Why Is Africa Doing So Much Better Than USA at Coronavirus?



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Why are African Americans getting it but not Africans

Strong immunity from living in dirt all the time. Plus all the weak ones probably died at birth. Same as india

Any person insulting the great Africa will suffer the wrath of my BBC

Because no one travels in and out of Africa like they do on the scale of Europe/North America.

are you people this retarded?

The southern hemisphere has different seasons you retard. Australia would be the same if there weren't so many chinks.

Africans don't have means of reporting accurate Data Europe and East Asia Do, Thus the disparity

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Because African Americans are mutt infected with Jew god. True Africans pure black man praise black God!

Also Yet another "muh dik big" thread

0 tests, 0 deaths

It's just a very weak virus that dies in the heat, who knew ? Fucking retard.

Not even viruses want to go to Africa. They would probably get beheaded by ebola.

Hello Fellow meme flageerino,

It looks like the inverse of the rape and IQ maps.

cant have it if you cant get tested right?

No testing.

Dindus are gods compared to you retarded animals

Niggers just drop dead in the middle of the jungle and nobody knows if it’s AIDS, Malaria, or Corona. And they don’t have the tests to figure it out.

Because it's a fake flu and also it is expen$ive to test. Therefore, niggers and animals don't have the luxury to get tested.......

Conoravirus is afraid of getting rape.

Between malaria, HIV, murder and sickle cell, why would Africa care about the common cold?

because ebola negates corona.

Nope not even close. We need to thin the herd, in order to remain a super power. Im sure shit is bad in Africa, but not 1 country wants you niggers to live, or else they would be testing. Chinks want Africa rid of niggs. USA seems worst off, but its because we're testing and are more advanced in the medical arena. China lied, and other countries don't have testing abilities like USA. So fuck off with your superiority. You are nothing.

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Nigger they can barely build a hut, you expect them to have virology nailed down?

>Why does OP's mom take twice as much cock as everyone elses mom

Africans are dying the most lmao.

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Busy with HIV, Ebola and others.

Because they’ve been required to take HydroxyChloroquine to protect them for decades from malaria. End of story.

The virus kills old people. How old do people in Africa live vs industrialized countries?

Humidity and sunlight hinder coronavirus

HydroxyChloroquine is a daily staple due to malaria pervasiveness

Fuck you piece of monkey don't put Moroccans and all of Magreb un your fucking ape things. Fuck you negroide

There's no tech in africa so no way to get rad poisoning or emf sickness

OMG Yas Forums is really so dumb? Nobody gave the right answer so far. For a board supposedly obsessed with demographics and race science, it's strange that nobody pointed out that Africa has such few cases because they have such low levels of old people. Look at the age structure of Africa compared to the west, Africa has almost only young people and very few old people, it's the reverse with the West.