Queen Elizabeth II is Jewish

Queen Elizabeth II is Jewish proofs

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not sure that's proof. DNA would be proof.


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The nose is proof.

Show flag

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Congrats, you discovered hot water.

OK, Moishe.

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Why every powerful person after a few centuries into the Dark Ages had a rat face and massive hook noses?

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Many nobles and royals are of roman/phoenician origin. Not jews, but from the same region. That’s where many masonic teachings and stories come from.

It's an Aquiline nose that has more fat on it than normal. Very common in Nordic/Saxon

From Wikipedia:
"Among Nazi racialists the "hooked", Jewish nose was a characteristic of Jews. However, Maurice Fishberg in Jews, Race and Environment (1911) cites widely different statistics to deny that the aquiline nose (or "hook nose") is characteristic of Jews, but rather to show that this type of nose occurs in all peoples of the world. The supposed science of physiognomy, popular during the Victorian era, made the "prominent" nose a marker of Aryannes"

Go away Jewish shills

Phoenicians were tradesmen and sailed around mediterranean trading all the way to England and some argue even Americas. Created the alphabet system and built the temples for jews. Founded Venice and married into roman families. That’s where you get these Baal Moloch theories that circulate the internet(Phoenician religion). You can interpret religions in many ways as you know is the case even with Christianity. It’s not necessarily as sinister as is told.

Do not reply to this memeflag slide thread brothers.

Roman kike nose.

Yet the current queen is blood type 0-

Why would I shill jews as smaller than is presented? Wouldn’t it be smarter to create a big threatening image of jews?

Are you not interested in history? You people claim to be redpilled but run around in circles with superficial info.

Go back to Israel you parasite

Jews and Anglos are RACIALLY THE SAME

Only the judeo-satanic anglo (((genocided))) native Americans, (((stole))) their lands, and profited from (((slavery))).

Kikest reply ever

Top kek

Chupa mi guavo

Jews are Semitic, Semitic people are Arabs, they fuck goats.


the q*een is not jewish, it's just that you're a moron who does not know what jews look like
quit shitting yourself lol


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I love Anne Frank
>baww, stop bopping my nose
>baww, you are so cute user
>baww, stop reading my diary
>baww, *magic Jewish kiss*

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>Bill Gatesberg


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