I've heard that this part of the US was the best (high income, white, taxfree, guns, nature, crime rate...)...

I've heard that this part of the US was the best (high income, white, taxfree, guns, nature, crime rate...). Can some one explain me or at least red pill on thoses?

Attached: 350px-US_map-Northwest.png (350x227, 53.34K)

It's all a correlation of a high white population and low nonwhite population



I'm wondering how could it stay like this for so long.

It's not.

It's hipster/leftist mecca.

The PNW is the most beautiful state with the most terrible "people."

nonwhites are like wildlife, you just have to physically seperate yourself

Oregon consists of mostly rich college kids, sjwtards, and druggies EVERYWHERE. If you want to live in the middle of nowhere there are quite a few places that'll suit your taste, but anywhere close to a city and its just drugs and people that think they're better than you. Housing is getting more expensive across the state and in 10 years we'll be hitting california levels of housing costs. The gap between wages and housing costs is ever increasing, especially outside of portland which is the only city our retarded governor cares about.

Their taxes are higher than most states. WA may not have state income tax, but its other taxes more than make up for it, and combined with housing costs, it's not worth living in.

they are coming for your children.

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i should clarify, i mean WA and OR. i don't think of id, mt, or wy as PNW

Look up Yakima wa

As long as you stay far away from Seattle or Portland, you'll be fine. I'm not sure where you will get a job though. Those cities are the belly of the beast for liberal SJW commie hell holes.


We have income taxes we dont have sales tax couldnt even get it right the second time.

Dont come to idaho, we're already
dealing the commie fags from oregon and California who fucked up their state and now moving into mine.

It's also being completely trashed by fleeing commie California fags after they destroyed their own state. They'll all be like San Francisco in a decade.

Mexican colony now, like Moses Lake.

White, but far left moon-bat crazies run both states.
Washington has a sales tax around 9% but no income tax.
Oregon has an income tax but no sales tax.
Live in Washington, shop in Oregon and get arrested.

cold and rainy

I really want to move there because I feel so strongly connected to the landscape, but Im kinda worried about all the faggotry. I presume it's less degenerate than New York or LA. I currently live in Iowa and most people here don't do shit except for drink beer.

The cities up there are worse than California as far as assholes acting like you shit in their hat for talking to them.

Niggers were banned in Oregon until 1926.

>Live in Washington, shop in Oregon and get arrested.

they can arrest you for that?

that is where all the commifornia peeps run to and then vote in the worthless laws. that they ran from go.

You should take a look at eastern oregon. Much more conservative and a gorgeous area. If you're into hiking you'll love oregon. The eastern part of the state is pretty underdeveloped, as the state doesn't really give a shit about anywhere but portland. There was actually a succession movement in 2008 because of it. Still, its a great area with cheaper housing and far fewer degenerates.

What ever happened to the pacific northwest regime. I know the leader died. But did they ever pick up steam anymore. guy wrote some cool books.

In Washington, the State Police does and has a crackdown on cars loaded with Christmas goodies every year.
Cuz Fuck Santa, fuck Happy Christmas.

I thought Eastern Oregon was spic central

Nope. Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine are cheaper to live in, more white, and has better gun laws.

No that's southern california.

what am i supposed to look for? with quick look around it seems to be pretty based.

fuck off we're full

I was born, raised, and lived in Oregon all my life ama frens

Idaho is fucking based; just avoid "urban" areas which Boise barely qualifies as, but is unironically the shittiest part.

It's super gun friendly, growing rapidly, absolutely beautiful in the nature department, offers all seasons.

t. Moving to Idaho from the east as soon as possible

yakima is full of spics, supposedly
i'm in WA but haven't been out that way myself

Boomers roaming the high desert wastes and injuns

What part?

Cut a circle around seattle and portland and exclude them.

>live in South.
>like it here, but I just want to get away.
>been thinking of moving to North Dakota.
anyone live there?
>vote in politicians that make the state shit because of the influx of crime and the cost of living.
>move to right-leaning state because it is much better to live in.
>repeat previous two steps.
has there ever been a political strategy of make your home state so shit that people will want to move, yet they will still vote for your ideologies?
>arresting someone for purchasing something in a different state.
how is that even legal?

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Mostly lived in Portland suburbs but went to college near Salem and visit central Oregon often.

How’s vancover wa? Looks less fucked than Portland