(needs $45-50 to survive)

Attached: Brent.png (1000x576, 112.81K)

i got it on sale for 14,88, good for china because they are a net consoomer, bad for Russia, Saudi, Venezuela who will right now think about invading something because why not

Attached: o.jpg (1558x846, 88.56K)

S fuck the commie coup.


thats american oil

Im talking about Brent which is more accurate for Eurasian/MiddleEastern markets

noice. i'm getting 10 russian wives sent over in a surplus helicopter.


Once economy starts working again, it'll bounce right back.

hm, so you think russia will just collapse in peace like they did 30 years ago? that felt like a lucky roll

Kek Texans need at least $1300 a barrel.

>it'll bounce right back.
just like in 2014, eh? :)

Why am I supposed to care about your numbers and lines? Go back to Yas Forums faggot

its $20 faggot

Black blood of the earth.

Attached: eggshen.jpg (450x193, 15.24K)

I put my money on civil war.

still low. will go lower
it was $18 when i made this post

Oil is going down because we wanted it to also US oil is literally in the negative not to mention we are prepared for this situation and oil isn't our only nor main export

Dream on u polish rat the first thing we do if we would actually get into a situation like this is invade ur shithole nation together with the Baltics

Vlad is a proven cuck, he didn't even finish the job in ukraine.

it would have to go on like this for months to fuck anyone over long term

that graph is outdated

Like i said - Russia needs Brent to be around $45-50.
Right not it's standing at $19.

Russia is kill. It's 2014 all over again, but 10 times worse

Been 1.5 months so far. So far so good!

I thought Russia was jew heaven, why would (((they))) want it destroyed? Are there different jew factions at war with each other?

*midnight at the kremlin*

putin says NO how this possible

Oil is going straight down. No where to store it. Free Oil incoming

He is a calculating pragmatic I too feel he is too passive at times but until now we have been kicking u mutts ass at all fronts

Also Putin doesn't hold as much power over Russia as u think he does he is just a spokesman for the real rulers wich is our intelligence agencys

>meme flag
fuck off

Russia is kill
2014 all over again but 10 times worse
russia = largest country in the world with the most resources... STILL SMALLER ECONOMY THAN SHITALY hahahahaha

Honestly, i'm at acceptance right now.
Even if i will get all cash possible, i still most likely will get keked one way or another.
Its just a game rigged from the start for an average Ivan.

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lol how are you kicking our ass, by collapsing?

buy dollars ivan

So corona chan is just an operation perpetrated by the U.S.and our allies to put the final nail in Russia's coffin ?

Yeah, Brent futures for May is going to drop for a day or two just like WTI did yesterday, then it's back up.
WTI futures is up to over $20 today, because they're done trading futures for May. You may want to figure out what the fuck these numbers actually mean before you go running ashriek like a little cunt screaming HAPPENING!

I doubt it'll drop negative though, we're not in the same position the US is. We still have cap to store.

yeah Russia also exports SPACE
and something called P-O-L-A-N-D

russia should invade china and kick off ww3

It's hovering around $20 which is still low and precarious as fuck, and unsustainable for Russia

Also, Brent wasnt this low ever. In early March it dropped from $55 to $45 then to around $30-$35

1-2 weeks ago it dropped to $25-$30

Now it's around $19-$21

That was yesterday, today is today.
Oil is not great right now, but demand will go up as shit opens up.

Attached: Capture.png (206x265, 7.78K)

They should invade China because China has been invading them worse than the chinks invade us.

Yeah it's hardly fucking peaches and cream, but it's to be expected when everything is fucking locked down. Demand will go up again, grow a fucking pair, Janosz.

>so weak you can't even keep russia out
God, I can't wait until we expel the kikes, recall all our troops in your shit countries and let you deal with your stupid problems.

>he doesn't know
pic related

Attached: israel.png (1334x1786, 954.22K)

prices are low mainly due to the fight between OPEC and Russia
lack of demand is just an additional factor

I did it.
Imagine if one day cash will be banned for "spreading corona", or if your account in bank will force change your dollars to roubles in some weird conversion, or if all foreign bank accounts will be banned(or they will stop working with your country due to, imagine, sanctions for still supporting China even after it will get sanctions too)
Thinking about all possibilites i just can't find "winning way"
Also saving physical cash can help in worst case scenario, but will likely make me a target for something bad in that that worst case scenario.

You don't need to fucking tell me, I used to work in the industry.

Wonderful. This secures Russia’s support of retribution against China. They won’t like it but it will distract from the domestic problems they will have and a weakened China is good for them in many ways.

>lack of demand is just an additional factor
Lack of demand is basically also unforeseen consequences by OPEC situation.
Oil cargos are full right now because oil prices flopped and everyone decided to buy while it low.
Well, right now prices are low too, but everyone are full now, so it keeps tumbling down.

>2014 all over
Great time to be looking for a house.

> as shit opens up.
>implying this hard
get money into crypto if that happens

russians have a much more stable national identity than the US.
Their oil isn't even their main export.
Half of Siberia doesn't even use money to survive.

U are dying like flies and paying ppl to buy ur oil and saying we are collapsing?
Polish rat brings up Italy argument thx for showing that u have no idea how economy's work whatsoever Russia is 5th largest economy in the world u faggot

Why do polish rats even appear on pol? U are subhumans not accepted by anyone eternally seething 3rd world nation little shithole ur whole history is being a military base either for us or for westerners
We Russians accept literally all Slavic nations besides poles u are another breed

it's the Russia dumping the oil you moron. They refused to follow OPEC guidelines and now are in price war with Saudi Arabia.

What's Brent user

I'm a total brainlet, sorry sir

Crypto is not really supported in Russia, it's a easy way to get problems with law that way.
Or at least it was that way back in 2014-2017.

Dollar lol.... Cucks...

>Russia is 5th largest economy in the world
It's 12th, behind South Korea, Canada, Brazil and Shitaly

While at the same time being the 9th biggest country by population :--DDDDD

imagine being:
9th most populous country
12th biggest economy
such cucks xD

The US is jew heaven.

There is a correlation between dollar/rouble conversion prices and oil price.

those digits mean dollar hyperinflation in 2021

>t's the Russia dumping the oil you moron
no retard, its OPEC dumping the oil to spite Russia which didnt come to agreement with OPEC
(because OPEC wanted to slash production and Russia decided to keep its current levels)

stfu bydlo monkey

>Their oil isn't even their main export

Attached: Russia_Export_Treemap.png (854x667, 138.37K)

well in your hypothetical it sounds like a less risky option than physical cash, can fit your whole wallet on a microsd card. just try buying through nonstandard methods (no exchanges requiring identity)

>Russian main export is oil
>Oil goes down
>USA not affected by the drop in price at all people just have cheaper gas for a while
>Russia goes boom

>eternally seething 3rd world nation little shithole
you talkin bout you?

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