point it out on Yas Forums and you get banned
Video games becoming gayer and gayer and influencing the masses
Videogames? Its been your movies, music, tv shows, for years.
I mean, they're not really. That is just an up-to-date version of what happened in 1998.
That's all just one game.
You're a moron.
Yeah and now video games too.
It's significantly gayer and more pozzed than the 98 version (which admittedly was already shit).
Why do you call me a moron when you are the one who is mentally disabled? Nowhere in my post did I state to compile a list or picture with all gay video games there are today.
That game/scenario is literally 25 years old faggot
And the new version is still a lot gayer and got its dialogue changed to typical progressive drivel like "notions of gender".
I swear I'm so sick and tired of you Jew infested retarded Ameritards.
But yeah, animations are still as shit as back in the day.
That's why you should only play old school MMOs, aka sub or early 2000s
Defend this, though.
Final Fantasy has always had a homosexual following.The mods at Yas Forums are halfway to Resetera homos that can't handle political discussions in video games that are contrary to social justice warriors.
what do you have against cute traps?
if you hadn't told me, I'd have tried to victimize the one on the upper right if you know what I mean. I'd still look for myself, look at those tits. wtf. that just looks like a random latina to me.
Good let them continue to fuck up videogames. It was the only place for outcasts to feel at home, now with all the mainstream continuing to fuck it up and it becoming more and more popular the outcasts now have nothing left and come to us
think about their squishy thighs...
Blame japan, all of those faggy, pretty boy styles are currently popular with women.
Looks more like it's popular with fags. Every second boy is a homo today. Not sure what came first though, gay shit like Final Fantasy or the homos.
I'm straight, have been in a relationship for a long time and I only play videogames that have cute boys. I don't want to play as with burly bearded mutts, I value aesthetics in videogames.
nigger have you never played final fucking fantasy
If you remove the nomura shit, the game is straight as a bullet.
>literally Poochie visiting you on your way to the fireworks factory
didnt take long to figure out why warframe was free. all the frames are sexualized hyldrin is a dumb fat nigger bitch empowered floating god-like woman
even if you mute the voice you cant turn off the nightwave niggers annoying ass big lips popping into the screen all the fucking time and the condrix, well all i see when i stare at that retarded thing is that gotsee fag ass gape. merely look at region chat and youre banned. say the word jew anywhere and youre banned. some fagget kid sends you a private message trying to troll you with gay shit any response you send youre banned
i cant even go to work. theres nothing to do here except play guitar and ive done that 10 hours a day for weeks now im tired of it and theres no games to play theres nothing to fucking do
>only gay twinks can be aesthetic.
You are not straight and you are already brain-rotten.
Playing fem characters = Homosexual (you feminize yourself/your "avatar"), unfucked coomer (your only proximity to womanhood is a feminine persona) cuckold (you post pictures and derive pleasure from other men looking at them, probably while subconsciously thinking about them touching their penises. There is no other point in showing other men pictures. You ARE a homosexual cuckold.)
>if you remove the gay parts it's not gay anymore lol!
Yeah, it's straight as a bullet when we ignore the literal homo twink emo boys who all look the same whisper into each other's ears, kep giving each other bedroom eyes, literally wear dresses, dance for 10 minutes and talk some shit about gender just being a notion.
If you can't see the awful trash animation of that motorcycle which is what I was referring to, there is no helping you. Just kill yourself and go back to Yas Forums.
You absolutely don't belong here. I bet you supported that disgusting libtard company with your money.
Get the flamethrowers, quickly.
not the traperinos
>muh cherry picking
>muh cultural humor
fuck off
>theres nothing to do here except play guitar and ive done that 10 hours a day for weeks now im tired of it and theres no games to play theres nothing to fucking do
same, minus the guitar part
What game? Catherine?
Umm, ni no kuni?
i didnt even get my free fucking money yet, id probably buy a mountain bike or something
You won't be around to see it, you're first Shlomo.
im a white romanian
Took a shot on a cargo bot
By what defintiion could it be cherrypicking when 80% of male characters look like ladyboys computer AIs literally believe are female, lol?
Of course this thread would trigger a few Final Faggotry retards who don't belong here.
Choose only one.
romania is white
56% mystery meat mutts think they are white to, it doesn't make it true.
you're not wrong. anime has been gay since its inception.
people think it has got jewish over the years but that is only a half truth. it started jewish, which is why you find old school anime like space cobra where hitler is the villain, or 70s anime casshan where the villains do the roman salute. there are many many others depicting "nazi" as the bad guys. The "Father of anime" Osamu Tezuka has many works like this.
Jewish funded propaganda that's only become more potent over the years.
>stop cherrypicking!
>this is a redpilled game
>please ignore XV literally had a Hillary character because Square Enix wanted to be hot off the press with their shit game and thought Hillary would win
>ignore how she literally talks about fake news
>ignore how there is a literal feminism city
we romanians are romans so were white
I am straight, 100%, I wouldn't give a fuck if I was gay, but I've never felt any arousal from any men. Still, I think you're just butthurt because you don't enter in this definition of beauty.
>since its inception.
You are a retarded freak.
israel literally makes hasbara anime
I've already proven that anime started with jewish money and direction. Osamu Tezuka wrote jewish transgender propaganda, anti nazi propaganda, etc.
Final Fantasy has always been full of jailbait twink characters. Nothing has changed over the years.
"We really need the LGBTQFHGDFBBQ market on our team. Gotta shoehorn those faggots in there somehow"
Things have gotten worse, read the thread.
It's political today on top of everything else.
>Things have gotten worse
*steals your clothes*