Should Czechochecnyoslovenoslovakia exist?

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Disgusting worm of Europe.

Unironically, Yes.

also enjoy your no open seas access

Reminds me of a keked gerrymandered district

holy shit, based

Lol, yes. But, due to our educational system in Burgerland, we will call it Euromuttistan.

based and much easier to pronounce

I think they will have a good relationship with Australia-Hungary

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someone played too much hoi4

it'll just be known as check-o here

But there's hardly any immigrants in that part of europe, call it whiteutopia instead


There's only one country on Earth allowed to have such a geography. You know what country is...

Exclude my Rostov from this cringe slav(e)shit map


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Why can't Moldova be involved to make Chechochechnyoslovenomoldovoslovakia?



>500 miles
I hate that I laughed at this

>Should Czechochecnyoslovenoslovakia exist?
Yes, it is the easiest way to import prime Russian pussy meat into the West.

Venetians brothels need Russian "intellectuals".

Map gore.

Language: Inter-Slavic with Chechen borrowings?

most based country after Chad

European Chile

Then again you already have fucking muslims.

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>Anthem: 500 Miles by The Proclaimers

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Dudaev will be our national hero

Looks like Corrine Brown's old district that literally flowed through Florida like a parasitic worm connecting all the black neighborhoods

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