We need to have a very serious conversation about this person

We need to have a very serious conversation about this person.
Why is she found on Hillary’s emails, Bill Gates emails, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation emails, Podesta’s emails, while also hanging around several other high level hollywood and political individuals? What is she up to? Is she a pedo rind leader? Her practices only lead to the perpetuation of subversion and decay in our society why is it she has influence on very powerful people? What does that say on the beliefs of those people?

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Every single zionist on Earth and every single person who sides with or in any way supports zionists is on satan's side and actively going against God. You can say she's satanic and should be facing punishment for her deeds soon, just all her satanic buddies.

Our Masonic elite use her as a butcher, and we are the cattle.

She is high priestess of the Antichrist

She's probably Alistair Crowley's daughter or granddaughter.

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Born year after the atomic bomb

that's all you need to know

All I really care about is that she is hot as fuck, she looks really great at her age, and I would really like to plow her. Having connections to the world's rich and powerful and being set up for life would also be another good side effect.

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She is the Whore of Babylon

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So is she a moon child?

she is literally this character

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>Is she a pedo rind leader?

No she is vegan

Delete this now. Jk, who is that?

She very much is.

Do any of you think she actually feeds real human flesh to people?

It seems like she's just in the group because she has black mailed everyone. She's too out there to be pulling any strings. Her art comes off as showing off the information she has on everyone.

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that character was actually hot though and not jewish

She's their cult leader

she's just an artist, so take your meds schizo.
Learn what conceptual art is.
Learn what performance art is.
Stop being such an unrefined uncultured shithead that you think works of art are literal occult rituals. Learn something. Maybe take an art class or philosophy class. Learn what postmodernism actually is.

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No She's the Devil


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This and unironically
By the old gods and the new

Bro, do you even Barbara Bush?

she's a witch. high level witch.
you see there is a hidden religious-political ladder tier that runs above, but hidden, to mainstream politics and celebrity.

So for instance more power and more decision making is given to these witches and warlocks (male witches) than politicians and celebrities. Why? Because these witches, etc. commune directly with infernal spirits, who relay commands and plans to the witches who then carry them out and dish them out to their subordinates who dish them out to the public officials.

Most people don't understand this, but it's very real and has been in operation at least since the 60's, but realistically longer, but gained huge power in the 60's.

OMG. That face is unreal. Stuff of nightmares.

based and grannypilled

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Gay ass serbian occult bitch, as far as i know

I saw this but did anyone try and log on her shit? Have any documents surfaced bc of this??

Eliminate away the baby blood treatments and she's just the old whore of Babylon.

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Ymail is pre-2013

You must remember that she is a Serb

remember that one thread where the Canadian moved to Croatia and got "balkan trolled"

She's just subtly laughing at rich people that find that shit interesting

It's literally how she started it, going from work (actual job) home, seeing some faggots looking at "performance art" and apparently paying top dollar for it

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I find her attractive.

thou shalt not suffer a witch to live

Just got off the phone with Based Department, and they said this ain't it

maria abramovic

False. She's just Alister post-sex change. "She" stays young because of the vrill

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why are they all hanging out together like that? weird.

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maybe she is Rasputin

High price lawyers can get any pedo free with a flimsy excuse. Blame an employer and pay him hush money

Not really weird, if you think about.

You probably think it's weird wingdings outlined 9/11

this one also might have a play

her uncle, or granduncle, dunno, was patriarch Varnava. Without a doubt she has a high level of religious knowledge she can use to know and perhaps identify and therefore communicate with demons

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at least he looks like he is having fun, right? I think that's all that matters.

Consider the following:

Thou shalt not kill

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is she a high level witch? maybe channels their instructions straight from satan?

Massive bump

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>set up for life.
What’s that, 60 years & then you’re dead?
Compared to eternity .
You’re a fool, and the words you choose to use show everything about you.

That and plastic surgery