Epstein Island Game Project Update

It's been almost a month since I made a post here and since the obligatory lockdown was made in effect in Argentina.

I had little time to work on the game, since I moved out of my house to spend the quarantine with a loved one and we have only one computer, that we use to do work.
This computer also had no monitor but a smart tv plugged and that was a great impediment color wise to draw and desing backgrounds/characters.

The obligatory quarantine is still in effect, possibly it will be extended 15 days to a month since now, but I got my hands on a little monitor and can start drawing again.

I spent around one to two hours almost daily working on the code and learning about the program so I can implement things like a shared inventory, save systems, branching story paths, etc.

I'm sorry that this is taking me more time that I have thought.

Attached: advice.png (1288x781, 46.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What engine are you using?

Bump and based

I finished part 1! It was funny and awesome! Was amazing to experience real and pure entertainment. You give nutrious food to starving junk food addicts. (This is a simile for the need for entertainment, and jew media is junk food. )

Adventure Game Studio. And drawing with Aseprite.

Thanks! Really glad to hear to liked part 1, part 2 will be 4 times longer and more convoluted.
I'm working really hard to cram a lot of concepts there.

Attached: redpill and bluepill.png (1292x766, 76.5K)

Alot of the music i liked also, I could pick a tune I liked and go AFK to have it as background.

A french guy made them, he is a godsend.

My favourites are Dan's, Terry's and the Witch leimotiffs.

Based argiebro, I was worried about you!

Keep up the work user, this is the best creative effort Ive ever seen on pol


saw people asking about you the other day, glad you're still around

Shit, I didnt think I would be missed.

I was really pissed I could not continue this in a confortable way. But got some time to do some thinking. I'm gonna make this a puzzle of sorts, see this pic?

Attached: temple 1.png (1281x744, 48.72K)

It's going to be an owl puzzle of some sorts. Possibly to enter the places below the temple.

Attached: owl.png (724x616, 34.75K)

>since I moved out of my house to spend the quarantine with a loved one and we have only one computer, that we use to do work.
>This computer also had no monitor but a smart tv plugged and that was a great impediment color wise to draw and desing backgrounds/characters.
This user is making an epstein game by himself, during a quarantine, on a shared computer, with a fucking TV for a monitor.

Can any other user here say they're as proud of the effort they invest in their banter?
This fine black man is an example to all of us.


Absolute unit simple as

based, glad to see you back.

do you have a non-patreon way we can donate?

You're doing God's work, user. This is great stuff.

Have a bump

Keep it up user!

keep going based argiebro!
t. waiting patiently, quietly

Link to the game?

Attached: cat2.jpg (420x443, 32.68K)

This is a direct link for part 1, it will download the zip file with the game.



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based king sapo.

Attached: sapo_corona.jpg (701x525, 69.48K)

Based argie

Thanks and checked

Based fellow african, godspeed hermano

My man!

I can't wait to play your game once it's completed.

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