Are sick
These people
Ffs I did it what the actual fuck
It just brings up 4plebs, there's no conspiracy.
I used the auto-complete 'tv television and films' and I was like 'there isn't anything odd here except there isn't any porn for once' then I noticed the auto-complete pluralized 'film'. big difference there. wow
whew boy this is almost as good as the gymnastics tags on insta
imagine being such a reddit-tier newfag that you dont know what cunnyposting is
just go back
literally every cunny pic is from 4plebs. even all the related images
someone post a screencap of the results. I ain't searching that shit but I am curious
its just cunny you retard
It's just Yas Forums shitposting
It's cp
What? All I see are pictures of cute little girls at the beach.
Christians are pedophiles, what’s new
No its not, at least not under US law. They are all in bikinis
its just 4plebs its safe to search yourself
Uhhhhhh I got nothing
It's just jailbait, about as offensive as the actual board
It’s like I’m signed on to Joe Biden’s Google account.
They are so huggable, kissable, lickable.
fucking kek i had no idea Yas Forums was all pedos
>all of the faggots ITT freaking out when the see a bit of cunny
> first 100 results are Yas Forums
At least you can’t get on this board by typing pol into the search bar.
you would think related images would have something not from 4plebs. but every one is. is this a setup?
What does this mean and how can it be reported?
We already had this newfag magnet thread last night
Its not, the pedos are all the same 4 sneed posters. Mods usually nuke it fast now anyways.
kek fuck off glownigger
Yas Forums is one of the best and worst boards currently
Look, I like cunny as much as the next guy but this just brings unwanted attention. Which is the point.
Kill yourself
>pictures of kids at the beach
>people posting legal pictures of children proves they are sick monsters who should be imprisoned and their entire website cancelled
>drag queen story hour, teaching sex ed to first graders, and teaching children to twerk are all healthy educational experiences
This is why i hate wojakniggers
Implying pedos are not everywhere, even on pol. If most of the ruling class are pedos, do you think its really that rare? There are many liberals in here and they are pedos. Its all connected. Ideology and sexuality are connected, only demons can believe in government control and raping children. Its basic science. Communists need to be put in jail.
They’re all from Yas Forums so I have no idea what you Q tards are trying to prove
You must be so delighted you're allowed to say nigger here huh Qoomer?
>Ignore the elite goy
What;s the issue? Not like the bitches are naked.
How baout you google nudism and see bitches in the same age group completely naked, and also it's legal
I want to kill all amerimutts
Based kike
you mean to say no one anywhere else ever posted a pic of a little girl in a bikini anywhere on the internet ever? this is the part that is interesting to me
I don’t see anything offensive. Also does google workers chose what shows up in the search? You know when you put french person and it shows some black person
>why does this search for the exact title of a Yas Forums board's archive show up when you type it in
a mystery for the ages
Lying prick
It’s not actual CP you fucking newfags. Imagine all the swim suit companies being put into prison for trying to showcase their product. All the moms and dads looking at these ads selling swimsuits go to prison for your newfag Cp bullshit. By constantly posting this shit your wasting real fucking resources that combat real fucking cp.
Isn’t it just good ole jailbait posting, that thing that ISN’T illegal but got wiped from the internet? I remember the early 00’s and shitloads of near naked/naked teens just flooding the internet, here in sweden we had a site called ”best looking” were users could upload their own pics unmoderated and people pressed next like a swipe on tinder and graded every pick, as a horny 11-13 year old it was a goldmine.
Now in hindsight the comment section were crawling with creepy comments but yeah.
Yas Forums is pedo shit. burn it with fire.
And it has been since its inception.
>it all stems from 4plebs archives of Yas Forums
Cunnybot hasnt been posting in a while
Fucking kiddie porn images. Why?
War when?
>searches the exact name of the board
>only gets results from that board
>"is this a setup?"
>t. schizo
Totally not Google gaming their algorithm or anything
fucking tv kikes
ITT: Newfags
Yas Forums is the best board and much more redpilled than civnat lolsperg reddit boomer nu-Yas Forums
Yas Forums is a treasure
no one:
absolutely nobody:
still nobody:
not a single soul:
literally no one:
not even big chungus:
random incel on Yas Forums: the absolute state of Yas Forums!
[everyone disliked that]
baby yeed: wait that's illegal
brie larson: ok that was lowkey on point
pickle rick: slaps roof of car luke did i ever tell you about the time i turned myself into a pickle? it was an epic moment.
luke: is retarded
CIA: Bane?
sans undertale: hey don't google HP Lovecraft's cat name
[OP googles hp lovecrafts cat name]
CIA: congratulations you got yourself caught!
stan lee: flies past in a spaceship ooooh i dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
keanu reeves: you're breathtaking!
area 51 guards:i bet i can take keanu reeves
keanu reeves: you sure about that
keanu reeves: kills all area 51 guards
area 51:wait thats illegal
[Everyone liked that]
CIA: am I joke to you?
Alt right incels: there's no way star wars can be good agai....
Baby Yeed: hold my beer
Big chungus joined the chat
Drumpf has left the chat
Kek Redditors: good thing theres no more cringe in her-
Fortnite Devs: allow us to introduce ourselves
Minecraft Steve: kills fornite devs
Fortnite 12 year old has left the chat
Chris Hemsworth: because that's what heroes do
Avengers: assembled
Thanos has left the chat
>Imagine all the swim suit companies being put into prison for trying to showcase their product
Like a week ago there were a like4-5 (at least) threads posted in which a bunch of faggots were cumming all over each other about how they were "exposing the pedos" because they found a website that sells children's swimwear
It's only on Google, not on any of the other search engines I tried. Maybe it was a Google insider who tried to make it on the news?