Black user here. Not trying to be a self fulfilling prophecy but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. Could you guys please in a non semantics free environment, explain what you think the reasoning behind the covid quarantine is and who do you think has a vested interested in keeping us confided home. Also kikes behind meme flags need not reply you will be ignored.
Black user here. Not trying to be a self fulfilling prophecy but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed...
>black guy here
>Posts pic of white hand
Is this a meta LARP where you pretend to be a troll but intentionally fuck it up to see people's reactions?
The plan for the NWO has always been a The Matrix like hell
Facebook, Amazon,porn, VR, all made for the NWO
It is a dry run for implementing martial law.
>please in a non semantics free environment
What did you think this meant nigger?
That’s nig hand and it’s PS4 so it checks out
why are you posting picture of an aryan, show hand nigger?
Not mocking me for my spelling, punctuation and grammar my white compatriot
>not smart enough to timestamp.
also checks out
your hand is made for big black cock
This is a double nigger. Spelled wrog on purpose.
>t. Italian American Tonay Salvatori saying it's a white hand because his is darker and knows Italians arn't white.
Mutts law
Lol. Gotta love that good old American wit.
Ssshhh White men
Just get on your cuck box don’t talk just watch our machines work and no breaks plz we’re taking over the entire industry to make sure everyone is safe like this happy fella right here >pic related
you mean a mixed abomination carrying the mark of cain due to repeating generations of coal burners, you're entire "heritage" is based on self hatred and fetishes and so you're entire being is one of self hatred and self loathing to the point from your pic you obviously have a fetish for japs who would legit cheer at the site of you dead. You're not worth the shit that falls out of my dog's ass, you utter abomination
>Could you guys please in a non semantics free environment, explain what you think the reasoning behind the covid quarantine
There is litteraly no reason to not confine your ass, no the governement does not want to take your guns away with, and no he does not want you to loose your jobs.
just imagine the millions of dollars thay will loose by ocnfining the populations... They just want to avoid thousands of uncessesary death
Bungabungas ambition
>I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed
it's about implementing something called Agenda 2020. This is a population control and enslavement agenda.
Cool story bro
that god wars game looks pretty hype
Can I please get a non kike reply. I'm legitimately trying to have a dialogue
>black user here
You're a mutt. With that skin tone you're likely 30-40% white.
the intent behind it is that the covid is real, and imaginary social constructs like civilization must adapt to reality, or else they get broken by reality
the tyrants, of course, are trying to take full advantage of the stay-at-home orders, and impose their own laws completely unrelated to the virus, while also trying to subvert laws that actually do control the virus, to keep it going as long as they can
It's pretty cool. It's like an off shoot of ff tactics infused with Japanese history. My wife is Japanese/black so yeah
I would but Im starting my online class right now as we speak: Calculus
That's a white by american standars...
The derailment is real. Holy shit