(((They))) won. There's no point in any of this. Save yourselves if you can
(((They))) won. There's no point in any of this. Save yourselves if you can
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If you're still breathing, it isn't over. Unless you make the choice to quit.
Who won what? Quit being so blaise and say what you want to say
Sounds like something a kike would say.
Post nose or GTFO.
He is trying to say that he is such a loser in life that the only way he can cope is blaming the Jews for his failures
Submit to Jesus/ Lucifer
They’re your only ticket out of here
>He is trying to say that he is such a loser in life that the only way he can cope is blaming the Jews for his failures
Stop being a demoralizing faggot.
You crackers laugh at us blacks because we blame white people for our failures while blaming the Jews for your failures, now that's what I call hypocrisy
This is trying to demoralize us fuck you Jew
Are you really going to let a bunch of fucking libshits and communists tell you what you can and cannot do Yas Forums? Are you going to let commies and leftshits tell you what you can and cannot buy, what job is and is not essential, when you can and cannot have a job, and even when you can and cannot go outside??!
and not just in the states run by some libcuck governor. We need to start having these protests NATIONWIDE to signal to these filth in Congress and the minority chamber of the senate that they don't get to tell us what to do or trample over all of our rights, including the freedom to peaceably assemboe.
Furthermore not only is this shutdown killing more people than the hoax virus but you just *know* these degenerate effeminate traitors to America are loving every minute of forcing OUR president to be harassed by (((journalists))) rather than holding our rallies.
So we don't just need to reopen the economy--WE NEED TO BRING BACK OUR MAGA RALLIES IMMEDIATELY! They are trying to extend the lockdown forever thinking this will help them win the election. Even our president cannot be there in person I think we should start holding pro-Trump rallies in every single city of the country, just like he was really there. Who's with me?
That’s right. You white nazi incels get fucked, your race will go extinct. We will continue to thrive and fuck your white women. We are the best and at the very top of the dominance heirchy. Nobody dares challenge us as we have always won and destroyed them as we did with Ancient Rome, Egypt, India and the Middle East. All once white civilizations now nigger shitholes for going against us, the most powerful smartest and best people, the only true humans that are one with G-d. The Earth is ours. G-d’s is on our side! COPE!
fuck off
why did you guys even come here? why didn't you just make a new subreddit, or stick to /ptg/? no one wants you here, and you've managed to destroy this board in a week, when multiple years of raids by people actually trying to do so failed.
>Normies are going to do anything
See pic related you fucking simp.
Not a loser exactly. I'm doing quite well in life right now actually. But I do feel lost. You can see the endgame from where you stand. At least you're supposed to.
Can you?
Submit to a kike user, because only a kike can save from the mess that he createeeddd
Jesus isn’t a kike, you satanic pieces of shit
>There is no point in any of this
I once thought retarded shit like that. Then I decided that me allowing them any sway over my mindset was tantamount to quitting like a faggot and now I have a very respectable sum of money in the bank and haven't needed to work in 4 years. The machinations of the kikes no longer hold any influence on my life.
I'll burn in hell before my people are raped and enslaved
The responsibility falls on us to correct the mistakes of the world
If you choose to be selfish you don't deserve to enjoy the paradise we could create
Ave Europa.
Til my dying breath
I'm waiting for the revolutions
Get a backbone, i rather die on my feet than live on my knees. People like you do not speak for the rest of us.
You might not be a loser shamus but you talk like a fag
It's the memeflag faggot that JUST got called out, and BTFO'd in another thread.
So now he's here to skulk, and spread his narcissistic misery with the rest of us.
Probably a fucking jannie.
Probably a fucking kike.
What a fucking loser.
Hey, kike jannnie loser!
We're still coming for you.
day of the rope wont spare you filthy deceiver kike.
you fool no one.
If that were true, why are you here?
You're fucked, and you know it.
You will not stop, nor even hinder, what is coming for you.
And now we know that you will never stop. None of you subhuman vermin will ever leave us in peace.
So you will be removed from OUR Planet.
What a game the next 1000 years is going to be.
I look forward to meeting all of you.
Wait wait which thread? Last thread I was in it was about gypsies chimping out in Romania
>(((They))) won. There's no point in any of this. Save yourselves if you can
I'm not dead yet
>You crackers laugh at us blacks because we blame white people for our failures while blaming the Jews for your failures, now that's what I call hypocrisy
Mexicans hate you more than whites do. Latinos will replace niggers in America
lol they arent even winning
Those who accuse others of being fags are fags themselves.
Yas Forums Guidebook to finding faggots rule number #22
niggers hatttttte jews
they take their gibs
this. although somehow, the fucksticks from /r/the_donald have absolutely maimed the fuck out of this board in a way that a decade of raiding by even paid campaigns couldn't.
We've been fucking undone by retards. and that doesn't feel good.
I love you friend
>Those who accuse others of being fags while plebbit spacing are fags themselves.
>Yas Forums finding faggots method number #2
Please don't give up, we are at War and have been for a long time, no need to give up until we are 89 and we can't move.
Hold on, real soon now.
You Jews were warned. I tried to help you. To save yourselves from Satans control. But you didn’t listen
>“It's a disgrace in this life when the soul surrenders first while the body refuses to.”
You control your mind and your soul, no one else. Do not let other people and their actions affect you if you can help it.
If you're a young white male in America right now it could definitely feel like they're winning, especially if you have no serious father figures in life to teach you things outside the internet.
because you should also blame the jews dumbass
109 countries kicked em out
Guess how many countries muslims got kicked out?!
Two terrible fucked up groups nobody needs.