Is this racist

Is this racist

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most southerners are niggers

Is London British?

Theres your answer

X's are raysis.
Ban all X's

Only if you want it to be.

Yes, everything is racist

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Only if you're a Jewish plantation owner.

Who cares if it's racist?
If you're ever called a racist, double-down immediately. Don't let that bullshit make you cower. Just own it.
>Yer Raysiss!
Fuck that shit.

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Yes and that's a good thing.

On the one hand, it's the capital of GB...
On the other, it's a muddy multiculti slew of bullshit...

That's a fucking clever answer based snekman. It took me a second to realize how good it is.

No, and even if it were it wouldn’t matter since racist is a stupid word in every way. Racist is like the niggerest nigger of words.


no, just 99% the people who wave it

It’s a flag representing the southern States from the Mason dixon Line. Aka those who didn’t think niggers should be US citizens vs the niggerlovers in the northern States which have fucked up usa with all their nigger loving bullshit ways. Whilst talking down to southerners calling them White trash, hillbillies and honkeys etc. Northerners think they are what the world thinks of and likes about usa. Well, they are wrong.

Niggers should have been sent back to africa. This fucking Lie of saying the opposite has created much of this dysfunctional thinking where niggers or others in countries they dont belong are somehow victims if that country doesn’t import more people like them, and make that country about them.

Reminder that if the Confederacy won, slavery would have probably ended soon anyway and they even said they planned to end it within a few years if they won the war of Southern Independence.

Reminder that this war officially ended the concept of "freedom" in the democratic world, as it determined that secession is illegal and thus you are forced to be a part of a state even if you don't want to.

And the niggers would have been freed and sent back to africa where they belonged. Niggers even got offered a country Liberia larger than several European countries, just for being sold by other niggers and picking some cotton. Northerners instead decided usa had to be niggerfied culturally and ethnically for no good reason whatsoever. As if it was a crime for niggers Living with other niggers in africa. The most natural thing. Even fucking segregation they managed to ruin.

>Reminder that if the Confederacy won, Anne Frank would be pregnant.

Added that for you

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>Northerners think they are what the world thinks of and likes about usa. Well, they are wrong.
And this is very true as well. The American South had much more a concept of "class" compared to the North and more of a connection with aristocratic norms

Also people need to think about why they are so stupid to think segregation was bad. Niggers could live like in africa all Black. And americans could live like normal. Whilst they were in the same country. It’s a very Nice compromise made because niggers were made citizens which they were never supposed to be. And niggers refused to fuck off to africa. And then you had this bullshit fake victimhood where niggers started to covet White areas etc. And started to act as if it was a travesty if American culture wasnt niggerfied. Again refusing to go live in all Black africa. It’s such a joke. Why should American people and culture be niggerfied? Made no sense. The only reason people say it’s bad is cause they are told it is. It’s bad cause someone says it’s bad. No wonder dysfunctional thinking comes of this, where these morons are not even understanding. What is the point of a national border? They ask. Well usa and mexican border separate two different people and cultures from eachother. It’s segregation.

Isn’t that bad? Are borders then not evil? NO you fucking retards. Only if you dont want any of them to exist in their way. And neither is segregation evil. It was just done inside a country. Because those people werent supposed to be part of their people and culture.

Civil War is sold on a revisionist lie now anyway. But it's racist to say the Civil War was started for anything other than FREEDOM, and certainly not the Morrill Tariff, which is why you don't read about that in school but you do read about the Underground Railroad.

Yankee media, since the end of the Civil War, done everything they can to mock and punish the South for daring to tell the federal government to fuck off with their tariffs. Slavery was a convenient moral explanation for why the North and South went to war, but a more likely cause was a series of import tariffs passed only with the support of the North. You see, the South imported numerous pieces of equipment for farming and textiles from Great Britain and other countries, who made superior products at the time. They were an economic powerhouse, and the North saw that and wanted some of that sweet, sweet cash, so to encourage internal industry (read: force the South to buy all their shit) they slapped on tariffs of over 70%. South said, "Fuck this." North said, "If you don't like it, why don't you go start your own country?" and South said, "Maybe we will."

The average Yankee won't be moved to enough anger to support a war against your own nation by someone refusing to pay tariffs but they will be moved to anger the plight of those poor black people that a handful of landowners are FORCING to work. The North didn't want blacks in their territories either, and the new territories also didn't want them, so the whole "war to end slavery" angle is just ridiculous.

So the war ended, Southern infrastructure was smashed. The few wealthy landownerstook off for the North or other countries with their ill gotten gains. Impoverished farmers, now out of a job, went back and tried to work the fields. Many former slaves, now freed, turned to crime out of desperation. So if you want to know why despite only making up 13%... thank the Yankees. They could have helped after the war. But they chose not to.

The North basically committed total war against the South and still thought they were the good guys. All in the name of "keeping the country together".

That flag isn’t even the confederate flag. It’s a battle flag. It’s not racist, it’s not anti-American, it isn’t even pro Confederate state. It’s a battle flag. It’s the flag used when so many of Americans from both sides died. It represents the innocents lost. It’s a symbol of strife and all that was lost. It’s a way to remember and honor the dead. Seriously, fags, learn that this the national flag of the Confederacy wasn’t this. This is a symbol of the soldiers who fought and died

It is a symbol of rebellion.
must be demonized

The South FAQ

> Why are Southerners so dumb?
Because they worked on fuckin' farms and always have. Because the educated elite fled after the war. Because the average white farmer worked and lived right alongside your average black farmer. Education wasn't much of a priority compared to making enough food and clothes for your family to survive the winter. The North wasn't exactly in a hurry to educate them, either, lest they rise up again.

> Why do they fuck their cousins?
The death toll after the war was considerable. Those who didn't die in the war may have died of typhoid or some other disease. So your pool of eligible mates is considerably small. Also, see the education thing. Also, people didn't understand that fucking your close relatives caused genetic damage in those days because European ROYALTY did it all the time and look how they turned out.

> But FLORIDA MAN! LOLOLOL Florida is weird!
It's a meme, and the news media knows people think it's funny. Yankee news media has had a hateboner for the Florida since Al Gore, anointed son of Clinton, lost in Florida.

Poor people in the South used to have to make alcohol to sell illegally to make money, and because it was illegal due to Yankee prohibition laws, they would have to build cars fast enough to outrun the police. Eventually these alcohol runners thought it might be fun to race these cars, and it turned into a revenue generating spectator sport.

> Why do black people steal?
There was no "phased obsolescence" of slavery, in which slaves would be educated and integrated into society. Suddenly, it was over. The North didn't give a FUCK about slaves, and they certainly didn't want them in their territories. Forced to suddenly provide for families, many former slaves congregated in areas with others like them (Montgomery, Atlanta, Birmingham), were uneducated, and became desperate.

What about this flag? America was created by a rebellion too.

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> But the Ku Klux Klan!
Still morally wrong. But why did it exist? Suddenly, impoverished whites were competing with impoverished blacks for limited resources. A DEY TUK UR JERBS mindset was the key here. The KKK blamed these impoverished blacks for the suffering of the South and try to frighten them away by violence if necessary. One of the famous stories of the original KKK is that they would go to a black house and in a spooky voice demand water from the occupants. They would pour the water into a hose hidden in their mask, which would puddle out on the ground as if they had no body. They'd claim they haven't had a drink of water since they were slain at Shiloh, or another battleground.

KKK was literally Scooby Doo tactics in its initial phases.

No but it is a flag of a people who lost a war. LOSERS

I think everyone knows they lost the war, nigger
We've all had history class

>Is this racist
Who cares if it is?

Why are you forum sliding?

Theres a classic movie about beer running called smokey and the bandit with now late burt reynolds. A few years ago some sjws in connection with wanting confederate monuments taken down, they found out the trans am he is driving has the confederate flag on the entire movie. This pissed them the fuck off. Really cute and entertaining Old movie btw.

As for niggers being desperate. Hahaha. Go to africa. Niggers are much more violent and criminal minded than other groups. This is why they are a problem to live around. And this trying to fix niggers whilst kissing their ass has completely fucked up usa.

Theres a guy who has a pasta about how much usa revolves around pampering and praising niggers these days. A people who were never supposed to fucking be citizens there.

>No but it is a flag of a people who lost a war. LOSERS
Because in every war in history, the good guys won and the bad guys lost, right?

And they were wrong because they lost, right?

absolutely not. confederacy by definition is individual states with a decentralized and weak national government. it has nothing to do with race.

getting pavlovved into associating it with slavery is a mistake made by the weak.

He is an idiot i laugh when i see that Logic. That somehow if you win a conflict it means you are good or correct or whatever. Some nigger could shoot him in the head in a weeks time and that means nigger is best or correct or whatever.

It’s complete nonsense. The best dont always win neither does the good guys.