Norwegian youtuber reacts to backlash on her DNA testing vid

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>1 post by this ID

damn her eyes are lovely, after i rape & murder her when she comes to africa. i will carve her eyes out with a spoon and put them in a jar, she wants african ill give her african



Stop shilling your yt channel nigger


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Lmao she's absolutely destroyed. By posts on the youtube comment section.

And you faggots claim posting on the internet doesn't influence reality.



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can someone tldr this shit


Roastie shits on her own race for updoots. Gets downdoots, feels butthurt, pretends she's sorry.

>spread positivity
like the dumb bitch did when she was disappointed to find out she was 100% european?
forget taking away their votes, when we get artificial wombs going every woman needs to be fucking hanged

She has blonde hair, blue eyes, typical Scandinavian bone structure and she really thought she was gonna be African or Asian lmao? This is so depressing, she treated it like she’s just been told she has cancer or something. Imagine being ashamed of your DNA. Can’t relate.

Savage reply from a savage people.
Its truly a mystery that we didnt isolate your tribe a 100 years ago as nothing more than an animal reservation

This is a great lesson on bullying. Especially when it comes to women. Think pretty women are above it? Nope. 100 anonymous comments scolding her and she is apologizing for being anti-white.

Anti-bullying is literally a Jewish psyop to normalize fucked up behaviour. DON'T STOP BULLYING.

Life is starting to feel like a retarded joke to me. Like something that a moron would write, inspired by a blunt sense of irony.

top fucking kek

do all scandinavians casually look like models?

> I can't quite see (((their))) pattern.

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Something is changing also...Such a roastie would never have felt so bad about this backlash 10 or 15 years ago. The race war will be won in the next 20 years. Mark my words.



Based nigger, the thot deserves what she gets, it is obvious that she has burned coal.

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You dumbfucks sent death threats to her? Pathetic faggots. Get this through your head, The vast majority of white people dont give a flying fuck about their race. in fact they're happy when they find out have some negro blood in them or some other shit.

No, you sent death threats to her so you could make this retarded slide post.

That black jacket(?) on her right looks like the jew rubbing hands meme. I can't unsee it now.

Forgot your meme flag moshe

Norwegian girl gets a DNA test, shown to be 100% North/West European, is disappointed there is no trace of chink or nigger DNA in her, is ashamed of being direct descendant of vikings, people blast her for this.


Based Sibusiso Ntomba. Whores need to be put in their place


Bullying works.

oh nooo she's crying
im so sorry sweetie

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Stop giving e-thots attention you fucking incels.


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If you drink her white blood, will it make you white as well, asking for chinese friend, Chang. He is a connoisseur of food.

Whe looks like she's dying. Does she have cancer or something? Seriously, she looks ill as fuck

Having to confront a lifetime of brainwashing is difficult for most people.

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When I watched the first video I didn't get the impression that she "hated herself" for being too norwegian like the comments said. She just expected some more mixing. She wasn't being anti-white at all.

That’s just how girls look with zero makeup on

Would you watch a video of her being a guest of Mexican cartel?

It’s a larper you dumb nigger faggot.

Why do memeflags think anyone cares about their opinions, fuck off kike

I can tell just by her mannerisms that she is childish and wants a very masculine man who doesn't mind her childishness. She won't do laundry. She can't cook. Doesn't suck dick. But she does love cock. Her pussy has fat lips with a small clit. She's got a wide-mouth vagina that can accommodate a fat cock but not a long one. She will cheat on her man if a more masculine man shows interest. She'll be a mediocre mother, at best. 105ish IQ. Probably a bit of a slob who leaves dirty clothes on the floor and lets dishes pile in the sink.
She has lowish self esteem. Probably due to shitty parents.
>Looks: B+
>Intelligence: C+
>Honesty: C
>Mother Material: D+
>Trad Skills: D-
>Overall: C.

That's a stretch dude. She never trashed white people.

Damn, if I have kids with her, I hope they will have my looks and her IQ.

We know whites don't care. Its jews that create all this racial tension. We waking up now bitch!

It's the way she talks too. She has no energy in her voice and she's barly able to keep her head up. Has nothing to do with makeup