
>tfw scores of MAGA boomers are gonna die this summer

Can't. Fucking. Wait.

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GIVE ME MY cough cough cough FREEDOM

What caused his death?

Where does he mention political ploy? Nothing he said was wrong. Those who want to stay indoors can but those who want to work or go out should be allowed to.

And what better way to fuel your hoax than by claiming a denier has died of the virus.

>msm singling out literal whos to shame people for not trusting them
coof coof

fake, kys

So no trump re election?
I cant wait for president sloppy joe.

Protest 19 April, died two days later of covid?

once your lungs fill with fluid and you can't go the to hospital because you can't afford to,
you die quickly

What happened to the 14 day incubation period they were shilling for months?

he was probably sick while protesting, figuring it was just a cold caused by George sorrows or 5G or whatever the lunatic rights keeps pushing.


>After contracting the virus.
So how did he die really?

Gonna love to see these retards come to the sudden realization that a virus could give two shits about politics.

Whoa we need to stop everything for .02% death rate.

This is terrible bait. It's too obvious and not funny. You should be ashamed of yourself. Do better, user.

When you have to do this much assuming I'm going to venture a guess and call you a faggot shill. Anyone who belives the media at face value is a fool.

gonna be a lot more of them coming

will be really funny when Biden wins despite being rapist demented retard because all Trump voters manage to infect themselves with corona

Theyve started the targeted assassinations

gonna be fun to drag you into the street and shoot you in the fucking head

Gonna be real fun when you hang yourself nov3 when he's re-elected

Thanks (((MSM))) for making an example of this guy to keep the rest of us nice and scared

That's a general estimation. Some people are contagious for a week. A minority could be contagious for a 3-4 weeks. Virus mutates. People aren't biologically uniform. Poking holes in preliminary info proves nothing. Don't be retarded.

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You can go to the hospital any time you need to. The bills come later.

You have to say in minecraft, user.

Proud "lockdown denier" here, suck my dick Daily Fail

14 days maximum, if you've ever bothered to look it up, you would see the incubation period was 1-14 days and always has been. He also could have caught it elsewhere, since I bet he did not alter his scheduled and did not wear a mask or take any precautions.



exactly, if only he had supported complete government control of everything we do then maybe he'd still be alive!

lungerpresse in full force lately, something big developing behind the curtains
they're desperate, they don't care anymore, it's all about volume now, pumping fear into people so we don't even have time to rationalize

You're gonna be too sick to do it, migatard.

I love it when American retards get hit by reality.

I don't really care which Israel loving nigger rules the mutts beyond how big the resulting spergout will be
either Yas Forums or twitter is going to shit their pants over the result, it's just going to be a lot funnier if it's Yas Forums because the deaths managed to flip the Texas blue or some other shit like that

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He died of coronavirus after getting shots in the back of his head two times

2-14 days for incubation, if hospitalization is needed that usually occurs around 5 days after first symptoms. Fatality tends to be around a week later if you don’t recover.

So if you don’t get over it, it’s typically 2-4 weeks after exposure before death.

Lockdown denier lol

All dissidents will mysteriously die and we are just accepting it conveniently

They're going to hold onto their view until their last breath, even if their loved ones catch it, they're going to claim they have something else. Don't underestimate the stubborn stupidity of flyovers.

if you are with anyone and they use the word "denier" kill them with you bare hands

>it would be so nice if.....
What's it like have the mental capacity of a 14 year old girl?

Look at those trips man

which is a huge blocking for actually going...

IF and I say IF liberals thought this virus was real, they would be accommodating, they would stand aside and quietly smile when we went outside (as conservatives/whites) to our death.

Instead ((((you libtards)))) are REEEEEing and screaming when we go out. WHICH IS PROOF THAT THE VIRUS IS A TOTAL HOAX.

We're going out and trying to shove your retarded warnings and recommendations up your ass.

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Since when does covid cause bullet holes in the back of the head?


How mad is the media that NY is getting absolutely rocked while trump voting states get off easy? They thought it’d kill the trump voters but it’s wiping out all of Biden’s supporters.