

Where were you when this guy was at the gym?

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Fucking his sister.

Fucking his mom.

Getting my gym membership so I can start

Fucking his brother.

Fucking his cousin.

Fucking him in the shower stalls after his exercises. He's made some good gains. Pity he's a hopeless faggot.

Fucking his dad.

Lifting at home because the gyms are closed right now. Got some extra weights coming in for heavy farmer's walks and deadlifts. It's just ass that I don't have a proper squat rack, so it's shitty zercher skwats for now.

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I was at the gym.

ok boomer

Gyms are for faggots,looking for a date
I don't got to the gym. Work out from home and go to Yas Forums if you don't know what you're doing.
Cut out the gym jew. put that money to something better. like burning it.

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Having sex with his sister & mom

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Nice to meet the other members of the crew cucking this family good job folks.

Hi Karen

fucking my self

Fucking his grandpa


>Where were you when this guy was at the gym?
Busy being a meso and 6'2".

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In the gym myself.

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Worth it for that transformation

Same here.

Helping people, and doing research.

I suppose, but let's not kid ourselves and think it's just "going to the gym".

Same here.

I was at the gym when I got it free while in the military, was nice.
Now they want 50 bucks per month for a stinky room full of human trash and halfniggers. I still do some workout at home

>do 5x5
>no gains

>do 75 push-ups, 80 sit-ups, 12 pull-ups, and 2-mile run every day
>got pecs, abs, glutes, and Yas Forums

What the fuck??

Same here.

obviously monitoring his illicit use of illegal steroids.
Looks like he's been on the winny or the anavar.

I did this 10 years ago, it changed my life forever

All it takes is 3 months to get bigger and another 3 months to cut fat

At my home gym.

no steroids, thats pretty natural.

I was collecting interracial and cuckold porn from around the internet so I could present a detailed case to Yas Forums about the race mixing and cuckold fetish conspiracy that threatens the white race.

Implying you cant get these gains without roids, kek

Painting little figures

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Cut that shit out faggot. That meme is road kill and if you say it you’re openly admitting that you’re autistic and have a small cock

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>go to Yas Forums if you don't know what you're doing
they don't know what they're doing either

Cleaning our home and cooking dinner, waiting for him to go home


>Where were you when this guy was at the gym?
Working out with him, afterwards the janitor recorded our steamy buttsex session in the shower

I was already in the gym before he was pic on the left. This isn’t Yas Forums btw, u retard

I was in your mom.

Same here.

>when this guy was at the gym?
You misspelled "popping growth enhancement pills." Tell the whole story if you're going to tell it faggot.

Studying the blade.

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Same here.

>Where were you when this guy was at the gym?

at the gym joining isis

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Sucking and fucking him at the gym

This. We need the whole story. He looks like a bitch with those hips on the left.

That’s not gym work that’s mostly hormones and that is cheating. Try doing 1000 push ups a day instead. I’m not so big and right now I’m a little fat so my abs are 100% gone but at least I don’t piss glowing radioactive cancer out my ass and have a receding penis.
I ‘lost’ 3 smart phones last summer (before I detoxed - I am pure again) so all my profile pics 4 chick fishing have been lost. I’m a year older and way fatter but I’m about to start it all again.
One more year maybe two then I’ll retire and there will be some pussy left for you lot and there will be fewer incels.
Also I’ve done plenty of beaches, last one was paradise beach with Russel Crowe and billy zane and Keira Shitely there and it’s full of steroid abusers AND I STILL GOT LOTS OF ATTENTION because as long as you’re fit looking you don’t need to go full steroid look.

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Man, I wish I had a connection to buy steroids too.

You can't and that's went you shills never mention them.

No it's not.

home gym

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guy on the left is more appealing, desu. Guy on the right is only 3/10 smash potential

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The nipple is fucking disgusting.

>roiding for this

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Hard to tell what's more gay... you or your advice.

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H-he betrayed me? While I was waiting for him home?

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REMINDER: If you a fat neckbeard loser, no one is ever going to take you or your political views seriously

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Get a tan.

>bulky shoulders and reasonably big traps but lean overall and small everything else
Yep, nothing natty about this fag. If you're not natty, you're not a man.

>Cut out the gym jew
unless you want to become uuge, this

Steroids isn't cheating if you're not competing, if you use steroids to get a girl out of your league, then it's fair play.

If youre skinny like that, its the easiest thing in the world to get shredded. My cousin is very similar to this guy, was a fucking stick and starting inhaling protein and doing weights, fucking jacked now.

This is healthy
This is unhealthy

Nobody takes you seriously, regardless. Certainly not with that picture.

I grew up reading comics, I thought this was what I supposed to do. At first my dad didn't let me cause he said it would hinder my growing and affect my height, by 14 I was already tall and he took me to a gym where I worked out until I looked like the guys from the comics.

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His forearms are the dead giveaway for me. Forearms and calves are always the tattle tale for the roiding dyel. You can't fake forearms and calves.

Probably fucking my Aryan wife on my Racecar bed

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protruding, very disrespectful

I'm his nextdoor neighbor, wondering if you could all please do it elswhere. I'm sick of the noise and trampled flower beds.

This is the comic you look like.

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Pretty impressive.
If you look like a subhuman incel, worth a shot to gym yourself.
See then if you still look like goblin.