Trump to End All Immigration to the US

I honestly never thought i'd be doing this again.
But im voting for Trump his Election Cycle.

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Good for him, good for us. Fuck immigrants.

>I honestly never thought i'd be doing this again. But im voting for Trump his Election Cycle.

What the fuck other choices were there?

Not Voting.

the US is majority nonwhite births anyways

why is he doing this? all this will do is make the immigrants come here, this counts for new h1b pajeets who will have their offices transfer them here; most of europe is VERY friendly to skilled work immigrants, nobody just comes here because our taxes and socialism mean codejeets get paid 40k whereas in america they get 150k

t. i already have 2 pajeets in my office who came here cause the USA makes their green card hard af

when they realized the shit tier pay here they just plan to get citizenship here for "safety" (aka gibs in case they get sick/become useless, so they can come back here and live on welfare) and go retry their luck in america

trump already sucks nigger dick and gives gibs to spics i dont get this at all "american first" just means nigger first

this is objectively bad for the white race

the US is the only nonwhite buffer which steals away third worlders alongside japan, south korea and singapore

all of these nations need to be as open borders as possible

>Trump to End All Immigration to the US

He doesn't have that authority. It won't get past the courts.

He keeps forgetting he's a president, not Il Dulce.

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Suck a Dick Kike.

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I wonder who is behind this post

you dont seem to understand that legal immigration to the US is mostly remote jobs like tech and that the US by births is already

Former democrat here. We tried and tried to stop Trump but I guess we are going to lose. Might as well join the winning team I guess.

Who would’ve thought that Germany’s flag would become a meme lmaooooooo


No, Coronachan. Trump was pushing for increased legal immigration prior.

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who would have thought amerimutts have an IQ of 65 and cannot foresee the consequences of this

America reducing its immigration intake means europe takes more because for us its just a free GDP boost and debt mutualization

every single decision the US Has made has affected us negatively (Your invasion of Iraq/afghanistan, your inclusion of turkey into NATO and so on)

more legal immigration or illegal immigration into the US = less legal or illegal immigration into europe

more refugees taken by the US = less refugees taken here

SCOTUS already upheld his ban on mideast muzzies.

watch the orange kike spin it into somehow he's gonna need more immigration

Do Americans have to fight a 2nd American Revolution to come first in their own County?

Decades of sitting in the back of the bus....

>3 uniturpted minutes of keveckeing
Dont bullshit me kike
There is no strategy here
No logic here
No fucking intence political planning here
"Immigrants" dont have to go to fucking ANY western nation
We could litterally cull the ones here and shoot the ones who try to cross if we wanted.
This fucking 4dchess non-argument faggotry severs one purpose and one purpose only
To convince whites they HAVE to take actions they dont have to.
They can instead become uncucked and do what they want to do.
Whites in american can regain power
whites in europe can regain power
And all this bullshit nigger counting can become fucking pointless when their numbers drop to god damn zero.

If you care about EVROPA, you need to make Trump get more immigrants into the US

Yes. Nothing will change otherwise

europe is already white
america is not

your women already burn coal en masse and are spreading it, you being replaced by the chinese or indians would be an upgrade; look at singapore, a chinese indian state with all degeneracy banned and raical immigration laws


Based corona chan is literally aryan virus

Kike what the fuck do you think you accomplish by posting?
Do you think fucking ANYONE on this board believes you are an ethnic German?
Everthing you've said is pure jewish shilling.
I could program a text bot to make about the same level unreasoned shilling as this shit.
You're bad at your job
Go tell mossad you need more training.

on this board I have been called numerous different ethnicities depending on the thread

sometimes they call me chink, sometimes pajeet, sometimes serb, sometimes im romanian and at other times hungarian

but the only thing I am is "correct"

Learn to reason logically you retarded amerimutt

Or your governments and Canada could also agree to not take them in and our corporations can hire more American or home born citizens instead.

The President has the right to stop immigration as he sees fit.

>but the only thing I am is "correct"
If you were correct you wouldnt bother with this fucking post
You'd just adress my point and move on
You didnt Ergo you cant.

>all immigration
Cool story

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This is a poor argument. You can also just not take in any of these immigrants or refugees and stop allowing illegal immigration into your country.

As a matter of fact President Trump and the American public ( not media ) would be generally supportive of you shutting down your borders.

Indians are the virus and the shittest, no pun intended culture in the world.

Must be why non Whites always want to live with Whites.

Why the fuck would anyone want to migrate to the corona virus epicenter?

I am holding off on celebrating until he actually does it...

It sounds a lot like the anchor baby threat, he puts somehting like this out there then backtracks when he gets what he really wants.

Farms would get destroyed without immigrants, especially now that corona has slowed down the illegals.

H1B visa program has just been expanded, maybe he could really block those

To be honest, I dont see any problem with this. It's a temporary measure and who'd want a bunch of disease carriers let in before this crisis is over anyway? Sure, he's choice of words is designed to provoke, but the measure itself is common sense and any President would have done the same one way or another...

Its mostly indians coming to do tech work, canadians hoping to be able to afford meat and tons of farm workers that cant be kicked out during corona

If you're voting for this shit for brains for just his reason, you are a MAJOR dumbass! I'm amazed by idiots voting on a singular issue.

Oh Don! What have you done? 43,000 voters are gone!

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ah yes the south and central american immigration crisis in europe, nice try hans

for our government its a benefit no matter what cause those corporations wont do business here otherwise; no country has an ethno nationalist government. The only reason for google to open a dev center here is to give their international workforce a new place to explore

we dont allow illegal immigration

i dont care what the "american public" wants because this wont impact how people here think, most germans are completely fine with third word immigrants who would wokr, like even mexicans

most of our anti immigration is because most migrants here live on welfarebux; this would lead to us getting less white when we welcome your skilled migrants who will pay for our hartz iv