Starve the beast.
You stop paying rent.
The landlords stop paying the banks.
The banks stop speculating.
The rotten system collapses.
And we build new one in its ruins.
Starve the beast.
You stop paying rent.
The landlords stop paying the banks.
The banks stop speculating.
The rotten system collapses.
And we build new one in its ruins.
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Lotta big noses on that list comrade.
I count 5 obvious out of 10 probably more though.
Damn. Jews really have higher iq on average than goyim.
Good idea, then the banks can kick me out when they reposes my building and i get to be homeless. Dumbass communists
Those are all Jews
>tfw i paid my rent like a cvck
though my rent is very reasonable and my property management company is responsive to my whining.
My tenants tipped paying rent on the 1st. His student ass is going to get kicked out and sued when this is all over
Have fun getting evicted you commie faggot. Your kind can't build shit, only covet and destroy.
The banks cant do jackshit if the law isnt on their side.
>Oy vey we need government relief!
Jews will find all kinds of ways to rake in the shekels, believe me.
Who is going evict 30% of the country from their homes?
I'm sure that that won't garner any attention from media or social media!
Wtf are you talking about?
where do you find the source for this?
also based. I'm paying rent because I work from home but I hope the rest of the tenants here aren't paying. Fuck the landlords.
when has this ever stopped them before?
So you suggest i chimp out and record it like a nigger when the bank comes to kick me out. I'm sure that will help
>evict 10s of millions of people
pic-related wasn't fiction user.
The law is on their side.
It's mostly nepotism mostly
The lamp posts are ready. Anyone have rope?
naive idiot
big landlords get a bailout
small landlords get crushed
banks foreclose
banks get fed bailouts covering any losses
feds take control over housing
this whole lock down is becoming more and more about consolidating power into big businesses and government by destroying small businesses and private ownership
Kike boomers are kvetching over this, I love it.
Why not kick him out now?
Those land lords were traditional landlords. They owned and rented land. Very different from the dude i rent my appartment from. Also, i'm not killing my landlord. You have fun with that though. Go for it
most courts have stopped evictions
Again, they were talking about a different kind of landlord. Do you guys seriously not understand the difference?
Why do communists always want to destroy everything and make people suffer?
better to have homes owned by the bank which cant be lived in instead of owned by a person who has tennants
the vast majority of rental properties are owned by jews
people rent out their starter home and then go defend landlords without understanding that there are people who own hundreds of properties and conspire with governments to manipulate prices
They want everyone’s lives to be as miserable and devoid of purpose as their own
>landlord kicks out all his tenants
>swooce in and grab up a two bedroom apartment for cheap when he gets desperate
What about the ones who don't? You're generalizing.
Very good, capitalism continues to progress to more and more advanced stages. The sooner this happens the sooner it will make conditions so unbearable people will have to do something about it.
What exactly is "unbearable" in your mind?
Google returns plenty of articles on the subject. Also the county sheriff where I live said they will not be serving any eviction notices in the foreseeable future.
According to my research evictions are still happening because the anti-eviction laws can't be enforced
17% of renters don't pay normally.
Only 14% increase not 31%.
The ones who don't are a tiny tiny minority.
Proof for that claim?
Just another commie who confuses the middle-class landowner with the oppressive system.
They haven't learned a thing in 200 years.
Shut the fuck up kike.
That's what i thought chang
I own two rental properties in NC and this happened too me. One is rented by a family of five and the other by a Couple.
I am keeping their security deposits now and was ready to go down their with my AR, but I am giving them the benefit right now and just keeping their deposits.
So I am supposed to feel sorry for people because they have 3 kids? BS. Pay up or get out. Should have saved some cash instead of living paycheck to paycheck.