Tell me whats gonna happen to me and what will happen to you. I’ll accept only the finest numbers. Our fates are linked user.
Keep in mind that predicting the future is always political so this on topic
Tell me whats gonna happen to me and what will happen to you. I’ll accept only the finest numbers. Our fates are linked user.
Keep in mind that predicting the future is always political so this on topic
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pic related
Here is what will happen in order: nothing.
Within a month, OP will suck some penis
I predict that OP will get covid19 from sucking so many dicks.
>DJTwill be re elected
>Australia will rise up and expel its bug overloards
>America will destroy the invisible enemy within
>pol will continue to be flooded by bbc and concern trolling
Easy. I am an astrologer. The coronavirus nonsense will last till May 29th when the planets move out of this current arrangement. We will have several months of less restricted lockdowns, and things will be getting back to 'normal'. You can expect some very heavy earthquakes and natural disasters from June to August. Starting the end of November, there will another global event which will create huge amount of anxiety within the minds of the public. There will be a second American revolution starting December 20th or 21st, and this will continue into February of 2021. Expect lots of food shortages, death, and civil unrest until the mid of 2021. Ultimately our planet is getting an upgrade, and having faith in God is going to be the ultimate protection against the darkness which will be pervading the planet. This is my forecast until the mid of 2021, i havent looked much further.
We will both depth grovelers fighting it out for chunks of neoplasm in the under city.
I predict OP's thread will be obliterated from Yas Forums only to re-emerge on /x/
>I checked my balls
I think these might be our numbers, unless...
Wtf mate you didnt even make a prediction and your numbers are clearly divine
Oh wait you did, the other post was yours too. Winner! Capped your post
You will develop an irrational and unhealthy love for penis.
He's boosting the earlier prophecies. I also donate my energy, if I have any to give
Miami Dade ... ffs they are another epocenter of covid... haaahaaa I guess this is what the hanging chads looked like.
Those with eyes to see will begin to recognized his brother.
expect mandatory mask wearing and movement/contact tracking app universally in the first world by june
also preparations for war in Venezuela by october with joint military exercises between burgers and hues
What are you thinking about me? What do I think about you?
Does a revolution in December imply that Trump loses the election?
how's camp ahmed?
Good (impossible) ending: all jews, their minions, allies and similar groups are wiped out, massive institutional reforms, debt forgiveness and compensation for damages boost everything into new heights.
Bad (and almost certain) ending: jews and their whores get what they want, they use their profits from the "Event 201" to buy a bankrupt and indebted planet for cheap, push an even more authoritarian bloated and bureaucratic government, profit from the acquired debts, the entire planet becomes a third world shithole, (((communist))) China becomes the new ZOG superpower, BRICS masturbate jews, ...
>The ravens will starve from the cremations.
Brexit will sign the death of the EU.
New countries will form where the old once stood.
>A new country will dominate them in strength, Hungary was chosen for this role.
>The two holy voices will die.
>Those who keep the rulers in check will strike, never to work again for their masters.
>The economy has crashed forever. The bear will not go back into it's cave.
This is translated from the "it will happen when the weather cools" prediction from 2016 that pretty much predicted everything that would happen at the end of 2019.
I think this is as close to an accurate prediction as anyone can get. We still have yet to see the goal of that post come to fruition but with everything else happening as the post predicted, within such a short timespan, it's safe to say other forces drive the current happenings
This will happen within your generation.
Missions to Mars
Physically fit and healthy
You will be taken care of by space force.
Your mom will die tonight if you don't pay me 3 million bitcoin right now.
Shit is literally going to get so bad Jesus has to come back
HELL is coming.
100% cereal post.
And you know who the First of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is, right? ;)
These are other things to be prepared for....
Basic Income
School system changes
No religions as you know of today
Everything that you think you know now, will be completely different.
Just to name a few.
In the future, Jews will talk about poop.
You will struggle to satisfy your sexual impulse, work hard to have a high status image in the eyes of other people who don't give a fuck about you, and then after a few decades of this, you will die.
>"""First world countries""" collapse completely
>India, which has less than a 1000 deaths from this faggot virus, flourishes in the ensuing chaos
>the prophesy comes true, and by December 2020 India has ascended to superpower status, usurping the position of the satanic empire USA and it's European vassal states
>the balance of power shifts, the West devolves into the dark ages with untold horrors becoming commonplace, the East becomes the new guiding light of humanity
>and so it goes for another 1000 years before another catastrophe resets the settings and shifts the polarity
We actually have that covered. There is a prayer thanking God for the ability to shit and piss which is to be recited after using the bathroom each time.