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my billionaire still better than your billionaire. Die Soros Die

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The Simpsons has never made me laugh

>My king tis better than thine
>My god is stronger than yours
Things never change do they

Formerly Obamirrors


Human beings rarely develop past a 5-21 mental age. Most people are children.


I think you mean 5-16

To be entirely fair I don't think I could become a billionaire with 413 million. There are other people out there that certainly could, but increasing your family's wealth by 5 times is an impressive feat that gets exponentially harder if your family is uber rich. I doubt any of gates kids will ever even double his money for example. I don't even think trump is a good political leader but I don't really think its fair to discredit his business acumen. A lot of it may come from less than ethical practices but I'm sure corner cutting is the norm at that level anyway.

Some people don't have fufilling lives or anything better to do with their free time so they have to live vicariously through supporting someone larger than life.

poor fag lol

Welcome to CNN, I'm your host Don Le-Mon.
In today's news, the Orange Man said some horrific words, that are so appalling I am going to cry for a few minutes while we go to an extended commercial break.
Welcome back. We can't show you the terrible words that the disgusting sack of orange cholesterol uttered, but he finished the chilling tirade with the words "See you all tomorrow, thanks for coming".
What horrors await in this "tomorrow"? Will the White House Press briefing feature the summary execution of small immigrant children? Or will the press be mowed down by Orange Hitler with a machine gun?
We just don't know's time for another commercial break, I have to lie down now.

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>1 post by OP
sage, faggot

more like Trumpflictions amirite

No offense, but you don't seem to have a good understanding of investing. Assuming a 8% expected return from the stock market it only 9 years to double your money. A 5x takes 21 years. And that' without doing any work at all.

Up yours Chinksect

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Is this real?

Trump is not a billionaire.

But are you so bad that you'd bankrupt a casino?

The world is not fair faggot, some are born rich, others poor, some are intelligent, other dumb like you. He still took risks when he could just chill, they way I see you are a weak faggot.

About half the people who inherit that kind of money lose it all to bad investments. He multiplied it by 7. Not the greatest businessman but still far above average.

How's your bank account, user? Still slaving your days away posting on pol for shareblue pennies?

Mate, I actually read Donald Trump's book; Art of the Deal. Yes, his dad was a very hard individual that started with manual labour and went to constructing and owning many apartments made for low income people and made millions as a result, but it was very hard work. And they had to go from apartment from apartment to ask for the payments door to door and often people couldn't or didn't want to pay and it could result in violence and possibly people pulling a gun.

And it was Donald who as an employee with support from his father started larger projects and ended up owning and running plazas and making over a billion dollars. Donald was quite good at this so this idea that he inherited everything is silly.

Doesn't that imply you're investing everything you own? Thats typically rather risky and not a good idea.

How is this legal?

It does. But most very wealthy people have a very high % of their net worth invested in businesses/ stocks.

>How's your bank account, GOYIM?

No wonder people say trumpkikes

reddit humor

How the fuck did they train the cat to do that?

Yeah, the multi billionaire President of the United States who's married to a super model half his age with a large loving family is a real loser.

He wishes he was as cool as you and your tranny friends OP.

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