How do we stop Overton's window's degeneracy process in society?

How do we stop Overton's window's degeneracy process in society?

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They need to get BLACKED asap

>a girl having fun

just why

How come all these girls have the exact same body?

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Kill yourself nigger

>accidentally 'unravels' her bikini knot
>proceed to show her uncovered pussy for a couple of seconds, giggling and cackling in the meantime

Attached: 1573477107526.webm (694x907, 2.68M)

more of this one plz

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>They need to get BLACKED asap
They will be, but more of them keeps popping up. I mean I thought the white birthrate was falling but there's always another dead white girl to find.

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God I wish that were me

By choosing not to contribute to broken society in the form of taxation and labor. Bout it.

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The jew fears the fancy rolly pollie farmer

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such color...



If white men stop doing their work, society will fall down pretty quickly and white men will be needed again and can rebuild by their own rules.

Chads need to restrain from fucking these tight little goddesses with our big cocks mmmmmmmmm but shes asking for it and daddy wants some

9/10 cringe

Cute little guy


300 fucking dolleridoos?! Brb, raiding my cellar and become a millionaire!

You're not wrong. A woman at a summer fair in a bikini and her bottom coming off during some southern game is not exactly the peak of degeneracy. The only degenerate thing is the fact that everything gets recorded. And bull riding is some shit that right wing southerners in America have been doing for a very long time.

I guess people on Yas Forums literally don't anything about life or history. For instance, for much of history, men and women would regularly attend festivals with dancing, beer and wine, or if upper class, attend a ball that the local noble lady was holding at her mansion and it would have dancing and drinking. Now we also have nightclubs. Sure, the alcoholism and sexual degeneracy is bad, but going out to dance and drink is something that humans have always been doing, most cases during Christian festivals.

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Unironicly, with a virus.

Yas Forums is mostly anglo-american, and anglo-american morality is mostly based on Victorian-era memes that they falsely assume were always "traditional" western morals, rather than some autistic bullshit unique to the Victorians and the Puritans

Yas Forums is mostly autists

The puritans were correct you worthless degenerates. Men and women attended festivals where they drank and danced. But they did so while wearing clothing, and did so only with their spouse, or to find a spouse. They didn't fuck a million people they just met while smashed out of their mind.

Let me reply with the only one topic you fucking retarded rednecks and jews never mention: end social engineering.

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but they did retard, that's why their family told them to "take your responsabilities" after smashing and impregnating a girl while drunk.
you moron.