Economist Bryan Caplan debunks your Yas Forums shit and proves open borders is the best policy.
Economist Bryan Caplan debunks your Yas Forums shit and proves open borders is the best policy
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nations are built on people, if you import the third world you become the third world. The whole world could only be wealthy if there were only the people who build wealthy nations in it.
>Race cuck says some things
Yes we know race denialists promise brown humans will be just like us, and this time for real real and all the ones here just need a little more decades of welfare, probably just give them a middle class income and they’ll magic themselves into people.
We know. It’s been the dominant ideology since “30-y.o.-boomers“ like me were in kindergarten.
Posting this isn’t a big reveal.
So his thesis is the left can’t meme? Open Borders was a elite thing. Just give it up and stop being salty.
The comics don't list any credible facts with proof, and all the points made are obvious and already well known. Its basically "it's this way because I say so" the comic.
There is TOO MUCH to gain by breaking US law via illegal immigration, and almost no real penalties for doing so.
If we took away the free gibs and treated these people like the criminals they are, no one would want to come to our country.
No Caplan admits that race realism might be true, just that it doesn't matter. Letting low IQ immigrants come and work still improves the economy and raises the GDP. It can only benefit the native population.
How about no he does not
>as low density as Los Angeles
kill every illegal and every illegal sympathizer, turn their meat into food aid for poor countries. and cut off all other aid to any country
he's an """anarcho"""capitalist and we've already debunked most of his idiotic assertion in a thread on /lit/ some 2 months ago
t. economist
This is treason.
This comic is treasonous propaganda.
Every fucking time
America has tons of empty space. Let's be honest "lack of room" is a terrible argument against mass immigration.
>economic arguments I don't like are treason.
Incorrect, subversive arguments to destroy the stability of a nation are treason in this case.
>the economy
yeah who cares about crimerates and all that BOGUS
I'd bet $100 he's a Jew doing the typical Jew thing: arguing for something unpopular with stupid points that no one cares to even entertain. I want a serious country; not just some shitty economic zone
bottom right of the first pic
It's written by Caplan, Weinersmith just illustrated it.
>the country's demographic clock
I don’t need 50 cartoons in a font I can’t see to tell me how disastrous immigration has been for everyone but immigrants. I bet one of the comics is about how great tacos are and how we’d never be able to read a fucking cook book without immigration
I would take a troop of 200 good white men and women and I would settle fucking ANYWHERE. Put me the fucking arctic I don't care, whites will survive, breed strength, and come back in 50 years ready to conquer warmer lands.
>Muh economey
AKA: "I married a spic and so now we have to let them all in."
If by native population you mean rootless cosmopolitan vampire destroying labours bargaining power for their own ends - then yes you are correct. If by natives you mean the average person who was born here then no, you're completely wrong - as any slight economic benefit we may experience, is offset by the gross social cost.
>empty space
>Everyone would fit if we were as dense as Los Angeles
Yeah, no. I don't want the entire country to be covered in concrete shitboxes and overpasses, not to mention that we still need farmland and that building over everything would mean that we would have to destroy many of our precious natural wonders such as Yellowstone, Great Smokies, etc. I also hope you realize that the empty space argument itself is retarded, since much of our country is covered by mountains, high desert, and other terrains that are not feasible for inhabitation. Don't make yourself look retarded just because you're a greedy kike who doesn't want to pay American workers a fair wage and would rather import low-IQ shitskins and destroy our country instead.
Fuck off
Pretty much this. Personally, I gave up 'debating' with ancaps because they lack an understanding of the economic lexicon andeven basic economic concepts. So pretty much anything I say bounces off their head.
>raising the GDP = making things better for the population
this is very disingenuous and you know it
>everyone who eats benefits
that's bullshit which doesn't take into account the fact that income DISTRIBUTION matters, allowing immigrants from poor countries in would depress wages in those sectors where immigrants can compete with American workers, so the "advantages" would be divided between high-skilled workers (who benefit from cheaper commodities) and capitalists (who benefit from cheaper labour) thus widening the gap between low and high income stratas and creating unnecessary social tension, not to mention the deracination of national culture.
All you need to know
Too bad economists can't just wave a wand and solve political and social issues. Didn't look any of the cartoons.
so you admit immigration is good for the economy, at the very least? We are making progress.
I'm sure the modern world would be scary to our ancestors but it's obviously better. You could fit everyone on Earth in Texas if it was a reasonably dense city, and have some room to spare. There's plenty of space
true dat, personally I tend to lean more right wing but they refuse to accept anything that isn't immediately reducible to their two retarded axioms. they completely disregard the fact that the vast majority of people do NOT think in an axiomatic manner and actually care about social welfare and cohesion, this is why libertarianism is a joke and right wing populists are gaining popularity all over the world
>destroy your homeland so rich people can buy more ferraris