>able to keep their lifestyle
>don't pay any taxes
>have lots of kids
What makes Amish country "work"?
What makes it work is the fact that all the men are pretty much guaranteed a virginal wife.
They don't have eyelashes (((()))((())).
Communism, unironically. They all help each other and pay dues to Amish Aide which exists to instantly fix any problem in their community. House burned down? Cool here's $250,000 in supplies and 100 strong men here to erect a new one in a few days. Had a kid? Here's a brick of cash to pay the bill. Husband died and have no income? Cool, here a brick of cash to tide you over, also my wife needs help making pies and candles to sell to rube tourists. Their societies are the ONLY example of actual Communism working.
Liberty in the United States.
they are brainwashed to fear the outside world
they lack the tech to be a danger to them
Why do you think they don't pay taxes?
Because they're protected by the global hegemon who protects them. That's why.
I admire the Amish way of life, but they're only allowed to play at it because the rest of us don't.
I’m surprised the powers that be allow them to do thier own thing unhindered. I suspect there will come a time when the elites will start fucking with them.
Damn, gonna become Amish bros...
This also. And if we ever got the idea they were living too good of a life, like if they started to get enviable products since that is how the larger society judges value, we'd make them pay taxes.
nigger, you too benefit from being protected
but i bet you don't pump out white kids like the amish do
communism works in close-knit homogenous communes
They s shitton of kids, provide them with healthy and loving home, community and faith. They run successful businesses and function within the larger "English" community. They give their children a choice as to whether or not they want to join the church, they don't make them.
t. Keystone state fag
they are encouraged to live outside in the real world for a year, so that they know they arent missing anything when they go back
They own all their shit. No credit, no slavery, live the live you want. That’s how you get out.
>But muh airline milez!! How will I fly?!
Buy a ticket you fag.
Couldn't we also say it's a form of national socialism (the "nation" just being extremely small) ???
Not true
No gibs muh consumerism.
They don't let their kids to see the outside world.
Sure, but I don't get to enjoy living a simple and primitive lifestyle. And neither would they. If they weren't protected by a nation with a military, they'd be fucking destroyed by another group. They'd have to industrialize and use modern technology pretty quick, unless they'd hope for success fighting against tanks and modern rifles using garden hoes and rakes.
yes of course
national socialism is just communism for non-retarded people
It's not communism goofball. They all own private property and businesses.
Yeah, what’s to be scared of?
You fucking idiot.
came here to post this. if islam and niggers ever take over, the Amish can say goodbye to their way of life!
It is a form of National Socialism. It only works because they're white.
the reason they are always selling blankets and home made jam, is to get enough money to pay their taxes
It's pure unadulterated Socialism.
They pound so much pussy in 12 months, they get it out of their system.
Everything is communal withing their tribe.
It's just Socialism.
All that they own works towards one common goal:
To secure the existence of Amish people and a future for Amish children.
For whites.
>islam or niggers
Their way of life will be taken away from them once the liberals take over. Leftists do not even want homeschooling to be legal.
Literally any political system works when used by a united group of whites.
Except they adhere to religion and gender roles and all the natural order stuff that is the first to go under socialism.
Fun fact: Amish populations have been decreasing drastically. So much that they pay non-Amish men to impregnate their women. Move to PA and you can get a job fucking Amish women.