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Cows and old oil money
Because fuck Kansas and Fuck Colorado. We needed a buffer
Why not?
Because americans are retards
What does this have to do with JCM farming?
theres nothing there, fuck off were full
>Your state/province is just a fucking rectangle
The Panhandle used to be claimed by Texas, who ceded it as part of the Compromise of 1850. The lower boundary of the panhandle is part of the line set by that Compromise to set the boundary between free and slave states.
And here we have the leaf poster, that doesn't understand land grants, because Canadians can't actually own land.
Colorado didn't want to be touched by Texas.
America had so much space and freedom that we were able to make borders from lines of longitude/latitude instead of being constrained by natural barriers like our ancestors.
what a retard you are
they wanted it to look like a cleaver. True story.
Lots of buffalo there after all.
Canadians can't own land?
Basically slavery.
That's why.
Because of the Missouri Compromise you retard.
Have you seen our in store prices
Oh goodness gracious me.
That area is full of nothing but grimy ass methheads.
This. It's a warning from the federal government to make sure Texas never forgets whose really in charge.
I wonder what happens here
Have you been there?
If you haven't, shut the fuck up.
Maybe your opinions don't matter.
Windmill farms.
get a load of this dumb dumb, never even drove his truck out to Guymon
We need to redraw state borders in a right-wing gerrymandered way.
Parts of Colorado used to be Texas you dumbfuck
Based cubano
only state in the 2016 election that was full red, fuck off
Basically it's a trailer hitch.
Fuck off were full
Have you ever driven on this little strip of land?
Shittiest roads ive ever driven on. Driving up from Texas, that strip of land was the shittiest part of the whole trip.
>went full red in 2016
Also did in 2012.
Also did in 2008.
yeah I'm thinking based.
Reminder that Oklahoma won the war against Texas
Each states shape is the result of the unique circumstances of that state history and admittance to the Union
That was all once Texas, I’m sure you can look up why Oklahoma carved out the panhandle
Nobody sat down and drew out the states they were added one at a time over 175 years
PMSing today? Did you drink last night?
oklahomoids are fucking weird but at least they know how to run a state
Nothing to see here just another flyover. Stay on the coasts renting your cucksheds from Mr shekelstein.
being weird is a strength
because you need an handle.
When they added Oklahoma they had drawn a line north and south to designate free and slave states, and originally Kansas and Oklahoma were to be 1 state but they broke it in half.
Here’s the better question
flag state
New mexico may look like it's almost a square, but it has really screwed up borders.
To think the commie scum of Austin share the same state as descendants of those who stood at the Alamo and flew the Gonzales Flag....