Mongrel complex

>be amerimud
>italian father/white germanic/irish mother
>tell people here i'm part med
>get called sandnigger
>start to hate actual whites (germanics, irish, anglos) because i feel im not white enough
>meds don't accept me either because im part german
its like im stuck inside myself

Attached: an italian.jpg (1252x675, 37.53K)

Stop being a pussy. Everyone gets insulted on Yas Forums grow up faggot.

We know

This is an Italian pop star. His name is Mahmood: sardinian mother and shitskin father. He is gay.

could have fooled me. I live in the part of america with the most italians on the whole continent and none look white. The only way you can tell the italian girls and puerto rican girls apart is by the size of their father's houses.

Man up you faggot.

>He is gay
Impossible, his giant silver earring is on the straight side.

never met a brit with a positive opinion on italians.

I'm the same mix as you. Difference is I don't need to feel like I "belong" to a certain group. Who gives a shit, seriously. Just do you, and stop trying to find some internet group that will accept you.

tl;dr stop being a faggot

It depends on what you look like
I’m Italian/Irish with some other European mixed in and I look 100% Italian
If you look med then you’ll be accepted

mahmood is half egyptian you moron
Also what a fucking cuck, ofc you hate whites, you live in a (former) white country in wich being pure white mattered.
Here we hate whites because we hate subhumans living beyond the alps.

Oh boy...

I'm 100% Irish and so are my family, friends, community and everyone I know. Feels good to have ethnic kin who have great love towards each other and the closeness that comes with being part of an ethnic family. The most precious gift you have in this life is your own folk. Mixing is an abomination even if its between Europeans.

italians seem ok with their diaspora in any other country they just hate americans for some reason. My father is a nypd lieutenant and my mother is a secretary meanwhile his family works at the refugee housing facility.

this is what happens whey you have


the true solution is to get DINARID BLOOD

Nobody has, cuck


i have brown eyes. All that needs to be said.

Are you Italians all schizo? Whites hating Whites lol. Was watching a show about Sicilia last night and they were all white folks with beautiful tans from your sunny climate.

>size of their father's houses
How are they? Btw Guidos are a different breed.

Why are you trying to curry favour with Italians in Italy anyway? WHO CARES


You live in America btw, everyone is a mutt, not just you.

I do too, and I'm happy with them. If you let these autists on this site determine your self worth you're not very smart. Stop spending so much time here is my best advice. Also, work on your confidence

Go to dublin, everyone is brazillian, fluent in English but here to study on an English learning visa, new home indefinitely after that

Whiter than you Muhammad.

Attached: whiter than you 1.jpg (1367x1526, 252.08K)

Any other Anglos laugh at this post?

English isn't even your official language, Pablo.

america doesn't have an official language. I hate canadians.

America was a mistake. Thank christ it has an ocean on each side to keep it isolated from the rest of us.

mafia boss got killed 10 minutes from where i live last year

Italian father/northern euro mother the offspring will probably look light. Italians are white Caucasians, I have a bunch married into my Irish family. They’re white no doubt.

father's genetics are dominant. I look italian. My aunt on my mother's side says im dark looking. They're all alcoholic.

My buddy is half Italian with a blonde mother and he is blonde but he has super bushy eyebrows and an Italian/Jewy nose
My little cousin has a Mexican (Spanish) father and he looks completely Anglo, oddly enough he has blonde hair and brown eyes though
My ex girlfriend is half Mexican (goblina mother) and half German and she looks pretty much French. Blonde hair and green eyes.

italians aren't white. Half albanian girl in high school is whiter than me. Thought she was finnish.