How does one end up like this?

How does one end up like this?

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Avacado toast.

weak mind = weak body

Distant father/withholding mother a child, wearing a plastic bag over his head while "mommy's friend" fills it with 'internet gas'..

Bald people should be gassed. Very unattractive.

Shitty diet, lack of exercise, overexposure to entry-level "nerd" media and neoliberal ideas.

Wife's boyfriend doesn't beat him enough

I'm bald. I exercise. I eat right. I'm not a neolib fag. Star Wars and Marvel do not interest me.

what the fuck is this filename?
receding hairline is the marker of high T, also he has decent beard
he is just a product of this basedboy cuck cult

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This. Taking care of yourself.
A real man doesnt give a fuck about body aesthetics. Metro sexuales are closeted homos

his jewish wife is smoking hot tho
that's even more incredible

post wife

Looks jewish to be honest senpai

but he's not bald, just balding

dude is probably packed iwith money and his father is high ranked in the tribe

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Wasn't this guy in a bachelor millonaire reality tv show? That'd make sense.

If basedboys are bad as a men what are we incels?

>How does one end up like this?
Didn't shave it bro

Average reddit janny


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Imagine being this much of a hopeless schizo that believing that consuming certain media/having certain hobbies makes your hair fall from your head.

This is your brain without your meds.

Lots of so󠛡y and vidya games

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>receding hairline is the marker of high T,
Fuck this meme tier science
Why aren't teenagers bald then

thats not what he said at all you mutt

if you look like this you can better just go skinhead bals desu

Because your highest T is at 40, then falling rapidly.

I wonder who their BVLL is?

How did you post onions?

It's a sign of high dht, a byproduct of testosterone. Non-balding men actually have higher levels of free testosterone. But yes, higher testosterone means higher dht but only if you have the genes that make follicles susceptible to it. And hairlines DO begin to mature/record during your teenage years.

t. Balding man who's spent an absurd amount of time researching and obsessing over hair loss

can't even be bothered arguing with this retard.
Go and find the Buzzfeed (or whatever basedcuck site) where they tested the men's testosterone

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Why the hell did Buddy Holly glasses somehow become trendy? They look fucking awful.

I started balding in my first year of high school. Don't kid yourself it happens

>consuming certain media/having certain hobbies makes your hair fall from your head.

And your T levels are...?

Giga chad levels

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You have to have the right face for them to look remotely good. This is what a lot of trendhoppers don't understand about glasses, so they just end up looking dumb.

take your meds, freak

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So explain why absentee fathers make white men into basedfags and black men into vaguely gorilla-shaped bike-enthusiasts.
I think it's just that millennials are weak as fuck because the degeneracy of the boomers and nihilism of gen-x finally came home to roost.

Lack of genetic competition and low environmental hazards