Will Republicans ever admit they're the party of white people like the Dems openly admit they're the party of POC?

Will Republicans ever admit they're the party of white people like the Dems openly admit they're the party of POC?

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day of the work is coming niggers

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Never. We gotta keep that shit implicit.

Dems created slave markets in Northern Africa where I can buy a nigger girl for $1000.
That's what Dems do.

Republicans do nothing but cater to niggers too tho. Whites in the US are a stateless people.

This. The first priority of every institution in America is placating niggers.

muh black and brown voters democrats are going to find out in a hurry what black and brown voters think about each other

how the fuck is 51% "solidly?"

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Why do you think the dnc pushes for white scapegoats all the time? If whites are ever out of the picture the DNC fractures into different tribes vying for power. People that are unified don't need scapegoats.

Republicans dont pander to some notion of white interest or anything like that
I think it's more that democrats constantly offend, leading people to vote for republicans out of lack of choice

I wish they would. ANd I wish they would act like it.

You can't claim that the Democrat Party is the party of POC when they consistently shaft POC candidates and promote old, white, party politicians.

DNC is the new slave plantation using POC grand standing for votes.

>liberals supposed to be the most tolerant and colorblind
>obsessed with segregating everything into a matter of race

White people vote in their own self interest. Shocker.

black turnout is going to be nonexistent this election unless biden gives stacy abrams the nod

It's only fair, niggers built this nation out of picked cotton, without them we wouldn't have made it.


Yeah but 51%? Compare that to the 90% of niggers who will vote dem.

Women aren't people.

Both tend to dupe the people they "claim" to be in favor of so naming white people would be like saying "White Replacement? Yeah it's real, and?". I do like that Trump forced kikes out as being a separate existence from "whites" though.

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I'm not buying it's only 51%. It was like 75% or something in 2016.

Imagine thinking you're being progressive for saying "Colored people" backwards.

>a fucking leaf

These guys think 85 percent of blacks will vote biden? No fucking way. Biden is more white establishment than trump. He just wears a democratic title. Thats how racist democrats are they jyst expect poc to vote democratic just because. Trump will mop the floor this round.

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This. Dems only pander to POC for votes and by pander I mean gibs

1964? But I thought they magically switched in the Civil war?


White men vote around 50/50 always have white females vote more Democrat but vote less than males blacks vote based on race 97% voted for Obama

Group A is 51-42 compared to Group B with 85-7 and Group C with 60-26. Obviously it's Group A which acts in lockstep and is guilty of some ethnically loaded groupthink stubbornness.

Every white american who votes for democrats are fucking race traitors, period.

This just shows non-white voters are idiots. I would rather not vote for anyone than vote for Biden. He's fucking lost his fucking mind for fuck sake. Has a platform and opinions from the 80s and forgets what the hell he's talking about half the time. He's a boomer who's just not all there anymore. You might as well vote for a jar of skippy and then settle policy decisions by online voting.

Divide and rule.

One of the consiquences of multi culturalism is that so much of our identity is tied up in race that it becomes a strong proxy to divide the popualtion.

American whites are “conservative” they are as liberal as their European counterparts.

White americans are against the anti white animus of the left.

Republicans are the party of white people continuing to exist, or at least they pretend to be.

Yup. I'm not a conservative, but I strongly prefer Trump over anti white scum.

They're in denial of it and prefer "high skilled" non-white immigrants who vote Democrat over their own voters.

Based nigger!