should be addressing their respective hospitals.

Just when I thought the UK could not be worse, just when I thought they’d hit the pathetic rock bottom, they kept going.


That article hurt to read, we need a reset

>I tell my fellow white people to avoid coconut-nigger culture at all costs
>that makes me a racist
>'the internet' tells white people to avoid coconut-nigger culture at all costs
>brave and valorous defenders of equality
I just don't get it, I guess.

That doesn't even make sense.
Haka is new Zealand culture due to the history of cultural blending between the natives and the settlers.
New Zealand is part of the British commonwealth.
They can't appropriate from themselves.

man this virus is hard as fuck on health care workers

I never even saw the dance video. Did it mock the culture? I thought they were just having fun. Is haka dancing supposed to be something as solemn as a eulogy? As sacred as a prayer?

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This is just getting ridiculous. How do people not see right through this bullshit? All over the countries entire teams have the time to LARP as a theatre troupe. It isn’t like they just make this shut up on the spot, it has to be choreographed, learned and practiced.

>All over the countries entire teams have the time to LARP as a theatre troupe

Of course. All non essential surgeries have been cancelled due to corona. If they arent monitoring ventilators they basically have holidays.


Why do they behave like a gf from hell?

>Nurses bitch about being overworked during a pandemic
>Still have time to virtue signal on social media
Women in the workplace were a mistake.

>Seriously, are there no directors of nursing anymore? How can they not realize that inundating social media with dumbass dance routines during a literal pandemic is not going to piss off the majority. They should be addressing their respective hospitals.
I don't see this as the issue.
The issue is that a stupid dance routine shot to lift the spirits of a very stressed out health care industry is shat on by some SJW who sees racism in everything, all the time. People who complain about cultural appropriation should fuck off and stop consuming any and all mass-produced goods, stop using any post-18th century technology, stop studying English. How the fuck do they complain about appropriation when every part of their life benefits from appropriating western achievements? It's that brainless, hypocritical and unecesary push to create social divisions that pisses me off. They're fomenting a civil war. Why don't you call them out on that instead of worrying about happy nurses?

whoa the freemasons are going into overdrive with their silly antics

What does this have to do with Freemasonry?

They realized the gen pop was not taking these videos in a good light so they would have used anything to shut them down.
It could have been fat people, or anything. They just want these videos gone.
The vids were a big reason people just stopped caring about this whole shit. It was treated like a joke and destroyed the narrative.

Well that drives me nuts as well. They’ll complain about cultural appropriation on a website or platform created by whites on a device designed by whites. But In general, there used to be a standard decorum when it came to workplace behavior and many of these nurses are making a mockery of the very profession that so many of us are relying on. It’s a bad look imo.

Kek, NZ people don't seem to have a problem with us military units adopting hakas. In fact, they'll sometimes exhibition them in front of maoris while on training rotations to NZ.

>But In general, there used to be a standard decorum when it came to workplace behavior and many of these nurses are making a mockery of the very profession that so many of us are relying on. It’s a bad look imo.
Nurses are surprisingly ... casual in my experience. It does look silly, and yeah, it does conflict with the usual image of serious professionals waging war on a common enemy. But the media just loooooves to call white people racist. It's just getting exhausting to me. Especially when every other race is much more racist, and openly so, and yet gets a pass by the media every time.

Someone should slam them for doing a literal monkey dance as white people.

I wish this thing was deadlier, bodies piling up in the streets. That's the only way to cleanse the sjw faggots from the world

Nurses have been doing this cringy b.s all over the western world. How are they not busy with patients during an epidemic ?

I'm of two opinions on this, first fuck the island niggers, but secondly fuck the cunts who couldn't just work their jobs and instead had to draw attention to themselves because they could not help it.

They just want you in a constant state of submission. Constant guilt over everything. No matter how contradictory.

>Accused of cultural appropriation in the UK.

Will they all be getting arrested?

>couldn't just work their jobs and instead had to draw attention to themselves because they could not help it.
I'm impressed they chose not to use the sick and dying as a backdrop

>Will they all be getting arrested?
Some brit lawyers/activists need to lobby to make cultural appropriation a legal concept and a hate crime. Put it to a vote and I'll support it.

Not a feminist but are you willing as a man to wipe people's bums. Im happy that most females would do it for me. Let them bitch on the net or do words in the net hurt you.

Neck yourself

>Neck yourself
STFU you stupid fucking burger