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This homo lost all credibility after calling rona a flu.
Conservatives are the dumbest political faction in our nation.
Average or median?
Is he retarded?
Someone donates $1, another $5, and another $10. What’s the average? Did anyone donate a penny?
I need context user, what´s this about ?
Averages are usually almost always decimals.
>Conservatives are the dumbest political faction in our nation.
This. The right in the USA celebrates stupidity. The more stupid you are, the more righteous and correct you are.
It is just a flu and you are an idiot for buying into such a shallow and transparent work.
And $5.3333... For the sake of autism.
is he dumb to understand division,
or he is just banking on his fans being?
This seems like a more logical conclusion
This guy is a zionist cocksucker and cringe american mega church tier fucking cringe faggot. American christians are proud jew slaves
Stupid retard vaush
he rightly pointed out the mortality rate is not dissimilar to Flu.. he wasn't making a biological comparison .
I wonder what you'd have to say about David Icke's saying there hasn't been any demonstration a virus even exists at all since all the tests are PCR which merely show DNA and the illness going around killing people is from 5G fields.. the material showing up in tests is a very common non pathogenic
Do you people not know how to do math? An average is achieved by dividing the total donated by the number of donations. It doesnt mean that donations were made in amounts ending in pennies at all.
For the slower ones in the group:
>$2+$3+$3 = $8 of donations
>average donation is then $2.67
>none of the donations were in an amount ending in pennies, but the average donation is
Wow! Its like fucking magic!
Speak for yourself Moshe. Ive seen plenty of fat kike bitches with Negros.
If it's just a flu then why are people I know ending up in the hospital?
Every other year they catch the flu, miss a few days of work and are back to normal. This virus put them in the hospital, they are sick for a week and a half.
You're a nigger hiding behind that flag.
This is your brain on leaded paint chips.
That's really not how averages work. Averages don't say anything about the precise amounts anyone donated. It could be the number of donations that is uneven, rather than the donations themselves.
If 519 people donate $40 and 481 people donate $20, the average is calculated as (40*519+20*481) / (519+481), which comes out as $30.38
Trumptards unironically post this idiot's ravings here. I can't wait for him to lose so they get the fuck out.
Holy fuck this guy is a professional retard
Becomes less extreme over many donations.
He deleted it
imagine being this retarded
i hope you are a shill user otherwise get help
read up on what you are saying
I don't get it
Honeslty I assumed we did not understand what he was saying. Just cause the tweet is so dumb that i didnt think it could be real.
Thats not how numbers work at all, Bill
That's the conservative for you in America. They reject science. The only good thing about them is their moral stance on social issues.
I don't care about global warming but you can't deny pollution is real. Conservatives think it's okay to dump chemicals and plastics into the sea.
Kek what a retard
>Don't be racist goy, it's just a flu!
Smells like cope desu.
3pbp, also Bill Mitchell is a fucking grifter moron. only the lowest of the low MAGA brained idiots still follow the guy. he literally grifted people out of there money for a 'studio' and then used their money to move to Miami
>American education
>whats an average??
He’s trying to say it was a trap to draw attention to whatever the fund is (clearly didn’t work) but what happened is everyone thinks he’s a retard. Fucking lmao
>lost all credibility after calling rona a flu.
True. The flu is much more deadly
Wow Bill Mitchell and OP cant do basic maths.
Its a fucking AVERAGE retards.
10 + 20 + 5. The average is 11.67 it doesn't imply anything. Is burger education that bad?
>Averages are usually almost always decimals.
Unless its the median average.
Wow, this is immensely retarded
Ya smells like cope. He had a brain fart and now he has to cover his ass.
Coming from the person calling the flu “rona” lmao
The shills are REALLY out in force today. Must be something making them really nervous
>Average is in cents
>Ergo people are donating in change
Fuck plebs are bad at math. If three people donate 5, 15, and 50 respectively the average donation is 23.333333, doesn’t mean anyone donated a third of a penny.
That's the point of the thread dumbass. But American conservatives/trumptards really are that stupid - Bill Mitchell is one of the biggest pro-trump "influencers" and unable to do fourth grade math.
That’s what happens when you are so desperate to find conspiracies and wrong doing that your brain blocks out basic functions
>This homo lost all credibility after calling rona a flu.
You speak like a nigger....a nigger faggot
lmao the most unproductive profession in the world
Out of 31 Reuters """"economists""" the majority predicted that Chinese oil imports havetanked in the first quarter because of muh Chinese egonomy gollapse. One month later it turned out China was obviously doubling them because of the low oil price
The cuckservative can't grasp the existence of more than 2 political ideas. To him it's either conservative or liberal (sjws, niggers, communists).
The day the Republican party dies will be a great day for America.
>I'll take pleonasms for $50, Alex.
ops ignore its a different Amerimutt Mitchell not the Aussi economist they look kind of similar
Exactly what i was thinking. But maybe he knows something we dont right?
Seriously, who the fuck is this guy? Why is he an eceleb?
I am pointing out what david Icke said yesterday here.
of course it souds like bullshit because even though I have not myself personally seen the virus under a scanning electron microscope and followed Koch's postulate I don't think I can see 5G in operation everywhere people are becoming ill and dying.. while I think all wireless EMFs should be banned as extreme human health dangers and 5G will fuck you up even without any pathogens his idea is his typical wildly bizarre gobbledygook
It says average you buffoon.
Now, if you were asking the original OP for clarification this isn't twitter and he is not here.
I'm withholding my opinion on "which is more deadly/miserable, influenza or covid-19?" because the information I've read is too muddled. But the real retards are those implying that the flu isn't deadly. Tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year in the US alone.
I almost died of the flu when I was a little kid. Couldn't eat, couldn't keep food down, lost so much weight you could easily count my ribs. In my early 20s I came down with a flu that had me puking 11 times in a 12 hour period, even just from sipping some plain water, to the point where I was even starting to hallucinate. Probably I should have been hospitalized, but since I'm a brokeass faggot with no health insurance I just weathered it out.
If your body is in prime shape, neither the flu nor corona can knock you out, but face it. Most people aren't in prime shape, and not 100% of the time, either. Both illnesses are life threatening.
Bill Mitchell isn't known for being extremely intelligent but at the same time he isn't a retarded left winger so he's got that going for him hehehehe