Why can't the west handle butts, nudity, and guns ?

Why can't the west handle butts, nudity, and guns ?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-22 No butts, nudity or guns, thanks Social justice warriors who destroyed superhero comics turn their ce[...].png (791x956, 796.21K)

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Something to do with objectifying women who want to be objectified in a different way now. Fatties basically will skinny shame at every opportunity.

Foxtail guy is a guy.

that's ironic considering how much faggots love butt stuff

Clown world. The "liberals" are ironically the most puritanical

do not equate social justice warriors with 'the West'.

Boobs are better, being afraid of nudity is an American thing and the big capeshit comics are so pozzed that only gunphobic leftists buy them anymore

Becuz you take a group of retards and apply it to an entire nation. I imagine you are not really that fucking stupid...but this is Yas Forums so who knows

Hey, obv you know the connections between Harvard and international jewery?

And Harvard and those professors who were caught specifically linked to wuhan?

And wuhan and covid 19

And covid 19 saving Israels prime minister from the multiple fraud charges he was facing just before


Weirrdddddddd huhhhhh????

(((west))) Come on nip, you know better than that.

>No butts, nudity or guns, thanks
Isn't it ironic that SJWs basically want a theocracy?
These retards are next level

This, and retarded too. All because they’re ugly and bitter about it. I hate them all.

It’s not the West, it’s the Left and their organ grinders.

Maybe weebs will actually stop being coomers now.

If they were fair, they would ban shirtless assholes and male nudity. Until they do, they can die on the end of my iron dick.

It's just mutts. Most of the actual western world is cool with it. Maybe not in public though, that's a bit cringe.

If you let them control the West what's the difference?

it’s just bitter ugly assholes who can’t get anything because they’re stupid so they lash out at competent people who don’t hate themselves
Why the west has let them call the shots for the last 20 years is (((beyond me)))

> you
Now now swemolia, let’s not skimp the blame

look at how fucking ugly those waito piggu are.

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I mean... only the West allows these fucktards to exist

I don't think there's as many of those in anime.

liberals on abortion:
>if you dont like abortion, dont have one
liberals on anime guns and tiddies:
>stop liking things i dont like!!! RRRRREEEEEEEEE

You clearly don't pay attention.

Its not christian

Sounds like right wingers on everything
At least as a liberal I have a unified side working in lockstep

And yet, the most degenerate

I don't get it, how could someone not like Gunsmith Cats?

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swede user is not wrong, they constantly complain and complain and the democrats are more than happy to champion their causes to show how woke they are

The West handles butts, nudity and guns just fine.
It's the holier-than-thou women who believe they're special because of social media who can't handle it.
Specifically it's the fact that women are by far the dominant demographic on social media, and that means they feel powerful, and that power needs to be demonstrated in order to confirm that power.
Because they're women however, and because this is an online text-based platform they're working on, their only way to wield influence is by talking, shaming, pressuring people socially, bitching, crying and moaning until they get their way.
Physical assertion of dominance is impossible, so maybe group pressure can do the trick, they think.

Bottom line, young women are insecure and misguided.

Its okay to be gay user

No, the West banned what men normally do to correct domestic quarrels.

Let them come. We've been ready for them all along and they just don't know it. If they honestly think they can influence anime and manga they are in for the most brutal ideological rape of their tiny little lives.

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I'm not your child, woman.
Just a guy laying out the truth.

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anyone have an archive link to this article?

Most anime is weird tranny stuff. Imagine how degenerate it is going to get Nippon

They hate anime because it represents nakama, that's friendship to you gaijin

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Not gonna end well for them. Capeshit fans are a demographic of peace, most of them are about as suicidal as trannys and just need a little push. Anime fans are all borderline psychopaths that have been known to burn down studios for the high crime of confirming their waifu isn't a virgin.

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no shit? that goes with out saying

Because we stopped telling obnoxious autistic people that they were being obnoxious faggots.

the more interesting question is why did they choose the cross dressing faggot to be in the middle?
just look at this fucking jaw, i could understand a jap twink but fucking this?
he looks like the father from american dad

But they can. Only if it's LGBTQPBRAAP nudity or butts.

Better question, how many will kill themselves when weebs chimp out and do shit that makes old school Yas Forums look tame? I can't wait to see entitled sjw sluts hang themselves, I need new fap material.

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but those retards only exist in loud and great numbers in the west.

they censor butts and boobs because they want people watching jewish approved pornography instead. it's a method of controlling their flock.

if you're jacking off to anime, you're not being mindwashed by sissy hypno on pornhub.

it's true they control a sizable chunk of the anime market, but not nearly enough to brainwash the goyim- which is why it needs to be controlled.

>they censor butts and boobs because they want people watching jewish approved pornography instead. it's a method of controlling their flock.
ding ding ding ding. It's both a method of destroying their economic competition and ensuring their propaganda (media at large, not just pornography) propagates.

Embrace the dick
For every morning you have one and are not a trannie

>To learn who rules over you, find out who you can't criticize

The fact that modern social movements are described as "feminist" or the power structure as "patriarchy" is precisely because they are the opposite. In a patriarchy, you can't criticize the patriarchy or be a feminist. This is obvious to anyone with the dimmest perception of power dynamics.

What we're experiencing is a revolution against matriarchy. Since time immemorial the vagina has been held on a pedestal and the feminine has dominated society. As man emerges from the dark ages of matriarchy, we see the deconstruction of the matriarchical pedestal and in fact we can even measure it. A mere 100 years ago one had to commit to a lifetime of support in order to get pussy (get married: sign off 80%+ of your earnings to support a woman, her spending habits, and children). The effective price of the vagina was in the neighborhood of $2 million.

Today, the price of vagina tops out at around $0 and is mostly negative. In the absolute worst case scenario of a hideous, smelly cripple, you can procure a third world prostitute for $100/week. More ordinary is $0 vagina in the form of clicking a few buttons on hookup apps. Interestingly, and increasingly more common, the price of vagina is turning sharply negative: women are required to spend money in order to get laid. They must invest massively in face paint, plastic surgery, botox treatments in the 20s are common thing now, and so on, just to maintain masculine interest. The feminine is recognized as a negative externality, and the female is spending massively just to tread water.

With the coming age of better-than-real sex dolls and artificial wombs that are healthier than biowombs, it is clear to see that for the female to retain any attention whatsoever she will be not only paying indirectly (cosmetic enhancements, etc.) she will be forking over direct cash payments to men for their attention.

Welcome to the patriarchy, gentlemen.

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Jacking off to cartoons drawn by some Japanese guy is objectively more pathetic than watching regular porn.