Gets a paycheck and gets an overinflated ego because “essential”

>gets a paycheck and gets an overinflated ego because “essential”
>wants you dead because you are out of work and need to protest government overreach
“Essential” workers are terrible people

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What a fucking slappable face.

what a cutie

Medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States

Imagine if these people had to wear prescription glasses all day long.

why not protest that despite food still being produced, electricity and other utilities still being on, doctors and fire departments and all other essential services still being provided, you are somehow at risk of losing your security because the system demands useless jobs are toiled away at to cause imaginary numbers to transfer from one account to another to justify you getting those things that would just be thrown away otherwise?

The problem is not the lockdown, its capitalism.

Nah, just nurses. Lmao truckers are keeping generally quiet and cemetery workers ain't getting recognition

>wants you dead
actually they want you NOT to die despite your retardation


I love how dumb Americans are now. They have to be mad at someone otherwise they have to admit it is their own fault.

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Someone gets it.

> need to protest

Check Twitter, they are all praying they get infected because “essential workers will be the ones caring for them”
Healthcare workers egos are gone through the roof since this crisis.

Get a therapist

Half of my friends are either techs or nurses. It’s true. All the praise has gotten to their heads. They are taking their lived experience at the hospitals during this crisis and using it to claim authority on lockdowns. They need a swift kick in the pants.

Not an argument.

>calling out egotism is a sign of mental health problems
Blow your brains out.

Nothing makes my blood boil more than shit like this.
Fucking cunts have jobs for no reason more than the millions that are now unemployed.

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That tweet is infuriating

If the system’s use is providing said security then it is innately not useless.

>The problem is not the lockdown, its capitalism.
Sure, let’s add infinitely more government to counter an economic crisis caused by isolation initiated by the fucking government! Great idea, you absolute fucking sped. And let’s not forget that the virus spead in the first place due to a Chernobyl-tier bureaucratic coverup put in place by a party started by Mao Zedong.

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those masks are comfy as fuck how did her face get so red?

They are loving that they are still getting paid and actually financially better off than their restaurant friends for once lol. Women nurses are fucking trash. That and they love the fake praise they are getting right now. Their egos are about to explode. You know what they do all day. They empty piss jugs and wipe old peoples asses clean of shit everyday. They are fucking trash. Oh another thing that pisses me off is when they whores work all say wiping ass and dumping piss pans they go out shopping in their shitty piss virus clothes. They have probably spread the virus more than anyone else. Fuck these hoes.

That's seriously scary

You don't need to protest, and if you do protest, you're making the epidemic worse. So yeah, you definitely do deserve to die.

Can somebody please explain to me why a healthcare worker is out counter protesting if they are all working 16 hour shifts because the hospitals are at capacity?

>you don’t need to protest
When you have your civil liberties taken away from you, yes you do. These people are being told they can’t grow food in their backyards while being encouraged to buy alcohol and lotto tickets (things the state collects taxes on).

because those idiots were blocking the street to hospital?
BTW how do you feel about people running over protesters who block the street?

Don’t forget twerking on tiktok

protection googles

That didn’t answer my question. If they’re so overworked why do they have the time to counter protest? Are you telling me that the hospital was so empty because of the protest that they had time to counter protest?

Someone needs to get that bitch a ski mask lol

I haven't seen any actual confirmation those where actual nurses and not just people in scrubs. You know you can just buy those uniforms right?

It's a great litmus test for how disciplined a news outlet is. For instance Time just needs the photographer to say "I believe they where healthcare workers" to say nurses.
A random lady saying "I believe" is not good enough for Buzzfeed though.
They are both however jewish.

After their shift they go directly to the grocery store to shop with their scrubs on, touching everything and spreading the virus. They did it before the virus and continue to now.

This... fucking this.
Nurses are fucking useless. They just spend their time gossiping. Plus these fucking pictures. Oh boo fucking hoo you had to wear a mask. I wear FFP3 masks all day for work. Not a problem. Every nurse I have ever met is a dumb cunt.

China effectively locked down. Each country is responsible for themselves during a global pandemic. Such things can appear anywhere and will spread the world over. Where they originate from does not matter, what matters is how each country is able to handle it.

The DPRK handled it well due to be a proper socialist state. China handled it somewhat ok due to having vestiges of socialism still in place.

The west handled it badly due to being a bunch of retarded liberal capitalists.

Your assertion that somehow ammount of government and economic system are linked is absurd. The west has massive amounts of bureaucracy due to the control mechanisms of late stage capitalism ensuring corporate control of everything.
The bureaucracy is not working badly or inefficient by the way, its working perfectly at what it is intended to do: enrich the corporations and elite at the cost of the commoner. Such is the nature of capitalism.
Socialist bureaucracy is likewise adept at its goals: enriching the people.