Reminder that it is totally okay to bully and terrorise Americans on the internet. They're stupid, fat, and ignorant. They deserve it. Bully them wherever you find them.
Reminder that it is totally okay to bully and terrorise Americans on the internet. They're stupid, fat, and ignorant...
Ok bully me. Just make sure I can hear you between my laughter generated by your massive insecurities.
give us your best shot, faggot
>Think he can bully me
>Doesn't own any guns
Yeah okay coomer.
How many goats did you lose from the drone strike, Mehmed?
Mods need to sticky this.
>b-b-but muhhhh gooooonz
You'll never have white genes, Amigo.
Ahh Americans, low iq racist cucks.
It's basically impossible to go to far when making fun of Americans because no matter how funny they are, they still manage to be the single most powerful country on the planet.
>Rent free
Assmad europoor tears are so delicious
Dad, you're drunk, again.
Amerimutt HAHA funnE. (BBC is big who x girls like y )
COPE ahrder Inceel
Checkc ouyt sdecret pol discord discord DD :hhah
SUBMIT Whitoid
:LE 56% face
And we are still better than you. Eat this bigot.
americans shit themselves in walmart. the whole country stinks of shit because they shit themselves all the time.
its the high fructose corn syrup
>thinks black people are violent
>d don't make fun of me haz goooonz
Based Salrahj Gupnak.
>A Bong calling anyone a cuck
Yeah? So what's your point?
The number of retard with american flag extremely increase in the last years. The most kind of retards are fags defending or even supporting the spic nigger invasion aka civil nat chucks
Your nose is showing.
Yea, americuck. And my point is I've never spoken to anyone who was even slightly intelligent and hated people for their skin colour. They're all very obviously low iq just from talking to them, and usually American.
Ackhmed mad.
Oi m8, 'ave a loicense for bullyin, do ya? Oi would 'ave to take you in if you don't, innit?
I met cool Americans, nice dudes, fun to hzng out with. But American society is farcical, hilariously stupid and ignorant Nothing you can say will convince me otherwise, Americans in general can go suck fat dicks
Except you Steve, you're a cool guy
I moved from Canada to Houston to work at shell. Things aren’t so bad I’m America mate. They are browner and the brown ones are much more stupid, but there are still tons of really intelligent and cool white Americans. Stop being such a douche.
dont use my flag for posts like this
no bully
>Imagine getting bullied on the internet
ITT: weak bantz on par with mocking British dentistry or tv loicenses
Post physique
You lack the intellectual capacity to bully anyone
Quick pro tip: You can only bully someone who gives the slightest fuck what you think, bongoloid.
Trolling America is like pissing in an ocean of piss.
Fuck off Muhammad
>"hated people for their skin colour."
>Thinking race is just about skin color.
You belong with the actual low IQs, bud.
I see Mr. Bean got his internet license back.
You seem to care a lot, try ignoring shit threads if you really don’t care, friend.
Ya'll hate me because you ain't me
hey guys hope youre having a wonderful day
thank God.
OP's a faggot pic related
lol. you realize you would get bullied to death if you tried this in real life, you limp dick cuckold? your cops dress up as easter eggs (gay ones) and get dry humped by niggers. while they are searching for illegal sawed off spoons. you are worried about fat boomers watching soap operas instead of muslims raping your daughters in sharia zones. its safe to say, that you sicken us all.