Say ONE (1) nice thing about this country

Say ONE (1) nice thing about this country.

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it's a nice travel destination for the globe-hopping set

Solar energy works there. Nothing else.

Their flag is cool as fuck

No jews.

their royal family is jewish

Don't you mean semetic?

I hate them

cool name. that about it

No the Royal House of Saud was a group of merchant jews that through their jewish trickery took control of the Saudia Arabian pennisula.

Post proof please.

Why do all our "allies" there deserved to be nuked as our worst enemies?

Has an east coast and a west coast.

Frog colored flag, tourist videos look kinda nice

>ONE nice thing
Nice amount of sand. Would make a perfect glassing.

hmm i am trying hard to come up with something, but there's nothing

it isn't syria


The fried chicken is really good and their based deadly drifting helps alleviate genetic deadweight

>2 things

What do you guys think Jerry Falwell, Ronald Reagan and Anthony Scalia are doing in hell right now? Probably sucking Satan's dick off?

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Lovely sand

They literally shit on Instagram whores

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They are right on wom*n.

will be paying me soon for taking their oil

They used to be. Now they’re letting the drive independently and they’re going to university by the millions.

That's disinfo that's been floating around Yas Forums for years.

After israel, they are the second god of US government right now.

A Saudi trainee exterminated a couple of mutts in US latetly

Their fashion is very practical.

Ibn Saud convinced 3 kings to abdicate their thrones and relinquish power to him, under one banner, one people, one country; forever. Neat. Also Islam comes from there, which is something. They're closing in on their centennial, wonder how they're gonna celebrate.

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It keeps its women in line and its pimp hands strong.

They fucked with the Ottomans back in WW1

They treat women right

well they got a nice black cube

I don't live there.