Stephanie Freeman and Jeffrey Hume Support Thread

Some sheboon made an anti-white video, so some whites responded with an anti-nigger video in kind and got jumped by the kike-nigger society: Expulsion from high-school, cancellation of internships and college-applications, job loss, social media condemnation, death threats, and yadda yadda yadda, which has understandably given these kids plenty of distress. Here are the videos:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1251203557778489344&ref_url=

Now we come up with ideas to show them our support, write them letters of support, link them up with people that can take them in now that their careers have been "ruined", etc. They have stood up for what we believe in and defended our race, now it's time that we stand up for them!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shut the fuck up cracka

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Are they lawyering up? They fucking have to.

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>catalog full of garbage while relevant threads get barely any attention
Of course Yas Forums is being slid to hell again...

Get back to the fookin pitch ngubu

>thread asking for internet army
you are part of the garbage
if you want to raid someone go on Yas Forums

you first mahmood

>not akimbo shitposting in 2020
not gonna make it


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This is her the Jew doxxer's address

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Racism against whites is big business for the government. Cant have their pet niggers get upset.

What is this gay shit?

The video was made in response to a similar one posted by a black.

Find her details, get her ‘cancelled’ from her school like what happened to the whites, or otherwise expose the double standards.

Is this legit?

The kike media couldn't care less about black-on-white racism. They don't even care about black-on-white murder, lmao.
We have to do something. I'd write them a letter of support of at least, but I can't find any of their online accounts.

>they defended our race
Ya a race of scoundrels and degenerates.

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Dumb whites

t. normal white guy

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imagine being this retarded

They remind me of me and my friends in high school. I support them.

>Now we come up with ideas to show them our support, write them letters of support, link them up with people that can take them in now that their careers have been "ruined", etc. They have stood up for what we believe in and defended our race, now it's time that we stand up for them!

Why don’t you cheap fucks just give them money? The far right are such stingy little Jews.

Why would anyone support that bitch after she threw her bf under the bus?

Take your meds schizo.

Why is all of /pol so distraught over this shit? Stupid bitch spun the roulette wheel and killed herself. End of story. Would you really be willing to hire either of these low IQ country bumpkins and risk losing your business solely because they’re white?

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>lets make it worse for these dumb hicks

That is all you are going to accomplish.

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Imagine spending precious time you’ll never get back making this image

Go back

What will Trump do?

>They have stood up for what we believe in and defended our race
No they fucking didn't. When they got caught they cried like bitches and apologize and said they were wrong. These dumb whites don't believe in "muhh white race" they are just retarded zoomers following memes.

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1) Talk shit, say wherever your base wants
2) Do nothing

Lmao, you're the epitome of white cowards/traitors from the Day of the Rope in the Turner Diaries. No wonder America is such a mutt and nigger infested hellhole.

They can call you a racist, they can ignore their double standards, they can form mobs of faggots who screech and wail to pressure your school or employer to cancel you, in the end, niggers will still be niggers.

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>support people who exhibit behaviors with the same exact lack of foresight and thought as niggers

Why? These two are niggers.

deal with it whytpipo

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I support

I hope they lawyer up and sue the fuck out of everyone they can.

Ya and what are you doing for MUH WHITE RACE?

>sys. Yas
Fucking kill yourself, you jewish cunt.

All they had to do was post this

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Imagine being this retarded

Don't you have a corona-virus rally you should be at?

Why are you people defending a literal Chad & Stacey couple?

I'm gonna do what I can do in my own country, now you do what you can in yours.

Still waiting for a rebuttal to this

Nigger genes/behavior are nigger genes and behavior. Prove me wrong.

Really sick of seeing these retards posted here...

Fuck off with the mental midgets.

>sheboon anti-white video


>Now we come up with ideas to show them our support
You wanna dedicate your time and energy to writing faggot letters to a couple of white trash inbreds that make the rest of us look like uncultured retards? Kys retard

If we were supporting decent people who actually contribute to society, that's another thing. These idiots are idiotic trash and deserve what happens to them.

Only support Jeffrey, Stephanie is a traitorous whore who sold out all her friends