Why do you guys spend so much time arguing about who's white and who isn't? Isn't the answer to this obvious and self-evident? I believe even Jared Taylor defined white people as simply "people who's ancestors lived in Europe around 500 years ago". Is this just a divide-and-conquer shill tactic?
Why do you guys spend so much time arguing about who's white and who isn't...
So that means Jews are white and the Holocaust was white genocide. Makes sense, as Ashkenazi Jews have contributed greatly to the culture and science of the Western world.
>Holocaust was white genocide.
was it not? It affected only slavs
>p*le in the eternal competition to see who can be the biggest jew and claim to be the biggest victim
Put me in the cap.
Holy shit check those digits
Wow. And here I thought it would predict the end of times.
insecurities are showing
Fucking awful
The white obsessed tards on Pol practice stolen valor of past societies.
The NEETs here have nothing to show for their contributions to modern society.
It's really just pathetic. You don't see other productive societies sperging out about muh supremacy.
A fucking leaf
>Holocaust was white genocide
No. It is is also obvious and self-evident that the Holocaust story is fake, when honest questions are asked about it.
Disgusting tranny
wasted. fuck you, pole. i wish for more dead slavs
Absolute garbage, one blitzkrieg wasn't enough
Based now the other way
nice get
checked and based
Fucking based
NATIVE EUROPEAN PEOPLES who lived in Europe since then, not “people“, else Moors can count as Aryan
please Yas Forums god give me tripz
bruh moment i didnt get em
>Why do (((you guys))) spend so much time arguing about who's white and who isn't?
No OP posts talking about "is X white" are pol. All "is X white" slidethreads are the work of shills. "Is X white" is specifically forbidden in the rules. Pol is continuously shilled by angry dinosaur media hoping to claw back control of the narrative. Shills are not pol, shills are the enwlemy of pol.
Based pole makes the retards mad lol
I sat through this whole thing
checked, therefor you drive now daily over autobahn and deliver goods with trucks, and block all parking places there, so a big improvement from being holocausted to logistic center.
Niggers tongue my anus
>"people who's ancestors lived in Europe around 500 years ago". Is this just a divide-and-conquer shill tactic?
The argument over who is white has existed for centuries. Don't blame shills. Blame the anglo's/germanic's/nords/etc that excluded mediterraneans/slavs/irish/etc from being included in the definition of white for hundreds of years.
Also do something about the people that are 85% white or w/e.
She looks Romanian.
where did you get that image
based, antisemit
>jews lied about holocaust
>slavs eternally butthurt
kek confirms
The hidden Yas Forums server link is discord gg nDHF58
Join before we close the invites. We will interview Nigel Farage this week
based and slavpilled, Hitler was a white traitor who sucked the kike, saved them and promoted into worlds power. finally someone pulled out good di gits comment
>Also do something about the people that are 85% white or w/e.
What do you mean by this, user?
>be Hitler
>save kikes in labor camps
>put into massive slaughter millions of russians and germans
>germans lost immediately, russians lost in 50 years, masters kikes own the world now
fucking eternal cucks. you trully deserve what you have now.
Holocaust really means genocide of the goyim by jews?