/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3365 - A.K.A Chinese Virus

► Detected: 2,528,251 (+47,748) ► Died: 174,484 (+4,087) ► Day: 103 (-09:26:55)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,623 strains have been sequenced —


China floods the world with defective equipment

Virus stays in air for 12 hours, longer than expected

Mortality rates: over 28,000 deaths went unreported in 10 countries

Low antibody count doesn't guarantee immunity, issue for antibody tests

Tests detect binding antibodies, not the ones that grant immunity

40% of cases needing ventilators in Russia are under 40

Testicular damage

Virus binds to ACE2, first route found

Feared corpse transmission has now been confirmed

Survivors will need rehabilitation due to neuromuscular damage

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

Nationwide shortages of reagents for testing in the US

"Germany doesn't test post-mortem", Spanish biologist

China didn't add 43,000 new cases since hitting 80,000

Wuhan doesn't report new cases because they are not testing

119 new cases and 49 new deaths in Switzerland
9704 new cases and 1010 new deaths in the United States
7 new cases in Isle of Man
165 new cases in South Africa
17 new cases and 1 new death in the State of Palestine
893 new cases and 72 new deaths in Germany


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Other urls found in this thread:


>the State of Palestine


Row row row your boat gently DOWN the stream

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Wait you guys are STILL going on about the corona-meme?

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My balls smell.

rolling for emp, civil war, and the complete destruction of the ccp.

The virus isn't the happening though it's the aftermath of it. Economic wise and job lose. Businesses shutting down, etc. It's gonna be so fucking bad even when the virus is gone


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can we make this a sweden yes thread
>Swedish politician traveled to stockholm to get coronavirus - was not allowed to meet patients, licked escalator railing
>Swedish politician Urban Persson has told he visited stockholm to get coronavirus

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fuck off and die noodle nigger.

Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

>inb4 June oil contracts crashes to negative

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b..but the man on CNBC said it was only a one time thing and that the system was sound and that a vaccine would be developed and everything would return to normal

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I've spent all day getting paid to haul off barrels of oil. I throw em in the back of my truck and dump them in the forest. So far today I've hauled 87 barrels for about $1600, not bad for a day's work.

Palestine, recognized officially as the State of Palestine by the United Nations

Fuck off schlomo

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why wouldn't you just stack them and sell em later?

>*checks numbers*
Sadly, it is not. We're recovering.

The USA did never hide the threat H1n1 or AIDS posed to human health. Never minimized the danger. never hid the impact.

>even when the virus is gone
That's the cherry on top, it will never leave

>Yes, My wife love immigrants.

ching chong ping pong you ccp troll farm nigger

Norwegians BTFO !

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They're trying to damage control so fucking hard whilst still sending shit PPE and tests to countries

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#1 United States 802,463 (43,524) #2 Spain 204,178 (21,282) #3 Italy 183,957 (24,648) #4 France 155,383 (20,265) #5 Germany 147,958 (4,934) #6 United Kingdom 129,044 (17,337) #7 Turkey 95,591 (2,259) #8 Iran 84,802 (5,297) #9 China 82,758 (4,632) #10 Russia 52,763 (456) #11 Belgium 40,956 (5,998) #12 Brazil 40,814 (2,588) #13 Canada 37,398 (1,728) #14 Netherlands 34,134 (3,916) #15 Switzerland 28,063 (1,436) #16 Portugal 21,379 (762) #17 India 18,985 (603) #18 Peru 16,325 (445) #19 Ireland 15,652 (687) #20 Sweden 15,322 (1,765) #21 Austria 14,873 (491) #22 Israel 13,883 (181) #23 Saudi Arabia 11,631 (109) #24 Japan 11,135 (263) #25 Chile 10,832 (147) #26 South Korea 10,683 (237) #27 Ecuador 10,128 (507) #28 Poland 9,856 (401) #29 Pakistan 9,565 (201) #30 Romania 9,242 (498) #31 Singapore 9,125 (11) #32 Mexico 8,772 (712) #33 United Arab Emirates 7,755 (46) #34 Denmark 7,695 (370) #35 Norway 7,191 (182)…

#1 United States +9,704 (+1,010) #2 Russia +5,642 (+51) #3 Turkey +4,611 (+119) #4 United Kingdom +4,301 (+828) #5 Spain +3,968 (+430) #6 Italy +2,729 (+534) #7 Iran +1,297 (+88) #8 Saudi Arabia +1,147 (+6) #9 Belgium +973 (+170) #10 Germany +893 (+72) #11 Netherlands +729 (+165) #12 Pakistan +673 (+25) #13 Canada +569 (+38) #14 Sweden +545 (+185) #15 Portugal +516 (+27) #16 Mexico +511 (+26) #17 United Arab Emirates +490 (+3) #18 Belarus +459 (+4) #19 India +446 (+11) #20 Bangladesh +434 (+9) #21 Ukraine +415 (+10) #22 Indonesia +375 (+26) #23 Chile +325 (+8) #24 Romania +306 (+20) #25 Poland +263 (+21) #26 Serbia +260 (+5) #27 Panama +191 (+10) #28 Denmark +180 (+6) #29 Israel +170 (+4) #30 Greece +156 (+5) #31 Finland +146 (+43) #32 Philippines +140 (+9) #33 Morocco +140 (+1) #34 Switzerland +119 (+49) #35 Hungary +114 (+14)…

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lol you think I would actually invest in oil? The shit people are paying others to take? You're fucking retarded.

I mean god hates fags.

2 days , 3 days?

Can a nothing burger explain how come Italy has
105,238 (98%)
in Mild Condition

2,471 (2%)
Serious or Critical

while at the same time

51,600 (68%)
Recovered / Discharged

24,648 (32%)

> ------------
basically current stats on mild and severe are bullshit or you can go from mild to dead quite quickly

>that guy who said it's impossible that Chevron will cut dividends
I think he's panic selling as he says it

I know. It'll just "go away"

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So i work for the city and they are offering antibody tests so I'm about to get it done.
How reliable are they and what does my result actually mean?

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>9.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu
I mean, sure, if 300k victims of swine flu devided by 178k = 9.5

>9704 new cases and 1010 new deaths in the United States

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You can go from mild to dead very quickly. You can go from walking down the street fine, to falling over dead in about 5 seconds.

Singapore now has over 9000 cases but only 11 deaths. What's their secret to keeping the mortality rate so low??

He wanted some of Corona chan's juices

>aids started in the US because we discovered it before the africans

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And so it goes. This plague heralds the beginning of the end of Kali Yuga, the last and most degenerate of the 4 ages. The recent surge in depravity and hedonism has finally tipped the scale and unleashed forces of nature that will wipe out all life from this plane of existence with the intention of restarting the Great Cycle of Life.

Evading and delaying the inevitible is an exercise in futility. We have outlived our welcome, and we must embrace our destruction, for only death may bring life.

No lockdowns, no quaratines, no counter measures will ever prepare us for what comes next, for what we're dealing with is far beyond the grasp of our mortal minds.

The world will descend into unfathomable chaos, untold horrors becoming commonplace, and in its darkest hour, Lord Vishnu will assume his 10th and final Avatar of this age, an armed rider on a pale horse, that will ride the cursed lands with the divine intention of bringing an end to every single form of life that still persists in this doomed world.

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They won't, they will produce less. They have done so in the past to rise prices.
Prices will be lower, estimated a 39% drop for June's contract and only 17% for July.
May's negative is a history record but it stays there.

bix nood

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Confirmed, user. You know what it means?

isn't that what lack of iron does to ya?

based poo-ocalypse

So whats up with the hacked data

Ummmm.. any fellow Iowans here? Maybe it's time for Kim Reynolds to consider that lockdown all the other states are thinking of. These numbers are starting to look bad.

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>How reliable are they and what does my result actually mean?
Very unreliable and actually worse than useless

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if you’re positive it means you (may) have come into contact with someone who had the virus

>Mexican oil at -2.37

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2009 h1n1 outbreak first discovered in mexico, And nothing was ever hidden like with COVID-19
hiv originated in africa
I don't even know who is to blame for the financial crisis but i doubt it was solely the US.

But H1N1 outbreak began in Mexico, the fuck are they talking about lol

we definitely know that adding lead doesn't help

do they stay niggered forever?

Getting some strong serial killer vibes from that face.

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Bagharma Vitha pilled

any livestream protests going on?

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Not very reliable, the Santa Clara study had a 0.54% false positive rate with 1.5% testing positive, meaning that 36% of the positives were false.

Walking pneumonia. Most mild cases / asymptomatic are getting their lungs trashed.

Isn't Kali Yuga supposed to be really, really long?

>Nothingburgerman didn't stop there. He also reported another local politician to the authorities for not wanting to let him into a council meeting after actively bug-seeking
Enjoy AIDS

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flu stats are bullshit but no one would know it if corona hasn't come to the scene and rekt the world
if we would treat corona in the same way - that is, estimate much higher everything - we could easily publish something like 10 000 000 infected and 500 000 and it wouldn't even be that much high balling since china has obviously propaganda'd their numbers and many other deaths are uncounted, current corona numbers are the tested once while flu bullshit is just assumed
> in poland flu stats are like millions of infected per year and not even a thousand dead which actually makes fucking sense since everyone is fucking coughing and sneezing without any protection and not one gives a shit ever