Why do Anglos love Jews?

Why did the Anglo especially side with the Jews and betray the white race? I'm otherwise an Anglophile there are some catastrophic decisions made by the British Empire:

>1. Giving into the fifth column Whigs by allowing American independence, despite the British winning every battle in the war.
This permanently condemned humanity.

>2. Snatching the Cape Colony from the Dutch
And then repeatedly fucking the local Dutchmen/Afrikaners for over a century, even producing zionist Angloboo race traitors like Jan Smuts

>3. Participating in WW1.
The Kaiser winning would've produced a global utopia. Namibia would have been majority white by 1950, Palestine wouldn't have been taken by Zionists, Europe remains staunchly monarchist, etc. Not to mention all the lives wasted at Gallipoli.

>4. Bullying Edward VIII out of the throne.
Edward VIII was based and sympathised with National Socialism, we could've have a completely different King's Speech. Sure, he married a divorcee, but she was an American so it's worth it since American women are the best.

>5. World War 2.
This is Yas Forums so I don't need to clarify on this point.

>6. Betraying Rhodesia
Seriously, Southern Africa was the perfect place for Europeans to colonise, but the Brits sabotaged every attempt, even their own attempt wasn't spared.

>7. Abolishing its own empire
Nobody in Canada, Australia, or New Zealand seriously considered independence or republicanism until Britain joined the EU. All of us were proud Britons until the UK joined the EU and consequently gave up its preferential treatment of the colonies, leaving us for dead to be scavenged by America and China. Even the 1926 Balfour Declaration was unpopular in the colonies.

Attached: Churchill.jpg (512x331, 55.85K)

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>Why do Anglos love Jews?

I don’t...

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Sorry lad, but why have British governments aligned so much with Jewish, anti-white interests?

It's ogre...

I just want answers :(

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. Giving into the fifth column Whigs by allowing American independence, despite the British winning every battle in the war.
They lost the war, retard.

. Participating in WW1.
Don't invade Belgium, retard.
>The Kaiser winning would've produced a global utopia
Okay, retard.

. World War 2.
Don't invade Poland, retard.

Sage for OP retardation.

Well, both have a strong faggot game. Like finds like.

If this is why, who initiated the relationship? Did the Jew approach the Anglo or did the Anglo approach the Jew? Why did the Anglo agree to the Jew's plans to abolish the Anglo?

The American is so insecure over the loss of their tradition, culture, and heritage that he scorns, rants, and rivals the whites of other nations. All of their cultural worth has been replaced with consumerist worth. Honour and identity on a societal level is no longer seen as a virtuous trait unless it is foreign, being a flag bearing jingoistic CivNat on the other hand is. The American has normalised this state of thinking across the globe through radio, television, and now the Internet.
There is no longer a national image to sustain other than the colour of their grey skin and the colours of their flag. What's left for the American? To advance the nation and its people? No, that's on the same level as dividing 0 by 0, there is nothing to advance unless the destruction of English heritage and being contrarian to European civilisation is of importance to you. There's a reason Australia outlasted America culturally and traditionally - they went the complete opposite route as America. The foundation was set before you by the founding fathers but you chose to remove it from under yourself with an autistic chimp out, a chimp out mind you over a 3% tax on tea which cost you and your country its entire culture and direction.

They jump to the offence towards whites they are envious of with the dirtiest and most subversive methods known to man, an honourable foe on par with America is no longer other western nations, but rather the third world impoverished shit holes of the middle east, there are no values of morality nor nationalism put forward in battle for the Americans, instead, there is the will to fight for the freedoms of fellow mutts on the other side of the planet, the freedoms which grant non-whites the ability to bear arms even though that constitutional right was strictly given to white Americans only. The founding fathers were proud Britons, and you are not. The founding fathers sought the death of traitors to the country’s inherently British values if they were ever imposed upon, as stated in the constitution. You are the enemy of the founding fathers without realising it, this is why you refuse to stand up and fight for what's right, yet you are naive enough to preach the words of them in your own defence. Americans show cowardice time and time again, the dots never connect for you to implement the solutions to your problems that are staring you right in the eyes, you mentally masturbate to the thought of IF it were a reality, this is what you are proud of, the make-believe scenario you are too scared to take part in or have the legacy of starting.

No. It's that you are a retard and probably a kike. This is an obvious D&C thread.

But no, fighting is not in the spirit of the American, the thought of scurrying away and hiding elsewhere for one more minute of survival is seen as the smarter solution to all of your problems. You are becoming the migrants from a once-white nation which ideals you have destroyed, you refuse to fight or even open your mouth because of temporary reprisals, and you think this is the smartest option? Your past actions of inactivity during times of white cultural hardship has placed you into the same category as the Jews, now that you have nothing left you have become a nomadic people that will seek the destruction of civilised countries for your own monetary gain. The addiction of your Jewish goods has placified any willpower to fight, you've indulged so much in entertainment and the small pleasures in life that any thought is just that, a thought. You believe these thoughts are meaningless or cringy after a while because you have everything you small-minded mutts need - food and YouTube. You're literally rewarding yourself for inaction, you have no identity because you believe the thoughts you have is just you jumping on the bandwagon, the actions of a few retards has made it uncool for you. Good job, that's exactly what they wanted.

It truly is a sad state of affairs for Americans, they cannot compete with other nations on the level of culture and the upkeep of their traditions, so they seek the destruction of the whole west through their media, speech, and even through change of the once individual societal norms and laws every country possessed before the exportation of your Jewish culture. After all, how can America rival the entirety of the west through fire-power when they can't even finish off sand dwellers or enemies within their own country? Instead, they push for the soft invasion of every white nation with their Jewish dialect and kosher norms. And now that you've brought the whole west down alongside you, you seek to migrate to these countries? Ok Jew, good luck fitting in, we know you will force Europeans to assimilate into Judaic-American culture within their own borders once you’re the majority. With a population that has surpassed 327 million, the exportation of mutts will easily outweigh many Euros within their countries once you arrive.

you may not like it but this is what peak retard looks like

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No. It looks like this

The only people that are more retarded than Americans are the morons that preach of this imaginary American alliance their country shares culturally, “My greatest ally” is just the best of the worst cock that your country is currently taking, you people have turned into faggots from all the foreign cocks you have taken and as a result, you have failed to realise you don't need to take anyone's cock. You seek the partnership America has with Israel and the title that comes alongside it but you fail to realise both are Jews, it’s just a bond of international Jews from other countries. Do you let and promote your neighbours to walk into your home without knocking, take your food, and shit in your bathroom without flushing? Do you let your neighbour that is also white into your life to breed your women because of the brother wars? Whenever somebody speaks up against this I hear cucks and mutts scream divide and conquer, you can’t even speak for yourself so you speak on behalf of the mutts without realising it, they have nothing to lose, you on the other hand do.

I wonder if their current situation is the start of the punishment they'll have to undergo to atone.

Americans don't like this because it's true*

Like I said, Britain won every single battle. The British government conceded to the revolutionaries because of the Whig 5th column who sympathised with them. The British didn't lose the war, they won and stabbed themselves in the back.

Obvious D&C thread? I'm asking why these kikesome decisions were made. Why do Americans always go on about D&C?

I'm sorry brother, no Australian wanted to fight you in the Boer Wars.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"The only people that are more retarded than Americans are the"/
You are a copypasting jew.
This is a D&C thread

>Britain won every single battle.
Demonstrably false

>The British government conceded to the revolutionaries because of the Whig 5th column who sympathised with them.
And also because they physically could not win the war.

>Why do Americans always go on about D&C?
Because you know why Britain participated in WW1 and WW2.
Pro-tip; If you want peace, don't invade your neighbors.
Hitler had every opportunity to focus on the jew. He could have united Europe against jews. Instead, he made war on Europe and united everyone against Germany.
Let that be a lesson to you; Don't stab your neighbors in the back. Focus on the jew.

Also, this bullshit about Germany being a paradise on earth under the monarchy is so retarded that I must assume that you are either
A. a disingenuous kike
B. 12
It is one of those two.

No hard feelings, fighting wasn't the problem, killing the women and children was.

You're scared because it's true.
>S to spit

Because they saved us from the Nazi’s who would of genocided 99% of the world

>Demonstrably false
Demonstrate it then fuckwit

>he made war on Europe and united everyone against Germany
Germany was looking for an alliance with Poland but then Poland sought allegiance with the Jew, who didn't live up to their promise to protect Poland during or after the war.

Also he actually didn't united everyone against Germany, Germany had plenty of willing allies in Europe.

>Hating on Unsern Guten Kaiser
okay pls hurt yourself

The Jews would hire "Viking Mercenaries" within Jutland. Play the old divide and conquer game as always. Using inter-tribal rivalries to play one tribe against the other. The Jutland "Kike" Mercenary was already a "nigger for hire" so it is an easy decision to toss the shekel in that direction for immediate action against the more traditional and rooted Bavarian Celt.

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The ANGLO always hated the Jew. There has been an agenda of deceit and misdirection in regards to everything the jews have ever done. If you want to find individuals who actually worked in lock-step with kikes over various things whilst supposedly representing Britain; you mostly find Bavarians, Normans and the occasional Scot.

Anglos never feature. Nor do the Welsh.

We should lynch our so-called 'elites' though. That one is on us.

Well jews were banned from England until the dutch who were heavily ZOG'd let them back in during the civil war. So can we blame them? Do we get to blame the ''innocent'' boers for being descendants of the jew lovers? If not this is hypocritical.

Was this civil war the so-called Glorious Revolution?

There have been no jews in England throughout most of its history. And we are the third oldest nation in Europe. The dutch FORCED them on us with oliver Cromwell.

The post-Cromwellian Englishmen is the ultimate shabbos goy.

Attached: William the Conqueror and the Jews - Anglo-Norman Invasion.jpg (1240x1754, 848.94K)

How did this happen

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Racist crackers.

Another reason why 1066 was the worst year in history



Cromwell was used to bring the Jew back into England after centuries of banishment.

Attached: Oliver Cromwell.jpg (1252x626, 306.49K)


Project harder, Jew

I'm not really caught up with the English Civil War, the only Dutch involvement with the British Isles I was aware of was the Glorious Revolution.
How did the Dutch force Cromwell on England?



1066 wasn't there worst year. The normans eventually banned the jews. But almost 400 years later they were allowed back in.


This is relevant as well. One of the conditions for financial and military support from the Dutch in the English civil war was that the jews be allowed to settle in small number. Being about as extreme a Puritan as is conceivable, this didn't seem like too big of a deal to Cromwell who saw it as an opportunity to redeem the lost sheep of Israel by introducing them to Christ. Thus the jew was allowed back into England, at the behest of the Dutch and the only Anglo who okayed it was a religious Zealot that saw it as an opportunity to spread his faith.

Any who would like to make out that Anglos were a jew-loving people have it entirely backwards.

British nobility has been Norman ever since William the Bastard's conquest, and Bavarian after the glorious revolution. Both Bavarians and Normans are notorious for working alongside anyone who can help them gain power, and have at various times sided with Arabs, Turks and Jews. These so-called 'representatives' of England regularly came into conflict with the commoners who had pretty Yas Forums-tier ideas. A notable example is when Sir Edward Codrington liberated Greece from Ottoman rule, which went directly against the Norman-Bavarian aristocratic desire to maintain a 'balance of powers'. Despite it enraging them beyond measure, they were forced to Knight Codrington and publicly praise him as a hero, as the Anglo-Saxon populace loved him as a champion of Christianity, and a liberator of ancient kin.

Have there been bad Anglos? Sure. There have been bad apples from all races. The vast majority of the evil that is so commonly attributed to the Anglo, was actually done against the Anglo's wishes. Even the various crimes of the USA are regularly opposed and protested by the average Anglo citizen; but the foreigners in power just push forward with it, and then history blames our people.

As said before, some blame is certainly on us for not out-right purging these bastards.

I'm mostly angry about 1066 because English would otherwise be objectively the best language. English is so beautiful on its own terms, but French is a hideous language that has raped English.

That's why Lallans is the greatest language imo, since it evolved from English dialects spoken in Scotland which didn't get conquered by Frenchies.

... additionally, there is the Ottoman "Donmeh" Turk connection within the --current-- English Monarchy; which dates back to Cromwell in the 1600s (civil war). Point being, the English ruling class are impostor "Whites" originating from Turkish "Donmeh" psyops and assassins.

Take some time to monitor the connections between England and Turkey. The love affair extends into Saudi Arabia, and of course Israel.

Attached: Victory & Abdul - Anglo-Ottoman-Love - Crimean War.jpg (906x960, 330.62K)

Based German. Keep fucking those mutts up.