Why are so many white people sexually deviants?

Seriously though, whether you see either documentaries of their "preferences" or weird porn, or even just out on the street, when it comes to sexual deviants 9/10 times its gonna be whites, from doing people, animals, people dressed up as animals, to cars, planes trees, balloons etc, rarely do you see blacks or asians involved. Even the japanese are tame compared to some of the things done by whites.

Why is that Yas Forums?


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Because white people are disgusting.

this is more important

white people invented being gay, lesbian, and being trans. they try to blame it on jews but they white too. must be something to do with their lack of testosterone

Well said brother. Sexual degeneracy will go away when white men are breeded out. Not only is it important to impregnate white women for the sake of creating offspring with the best possible genetics but it is also important to do so as a service to humanity.

crazy shit going on in denmark

Couldn't you find a picture without a nigger if your point was that whites are more degenerate?

The media is biased. You never hear the media mention that blacks are 10% more obese than whites, make up 70% of single parents and commit 50% of crime (a lot of it is drug related). Instead the media makes it seem like only white people are degenerate to be (((PC))).
In fact the most deprived people are Pakistanis. They look up things like bestiality and child porn at a much higher rate than western countries.

White people are the least you just live in a white area. Here in DR I know tons of fags and trannies. Places like Brazil are even worse.

Subhuman trolls who don’t understand statistics.

Oy vey...

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Tell me about it...

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Look at ancient white civilizations. Romans and greeks both and pedophiles and gays in the public and open. Black civilizations like Egypt and mali never had any of that

>durr & co

people who grow too rich become bored, this is the result


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How do you know, did you live there at that time?

>Why are so many white people sexually deviants?

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The racism of the Inquisu Ocha is well known to us.
*takes a knee*

That picture makes me feel physically ill. These deranged freaks are forcing their fetish not only into the public eye, but onto a literal child who was probably forced there by their SJW mother and s.oylent '''father''' and will grow up with a warped sense of what is a normal, healthy sexuality.
The worst thing is this is supposed to be 'empowering' and something to celebrated as 'pride'. When will people wake up to this shit?

Is being a nigger just coping every day? Not only were nigger civilisations depraved also they also sold their own people as sex and worker slaves.
We are talking about TODAY when most western people are civilised but niggers haven’t evolved yet and are still abusing drugs and being deviant.

know your history...even white historians who try to deny black excellence, dont deny these facts

Blacks and shitskin fucks toddlers and commit rape and incest on daily basis. Whites have some minority of degenerates scumbags like gays, cucks, libs, söybois and shit like this. They should be euthanized.


Ask the Jews/Muslims, there is your answer, all other white people are just lemmings, caught in usury.

Blood should be running in the street over that picture in the OP. Completely 100%

>white people invented being gay, lesbian, and being trans
No that was Jews.
see Like yourself. What are you kikes going to do now lay all your grievous sins on white people too? Chunks of shit.

>Why are so many white people sexually deviants?
Idk. Ask Yas Forums and their BBC/cuck/interacial/trap threads.

not living you in poverty gives you the elbow room to be degenerate.

Anyone who reads history quickly realises how worthless and inferior Blacks are. Cope.

I actually believe that there may be a correlation between higher IQs and deviancy of all kinds.

>Ask Yas Forums and their BBC/cuck/interacial/trap threads
> threads made by meme flags
> meme flag blames Yas Forums
fuck off inbred.

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You are such a low IQ sad lemming.

< we ware kangz mentality, schitzo.

the inquisu ocha destroy themselves as much as they destroy others. But they are not aware of the self-realization of what they do and the results of what they do "chickens coming home to roost". They do evil and racism and hatred to others, and it will always return to them.
In the grand universal scheme, we win and there is justice and balance. Feels good man :)

He's not black. That's a kike. Niggers post with their national flag and it's very rare.

>Black civilizations like Egypt

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Niggers eat each other. We wuz kangz

The odd thing is the percentage rate of sexual deviancy is rather similar race to race.

Eat the bugs bigot!

Yeah I bet it is. It’s probably just a raid.
>Oy vey why are the white goyim so degenerate!